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Gmelina to Ilex

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Gmelina philippensis Gmelina philippensis
Code: 51775
Price: $13.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Parrot's Beak

Tropical shrub with hop-like pendulous racemes of yellow flowers. Makes a beautiful espalier, patio tree or topiary in full sun. India, Philippines. Lamiaceae


Graptophyllum pictum

The Caricature Plant is cultivated in tropical areas worldwide for use as hedges, screening, or specimen plantings. Also, ideal as mixed container plants for a tropical effect and a colorful addition to a conservatory or greenhouse. Various color forms are available, which are similar in appearance to Crotons and Pseuderanthemums. Left untrimmed they may grow up to 20 feet in height in tropical areas, such as Hawaii. They thrive in partial shade to full sun, in heat and humidity with ample moisture. In drier climates, part shade is recommended. Not a seaside plant, as it is not salt tolerant. As a tender tropical they cannot stand cold. Minimum temperature of 40F. USDA zones 10 - 11. Native to New Guinea.

Graptophyllum and Pseuderanthemum Collection Graptophyllum and Pseuderanthemum Collection
Code: GPS3
Price: $26.95
Quantity in Basket: none

3 different, our choice, from a selection of colorful leafed tropical subshrubs such as: Pseuderanthemum alatum, Pseuderanthemum carruthersii cultivars, Graptophyllum pictum 'Tricolor', Graptophyllum pictum 'Chocolate', etc. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum excelsum Graptophyllum excelsum
Code: 80062
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Scarlet Fuchsia Bush

An erect multiple stemmed shrub or small tree to 9 feet with attractive glossy green foliage. Waxy, deep red, 1 inch tubular flowers occur in spring and early summer. In a good season, the plant becomes a mass of brilliant scarlet red flowers. Plant does sucker, creating a clump. Best flowering in full sun. Drought tolerant. Slow growing. As an Australian native plant, be sure that any fertilizer used has very little phosphorus. Nectar feeding birds, such as hummingbirds, find the flowers irresistible. Can be grown from a cool temperate to tropical climate, but protect from frost. USDA zones 9 to 12. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum pictum - White Centered Graptophyllum pictum
Code: 90545
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Caricature Plant

Deep green leaves with large creamy white blotches in the center. This cultivar does not seem to have a varietal name, as it may be the original type from the South Pacific for which the species is named. This evergreen tropical shrub grows up to 6 feet high, but can be kept to 3 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum pictum Alba Variegata Graptophyllum pictum 'Alba Variegata'
Code: 80065
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Variegated Caricature Plant

Colorful green and white leaves. Evergreen tropical shrub to 6 feet, but can be kept to 3 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum pictum Aurea Marginata Graptophyllum pictum 'Aurea Marginata'
Code: 80064
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Golden Caricature Plant

Colorful golden leaves with green center area and wavy edges. Evergreen tropical shrub to 4 feet, but can be kept to 2 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum pictum Bronze Graptophyllum pictum 'Bronze'
Code: 80063
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Bronze Caricature Plant

These plants are cultivated chiefly for their colorful, glossy foliage. This one is with solid dark bronze, almost chocolate colored leaves. Evergreen tropical shrub to 6 feet, but can be kept to 3 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum pictum Chocolate Graptophyllum pictum 'Chocolate'
Code: 80066
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Chocolate Caricature Plant

Striking color combination of chocolate colored leaves with yellowish-pink center splotch, and pinkish-red stems. Evergreen tropical shrub to 6 feet, but can be kept to 3 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum pictum Eldorado Graptophyllum pictum 'Eldorado'
Code: 80067
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Eldorado Caricature Plant

Dark green leaves with a large irregular, yellow margin that is bright golden yellow in high light or yellow green in low light. Evergreen tropical shrub to 6 feet, but can be kept to 3 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Graptophyllum pictum Tricolor Graptophyllum pictum 'Tricolor'
Code: 80068
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Tricolor or Waimea Caricature Plant

The glossy, oval-shaped foliage is green with center flushed with cream, pink, and orange. Evergreen tropical shrub to 6 feet, but can be kept to 3 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Gynura aurantiaca Gynura aurantiaca
Code: 90531
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Velvet Plant. Purple Velvet Plant, Royal Velvet Plant, Velvet Tree

This showy plant from Java is grown for its handsome velvety 5 inch leaves and stems that are covered in dense purple hairs. Its growth is robust with upright stems that are thick and succulent, growing 3 to 5 feet in height. Its tall stems may need some staking. Best purple leaf color is in bright light on new growth. Clusters of tiny, daisy-like, orange-yellow flowers appear in winter. It dislikes extreme heat or cold and needs winter protection below 40F. Plant it as a soft purple accent in a tropical garden bed. USDA zones 10 - 12. It is usually found that its botanical name is given in error to the common trailing house plant "Purple Passion Plant", which is probably a hybrid between Gynura aurantiaca and Gynura procumbens. Asteraceae


Hamelia cuprea Hamelia cuprea
Code: 90095
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Bahama Firebush

