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Links Page

This page contains recommended links to plant and gardening web sites and to various plant societies and organizations. Also, we list some of our favorite useful and informative books.

Gardening and Plant Societies

American Begonia Society: http://www.begonias.org

Astro Branch, American Begonia Society: http://absastro.tripod.com/branch.htm

The Gesneriad Society (formerly AGGS): http://www.gesneriadsociety.org

Gesneriad Hybridizer's Association: Information

Ron Myhr's "The Gesneriad Reference Web": http://www.gesneriads.ca

Mr. Impatiens' Website: http://www.mrimpatiens.com Derick Pitman's website dedicated to the cultivation and preservation of Impatiens.

International Hoya Association: http://www.international-hoya.org

Passiflora Society International: http://www.passiflorasociety.org

Sources of Plant Information

Descriptions and photographs of many of the plants listed in this catalog can be found in horticultural books at your local library, bookstore, or on the internet.

Some suggestions are:

"A Tropical Garden Flora" by Staples and Herbst
"Cultivated Plants of the World" by Ellison
"Exotica" and "Tropica" by Graf
"Hortus Third"
"Indoor and Greenhouse Plants" by Phillips and Rix
"The Royal Horticultural Society's Index of Garden Plants" by Griffiths
"The Tropical Look" by Riffle
"Tropical Flowering Plants" by Llamas

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