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Relatives of the Angel's Trumpets (Brugmansia), Iochromas are more refined with smaller leaves and brightly colored 1" to 3" tubular flowers that flare 1/2" to 1" wide at the tips, and come in large, densely flowered clusters. From Tropical So. America. Solanaceae.

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Iochroma Collection Iochroma Collection
Code: IOC3
Price: $28.95
Quantity in Basket: none

3 different; our choice (does not include Acnistus or Iochoma australe). Solanaceae


Acnistus arborescens Acnistus arborescens
Code: 69134
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Wild Tree Tobacco, Hollowheart

Related to Iochroma. Uncommon small to medium sized tree, growing 10 to 20 feet high. Soft bark is beige, corky with deep vertical ridges and fissures. Try growing orchids, tillandsias and other epiphytes on it's limbs. Very small ¼th inch bell-shaped scented white flowers clustered on branches are followed by tiny orange tomato-like inedible fruits that are popular with birds. Plant has anticancer properties, but no nicotine derivatives, as common name would suggest. Subtropical, it will survive brief frosts. We're not sure of it's landscape value, but it might be of interest to collectors. Native to Central and South America and the Caribbean. Solanaceae


Iochroma cyaneum Royal Blue Iochroma cyaneum 'Royal Blue'
Code: 51855
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Bright deep blue flowers in extra large, full clusters. Always in bloom. Solanaceae


Iochroma cyaneum Sky King Iochroma cyaneum 'Sky King'
Code: 51857
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Beautiful sky blue flowers in clusters. Solanaceae


Iochroma Frosty Plum Iochroma 'Frosty Plum'
Code: 69135
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Similar to Iochroma 'Plum Beauty' but with an edge of white frosting to the large plum colored flowers. Solanaceae


Iochroma fuchsioides Iochroma fuchsioides
Code: 51860
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

A beautiful and rare species with fiery red flowers in clusters and glossy green leaves. Lower growing, spreading habit. Solanaceae


Iochroma grandiflora Iochroma grandiflora
Code: 51862
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

A beautiful species, with bright blue flowers, 3 inches long and flaring to 1 inch wide (the largest flowers of the iochromas). Good container plant, compact habit. Solanaceae


Iochroma umbellata Iochroma umbellata
Code: 90121
Price: $14.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Acnistus umbellatus, Dunalia umbellata, Lycium umbellatum)

Rare Iochroma for the collector with greenish-yellow flowers mottled with purple and many-seeded bitter greenish-white fruit. Shrub or small tree growing from 7 to 16 feet high. Give rich soil with adequate moisture, part shade to full sun. Collected by Paul C. Hutchison, J. Wright, and R. Straw near Huamachuco, Peru at an elevation of 9,350 feet in 1964 for the U.C. Berkeley Botanical Garden. Has been found by others growing in Peru from 6,200 to 12,700 feet. Growing at these high elevations probably means some frost tolerance. Solanaceae


Iochroma White Knight Iochroma 'White Knight'
Code: 90305
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Iochroma 'White Knight' is a new interspecies hybrid between Iochroma australe 'Alba' and Iochroma cyaneum. It has the long tubular flowers of I. cyaneum in the rare color of white with the slight flaring bell shape from I. australe. So far, the blooming habit seems to be to put out long stems with a large cluster at the tip followed by smaller weeping side shoots with smaller numerous clusters. Much more trainable than pure I. cyaneum, this type can be trained to be low and spreading or trained up to be a tall specimen. Flower color can be subjective in iochromas since they seem to change color with light intensity or duration. I. 'White Knight' has pink buds which open to long white flowers in mostly summer sun but can keep a slight pink tinge in more shade. Exclusive. (Thompson) Solanaceae


Iochroma Wine Red Iochroma 'Wine Red'
Code: 51859
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Clusters of deep crimson flowers all season. Solanaceae


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