Fockea edulis
Code: 90673
Price: $12.95
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Hottentot Bread
This collector's plant is a semi-decidous succulent perennial grown for its swollen caudiciform base. It has thin, twining stems growing up to 3 feet with 1/2 to 1 inch long gray-green oval leaves and tiny lightly scented starfish-shaped, lime green flowers. It is dioecious with male and female flowers on separate plants. In nature, the tuberous caudex grows underground reaching a size up to 2 feet in diameter. Growers leave the young plants with this base buried in the pot until the desired size is reached. It's then repotted with the caudex above ground creating the unique bonsai look. To protect this base from sunburn grow the plant in light shade. Train the twining stems on a framework or keep trimmed to keep them from growing over nearby plants. Plant in a fast-draining cactus mix and water regularly from spring to fall, then reduce watering in winter during dormancy to prevent rotting. Though the name 'edulis' indicates the plant is edible, it requires an elaborate process to rid the tuber of its toxicity. This endangered species, native to South Africa and Namibia, can withstand a light frost as low as 28F for short periods. USDA zones 9b - 11.
Fuchsia arborescens
Code: 51553
Price: $9.95
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Tree Fuchsia
Open shrub or small tree with narrow, elliptic deep green leaves and large clusters of rose-purple tubular flowers. Mexico.
Fuchsia 'Gartenmeister Bohnstedt'
Code: 51565
Price: $9.95
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Honeysuckle Fuchsia
Clusters of red flowers, loved by hummingbirds.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Glazerii'
Code: 90217
Price: $10.95
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An ideal corsage variety as flowers tend to be flat, 3 to 5 inches in width. Compact, bushy grower with intense fragrance. Plant in moist, acidic soil with good drainage in partial sun. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Miami Supreme'
Code: 51572
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Gardenia augusta 'Miami Supreme')
Flowers fully double and fragrant, as large as Gardenia jasminoides 'Aimee Yoshida'. Excellent foliage and compact growth. 15F.
Gardenia thunbergia
Code: 51573
Price: $19.95
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Magnificent shrub with glossy dark green leaves and very large waxy white pinwheel flowers with wonderful sweet citrus fragrance. Commonly used as rootstock for grafting the ornamental Gardenia jasminoides varieties. S.E. Africa.