Iresine herbstii 'Blazin' Lime'
Code: 90669
Price: $9.95
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Blazin' Lime Blood Leaf, Beefsteak Plant, Chicken Gizzard
This tender tropical perennial from Brazil has striking lime green leaves, veins with cream variegation, and rose colored stems. Its colorful foliage is prized for use in containers, annual beds, and tropical plantings. This low maintenance plant is both heat and shade tolerant. Grow it in filtered sun to part shade and moist, fertile, well-drained soil. The foliage color is more intense in bright light. Grows to 16 inch high and 18 inches wide. It's best to occasionally pinch to encourage a bushy habit. As it is not frost tolerant, it may be overwintered indoors as a houseplant. This cultivar is similar to or may be the same as Iresine 'Formosa'.
Juanulloa mexicana
Code: 80161
Price: $13.95
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(Syn.: Juanulloa aurantiaca), Gold Finger
This showy tropical is a rare vining shrub with plentiful flowers each lasting only a couple of days. However, the brilliant waxy golden orange calyxes last for weeks. As an epiphytic plant, it should be planted in a course, well draining soil mix. Likes full sun and warm weather. Tender, protect from frost. From Central and South America.
Justicia adhatoda
Code: 69146
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Adhatoda vasica), Malabar Nut, Adulsa, Adhatoda, Vasa, or Vasaka
Evergreen tropical shrub to 8 feet high. White flowers have a curved upper lip and are veined red to purplish pink. Summer Blooming. Native to India and Sri Lanka. This is a medicinal plant commonly used in Asia. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Justicia amplifolia
Code: 69144
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Justicia sp. Sidicaro) Orange Plume Justicia
With an abundance of flaming bright orange flowers, this unusual shrimp plant blooms continuously from early spring through fall. It's a fast growing upright herbaceous shrub that grows to 8 feet in height in tropical Florida. Full or partial sun. It can be grown in a container for colder areas and brought indoors for the winter. Previously, we had this listed as Justicia sp. Sidicaro of unknown origin. University of Florida Herbarium is our authority for the identification. It's very attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Justicia aurea
Code: 69085
Price: $9.95
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Golden Plume, Yellow Jacobinia
Note: Schaueria calicotricha is also known by the common name of Golden Plume.
Flowering shrub from Brazil with extraordinary foot long terminal spikes of golden yellow flowers. Grows 8 to 12 feet tall and nearly as wide. Plant in light shade to full sun in coastal areas and give regular irrigation. In the spring prune hard to encourage bushy growth. It's an evergreen shrub in frost-free area to about 30F.
Justicia betonica
Code: 69086
Price: $9.95
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Bushy shrub, upright white bracts with green netting. White flowers turn pink with age.
Justicia brandegeana
Code: 51888
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Beloperone guttata), Shrimp Plant
Continually in bloom with arching spikes of white tubular flowers overlapped by coppery bronze bracts, somewhat resembling large shrimp. This easy evergreen plant grows to 2½ feet high and wide in part shade to full sun. Makes a nice container plant. Protect from frost. Native of Mexico. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Justicia brandegeana 'Mutant'
Code: 51889
Price: $9.95
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Mutant Shrimp Plant
Erect spikes of deep burnished red bracts with deep pink lipped flowers.
Justicia brandegeana 'Pink'
Code: 80163
Price: $9.95
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Pink Shrimp Plant
A different form of the popular shrimp plant that has rosy pink floral bracts, and tubular pink flowers.
Justicia brandegeana 'Variegata'
Code: 51893
Price: $9.95
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Variegated Shrimp Plant
This special form of the popular shrimp plant has leaves splashed creamy white, bronzy orange floral bracts, and tubular white flowers.
Justicia brandegeana 'Yellow Queen'
Code: 51894
Price: $9.95
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Yellow Queen Shrimp Plant
This popular selection has chartreuse-yellow bracts and white flowers.
Justicia brasiliana
Code: 69147
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Dianthera nodosa 'Brazil') Lady in Pink, Pretty in Pink
A relative of the shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeana), this has clusters of beautiful bright pink, tubular, three-lipped flowers along the stems. Bloom almost continuously. A great container plant. Grows 1 to 3 feet high. Prefers part shade with a moist, well drained soil. Protect from frost. From Eastern Brazil.
Justicia candicans
Code: 90271
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Justicia ovata), Red Justicia, Arizona Water Willow
This Arizona native has bright red tubular 1 inch flowers and oval light green fuzzy leaves. Blooms most of the year. Upright grower to 5 feet by 3 feet wide. Prefers well-drained, light moist soils and is best in filtered shade. Attracts hummingbirds. Can tolerate heavy frost to 25F. USDA zones 9 - 10.
