Ecbolium viride
Code: 51481
Price: $9.95
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Green Ice Crossandra, Green Shrimp, Turquoise Crossandra
A most unusual flower color of aquamarine on this small shade loving greenhouse plant. Justicia relative from Arabia.
Eranthemum pulchellum
Code: 51500
Price: $9.95
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Terminal clusters of electric blue flowers in winter, dark green foliage.
Eranthemum wattii
Code: 51501
Price: $9.95
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Similar to Eranthemum pulchellum but with a deeper purple flower. Prefers a rich soil, semi-shade and frost protection. Colorful greenhouse plant. India.
Erodium reichardii 'Flore Plena'
Code: 40052
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Erodium chamaedryoides 'Flore Plena')
Small rosettes of tiny, slightly lobed, dark green leaves with double pink flowers. Grow on a sunny window, or out-of-doors in pots or as a rock garden ground cover. (M)
Erythrina humeana 'Raja'
Code: 80092
Price: $10.95
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Dwarf Natal Coral Tree
This dwarf form of the natal coral tree grows up to 12 feet high and wide. A true collector's plant that can be grown as a large bonsai with its fast growing caudex. We've seen the caudex grow 3 feet wide. It produces a brilliant show with bold spikes of dark red flowers when very young, blooming from late summer through fall. Plant in full sun with good drainage and protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Native to southern Africa. Our plants offered in 2¾ inch pots with caudex already forming.
Eugenia uniflora
Code: 80111
Price: $9.95
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Surinam Cherry, Brazilian Cherry, Pitanga
Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 feet with glossy red fruit rich in vitamin C. Delicious eaten fresh or made into jams or jellies. New leaves bronzy red with small, fragrant white flowers in summer. Can be used as a clipped hedge plant, which may sacrifice fruit, or as a screen. USDA zones 9 - 12. Native to tropical America. Sorry, cannot be shipped to Florida.
Euphorbia bicompacta var. rubra - Green Form
Code: 90341
Price: $14.95
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(Syn.: Synadenium compactum var. rubrum, incorrectly as Synadenium grantii), African Milk Bush
This is a thornless semi-succulent shrub that is grown in tropical gardens for its large fleshy colorful leaves. The leaf color varies for different forms from green with red splotches to mostly reddish-purple with green spots. Plants offered here are of the green form. It's grown as a tropical looking ornamental and can be used as an informal hedge. Grows 6 to 15 feet high. Requires part to full sun and very good drainage. This drought resistant plant doesn't like to be overwatered. It's hardy to a light frost, but will probably drop its leaves. USDA zones 9 - 12. This native of Kenya is usually misnamed in the horticulture trade being confused with its rarely grown greener relative Synadenium grantii (now known as Euphorbia umbellata). Most of the synadeniums have been reclassified into the Euphorbia family.
Warning: When injured or pruned, it produces large amounts of white latex sap which is an extreme irritant and can cause dermatitis and eye injury. Don't grow it around small children or animals that might ingest it, as it is poisonous.
Euphorbia milii 'Fireworks'
Code: 90654
Price: $14.95
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(Syn.: Euphorbia milii 'BK Fireworks'), Fireworks Crown of Thorns, Peppermint Candy Crown of Thorns
This succulent Crown of Thorns has beautifully variegated leaves of pale green and white with red flowers. Compact, slow grower to about 18 inches high, it does best in bright shade or full sun with protection from the hottest midday sun. Protect it from frost and give it a fast draining cactus mix and water only when on the dry side.
Euphorbia neococcinea
Code: 90238
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Monadenium coccineum), Masai Spurge
This is a colorful flowering succulent plant with pink to red miniature orchid-shaped flowers winter thru spring. Yellow-green stems to 2 feet high arise from a subterranean caudex up to 6 inches in diameter, which may be raised to create an attractive caudiciform specimen. Of easy culture, give a bright setting with well drained soil, such as cactus potting soil. Native of northern Tanzania. USDA zones 9b - 10b.
