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Acalypha wilkesiana

Beefsteak Plant, Copperleaf, Jacob's Coat, or Match-Me-If-You-Can

Showy foliage plants with a dazzling array of leaf forms and colors. While tropical in nature, they perform equally well in moderate temperatures as a summer accent plant. Precise identification of cultivars is difficult due to the natural variation of leaves. Hardy to 40F. Acalyphas unavailable in winter.

Acalypha Title

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Acalypha Fancy Leaf Collection Acalypha Fancy Leaf Collection
Code: ACL3
Price: $26.95
Quantity in Basket: none

3 different plants, our choice


Acalypha Brazen Acalypha 'Brazen'
Code: 50075
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Large leaves with solid light copper color. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Fairy Dust Acalypha 'Fairy Dust'
Code: 50091
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Green leaves margined white with creamy gold dustings and splotches throughout the leaf. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Heterophylla Acalypha 'Heterophylla'
Code: 50092
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Branches pendulous with ragged, wavy, narrow ribbon-like leaves. Green with yellow edges. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Hoffmanii Acalypha 'Hoffmanii'
Code: 50080
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Dark green crested leaves with narrow cream margins. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Inferno Acalypha 'Inferno'
Code: 50078
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Small leaves on fire, varying from yellow to orange to red. Australian cultivar. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Jungle Dragon Acalypha 'Jungle Dragon'
Code: 50090
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Large red leaves streaked and spattered with green and gold. From plant collector David Lloyd. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Kilauea Acalypha 'Kilauea'
Code: 50077
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Acalypha 'Firestorm', probably the same as 'Cypress Elf', and 'Mardi Gras')

Dark green finely cut leaves bordered pink, becoming more colorful in summer heat. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Macrophylla Acalypha 'Macrophylla'
Code: 50094
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Huge heart-shaped deep red, copper and bronze leaves. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Marginata Acalypha 'Marginata'
Code: 50095
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none


Coppery leaves, with thin serrate margins of pink. Hardiest variety to 32F. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Raggedy Ann Acalypha 'Raggedy Ann'
Code: 50088
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Australian cultivar with narrow maroon leaves highly serrated and cut. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha hispida White Margined Acalypha hispida 'White Margined'
Code: 50067
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Cream colored cattails with creamy white teeth on older leaf margins. Euphorbiaceae


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