Justicia carnea
Code: 51897
Price: $9.95
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Brazilian Plume Flower
Dense soft-wooded shrub with showy terminal spikes of pink flowers. Grows 3 to 5 feet high and to 2 feet wide, blooming midsummer to fall. Cut back in spring to encourage new growth. Plant in part to full shade with ample water and rich soil. Can be grown as an indoor or greenhouse plant in cold climates. Native to South America. Hardy to 28F. USDA zones 9 - 12.
Justicia carnea 'Alba'
Code: 51899
Price: $9.95
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White Brazilian Plume Flower
Pure white flower form of Justicia carnea. Dense soft-wooded shrub with showy terminal spikes of flowers. Grows 3 to 4 feet high and to 2 feet wide, blooming midsummer to fall. Cut back in spring to encourage new growth. Plant in part to full shade with ample water and rich soil. Can be grown as an indoor or greenhouse plant in cold climates. Native to South America. Hardy to 28F. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae
Justicia carnea 'Radiant'
Code: 51898
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Justicia carnea 'Huntington Form'), Radiant Brazilian Plume Flower
A more compact Justicia carnea variety growing 3 to 4 feet high with striking salmon-rose pink flowers and deep green, red backed foliage. Blooms midsummer to fall. Cut back in spring to encourage new growth. Plant in part to full shade with ample water and rich soil. Can be grown as an indoor or greenhouse plant in cold climates. Native to South America. Hardy to 28F. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae
Justicia extensa
Code: 69139
Price: $9.95
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Silverspot Justicia, Camouflage Plant
Novel plant with dark green, shiny leaves spotted with ash-silver. Very small horned flowers green with pink spots, in long terminal panicles in winter. Erect stems with narrow growth habit can reach 6 feet in partial shade. Can be pruned to keep as a foliage houseplant. Native to tropical Africa. Protect from frost.
Justicia 'Fruit Salad'
Code: 51895
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Justicia 'Rainbow')
Red flowers with yellow bracts. Much showier than other shrimp plants.
Justicia gendarussa
Code: 80060
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Gendarussa vulgaris, Adhatoda subserrata), Gandarusa, Water Willow, Willow-Leaved Justicia, Daun Rusa (Malay), Tuhod Manok (Philippines)
Thought to be native to China, it is widely grown throughout Southeast Asia, India, and the Philippines. Gandarusa is an erect, branched, small shrub, 2½ to 5 feet high. Green leaves are lanceolate, smooth, 3 to 5 inches long, ½ inch wide, pointed at the tips. The ½ inch white flowers, spotted purple in the throat and lip, are in spikes up to 5 inches long at the terminal or in the axils of the leaves. Quick growing, it is grown in the tropics as a 2 to 3 foot hedge (planted 12 inches apart) or as an edging plant trimmed to 1 to 2 feet high. Easily grown from cuttings. It requires moist soil in sun or shade. In its native habitat, it grows in shade along stream banks. In Asia it is used as a herbal medicine. Leaves and roots contain a bitter alkaloid (justiciine). It's commonly planted around homes in the Philippines. Hardy to 32F.
Justicia gendarussa 'Variegata'
Code: 80061
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Gendarussa vulgaris 'Variegata', Adhatoda subserrata 'Variegata'), Variegated Gandarusa, Variegated Water Willow, Variegated Willow-Leaved Justicia, Daun Rusa (Malay), Tuhod Manok (Philippines)
A variegated leaf form of gandarusa with various shades of white, green, and gray. Otherwise, the information is the same as for the green form.
Justicia leonardii
Code: 51886
Price: $9.95
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Orange Justicia, Summer Sun Justicia
With clusters of upright tubular orange flowers, this easy Mexican plant is attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. Blooms from late spring through fall. Grows 3 to 4 feet high, 4 to 6 feet wide with small felted ovate leaves. Plant in sun or part shade with good drainage. One of the hardiest justicias. USDA zones 8b - 11.
Justicia petiolaris subsp. bowiei
Code: 90409
Price: $9.95
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Blue Justicia, Kissing Leaves
Attractive 1 ft perennial with soft, velvety oval leaves and two-lipped pink-purple 1 inch flowers. Blooms most of the year. Grow in semi-shade, rich well-drained soil and regular watering. Older plants somewhat drought tolerant. Pinch when young to shape. It self-seeds and roots easily from cuttings. May recover from mild frost by sending up new shoots in spring. Native to South Africa. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Justicia spicigera
Code: 69145
Price: $9.95
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Mexican Honeysuckle
Evergreen shrub with clusters of 1½ inch orange flowers from spring through fall. Grows 3 feet high and 4 feet wide in full sun or partial shade. Attracts hummingbirds. From Mexico and Central America. USDA zones 9 - 11.