Fatshedera lizei 'Annemieke'
Code: 90346
Price: $12.95
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(Syn.: × Fatshedera lizei 'Mediopicta', 'Aureovariegata', 'Aureomaculata', 'Lemon and Lime'), Anne Mieke Tree Ivy, Golden Variegated Fatshedera, or Botanical Wonder
The original all green Botanical Wonder was a rare chance hybrid between Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica, and ivy, Hedera (either helix or hibernica), at a nursery in France around 1910. Because of this bigeneric parentage, it can't decide if it wants to be a shrub or a vine. It has large leathery, dark green, maple-like leaves boldly splashed with yellow-green in its center. Grows best in light shade, but is tolerant of dark shade, making a nice contrast with many other shade-loving plants. In the fall are produced small clusters of sterile white flowers on terminal panicles. Train it upright as a shrub or small patio tree, espaliered against a wall, or just use it as a large vine. It lacks the damaging aerial roots of ivy. Pinch growing tips to force side branching. Because it can thrive in low light, it can easily be grown as a houseplant. Evergreen to about 20F and damaged in the mid-teens. USDA zones 8 - 11.
Ficus deltoidea
Code: 51441
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Ficus diversifolia), Mistletoe Fig
This species has small delta-shaped deep green leaves, ornamental yellowish fruit. Excellent bonsai subject. 28F.
Ficus deltoidea 'Variegata'
Code: 90292
Price: $15.95
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(Syn.: Ficus diversifolia 'Variegata'), Variegated Mistletoe Fig
This attractive small ornamental fig has small delta-shaped deep green leaves splashed with white and ornamental yellowish fruit. Excellent bonsai subject. Native to Southeast Asia. 28F.
Ficus elastica 'Variegata'
Code: 90651
Price: $19.95
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Variegated Indian Rubber Tree
The Variegated Rubber Plant has thick, light green leaves margined with various shades of creamy white. For a colorful contrast, new leaves appear with overtones of pink from bright red sheaths that cover the unopened leaves. In its native tropical Asia, this tree can reach an enormous height of over 100 feet with large buttresses and aerial roots. However for us, it makes an ideal specimen container plant, indoors or out, staying a manageable size for years. This is an easy houseplant, as long as it is not overwatered. Always let it dry out a bit between waterings and give it bright indirect light. Needs protection from frost. USDA zones 10 - 12.
Ficus microcarpa 'Hawaii'
Code: 90433
Price: $15.95
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(Syn.: Ficus nitida, Ficus retusa), Variegated Cuban Laurel, Indian Laurel Fig, Chinese Banyan
Also known as Ficus microcarpa 'Variegata', this evergreen tree has 2 to 4 inch elliptic thick leathery leaves boldly variegated with dark green, gray-green, and white. The bark is a light gray in color. Outdoors it grows into a large specimen tree, or used indoors as a house plant, even as a bonsai. With age can form aerial roots. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Ficus microcarpa var. crassifolia 'Green Mound'
Code: 90455
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Ficus 'Green Mound'), Wax Ficus
Two similar varieties are often confused in the Florida plant trade. This Ficus 'Green Mound' has heavy-textured pointed leaves with the plant growing to a height of 6 feet, while Ficus 'Green Island' has somewhat smaller rounded leaves and it grows prostrate to only 3 to 4 feet in height. Our selection came from Hawaii where, like in Florida, it is used as a small shrub or a low hedge, standing up to salt, wind and drought. With almost no pruning, it forms a dense dark green mound, easily kept below six feet. It also makes a very desirable bonsai. It should be protected from frost as very cold temperatures may cause some leaf spotting, but it should survive down to an occasional 30F. It is native to Asia. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Ficus natalensis subsp. leprieurii 'Malay Gold'
Code: 51442
Price: $24.95
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(Syn.: Ficus triangularis 'Variegata', Ficus triangularis 'Coconut Cream'), Variegated Dwarf Triangle Fig
Beautiful 2 to 3 inch variegated triangular leaves and a dwarf, compact habit distinguish this interesting houseplant. Young leaves are broadly edged golden yellow and patterned in shades of dark green and gray green. Older leaves are patterned light and dark green, with no two leaves exactly alike. Recommended for bonsai.
Kartuz Greenhouses has been offering this cultivar, 'Malay Gold', for over 30 years. We recently obtained 'Coconut Cream', which seems to be a popular variety in Eastern Europe. We can not detect any differences between the two and consider them to be the same plant.
Ficus pumila 'Snowflake'
Code: 40006
Price: $9.95
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Tiny dark green leaves bordered white, creeping stems. Terrarium, dish garden, or tropical ground cover. (F,D,T)
Ficus salicaria
Code: 51444
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Ficus subulata, Ficus salicifolia, Ficus neriifolia)
Narrow, dark evergreen glossy leaves, compact, upright. Great for bonsai.