This is a beautiful glossy leafed shrub with abundant 1½ inch golden yellow bell-shaped flowers with streaks of orange, blooming spring through fall. It makes an excellent shrub or screening plant and can be easily pruned as a container plant for the greenhouse or trimmed to be a small patio tree 6 to 10 feet high. Plant in well-drained soil with moderate moisture, full sun to part shade. Protect from frost. Attractive to hummingbirds. Reportedly hybridizes easily with Hamelia patens with highly variable offspring. Native to the Cayman Islands, Cuba, Haiti, and Jamaica. USDA zones 10 - 11. Rubiaceae


Haworthia cymbiformis Haworthia cymbiformis
Code: 90657
Price: $7.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Haworthia cuspidatus), Cathedral Window Haworthia

This popular succulent plant has a pale green rosette of fat, fleshy boat-shaped leaves with dark longitudinal stripes and transparent tips. Small tubular green or brown veined flowers are white to pale pink on slender 8 inch stalks. It's an easy to grow potted plant that grows into a dense clump. Plant in a gritty succulent potting soil for good drainage. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. It grows best in morning sun or partial shade and is able to tolerate low, indoor light. Haworthias are winter growers and go dormant in the hot summer months when it is important not to over-water. Outdoors, it can handle cool weather but protect from frost. Native to South Africa. Asphodelaceae


Haworthia retusa Haworthia retusa
Code: 90658
Price: $7.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Star Cactus, Window Succulent

Despite the common name Star Cactus, it is not a cactus at all. This is a small succulent that forms star-shaped rosettes of lime green leaves with translucent windows and veining at the tips. These plump "retuse" leaves are curved back allowing sunlight into the plant through its transparent windows. This helps it tolerate low-light conditions allowing interior photosynthesis of the leaves. In its native habitat of South Africa, it's often buried in the ground with just its flattened leaves showing. Small tubular green or brown veined flowers are white on slender 20 inch stalks, blooming typically in late spring to summer. Haworthia are slow growers and in pots can eventually develop into dense clumps. Plant in a gritty succulent potting soil for good drainage. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. It grows best in morning sun or partial shade and is able to tolerate low, indoor light. Haworthias are winter growers and go dormant in the hot summer months when it is important not to over-water. Outdoors, it can handle cool weather but protect from frost. Asphodelaceae


Hibiscus arnottianus Hibiscus arnottianus
Code: 51656
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Native Hawaiian White Hibiscus

Large white fragrant flowers with prominent red stamens. Malvaceae


Hibiscus Carnival Hibiscus 'Carnival'
Code: 51676
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Pink Cooperi

Showy pink variegated foliage splashed pink, white and rose with shades of green. Dwarf, with single red flowers. Very tender to cold. Minimum temperature 40F. Malvaceae


Hibiscus Cooperi Hibiscus 'Cooperi'
Code: 69083
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Showy variegated foliage splashed white and pink with shades of green. Dwarf, single red flowers. Malvaceae


Hibiscus diversifolius Hibiscus diversifolius
Code: 90230
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Swamp Hibiscus

Large 4 inch yellow flowers with rich maroon blotch in center. Free-flowering in warmer months. Leaves have three to five lobes and are rough to the touch. Stems with short prickles. Grows fast to 3 or 4 feet high and wide. Responds well to pruning. Train against a wall or useful as a container plant. Likes full sun to part shade and is tolerant of a wide range of conditions such as dry or swampy ground, poor soil, wind, and light to moderate frost. Native to Tropical Africa and Asia. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae


Hibiscus El Capitolio Hibiscus 'El Capitolio'
Code: 90215
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Red El Capitolio Hibiscus, El Capitolio Bloody Mary Hibiscus, Red Poodle Hibiscus

New! This hibiscus has bright red fringed petals, often with streaks of white, and a pendant style massed with additional ruffled petals, thus its "Red Poodle" common name. It's classified as a miniature with flowers are up to 5 inches in size. It's a very prolific bloomer from early summer until fall. With an unknown origin, it might be an extreme form of ancient Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or an intermediate form between Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Hibiscus schizopetalus. This fast growing, sun loving, tall shrub has a somewhat weeping habit. It makes a nice container grown plant. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae


Hibiscus El Capitolio Sport Hibiscus 'El Capitolio Sport'
Code: 90213
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Hibiscus 'Salmon El Capitolio')

With soft apricot ruffled petals and a scarlet red center, it's even more colorful than its red parent, 'El Capitolio'. It has a most unusual formation with the end of the style massed with ruffled petals, resembling a flower within a flower or giving it a poodle effect. With flowers are up to 5 inches in size, it's a very prolific bloomer from early summer until fall. 'El Capitolio Sport' is the official (2002) registered International Hibiscus Society name given to it. This tall upright vigorous grower is ideal for training into a patio tree. Give full sun, good air circulation, and regular feeding. Best when allowed to be slightly dry between waterings. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae


Hibiscus General Corteges Hibiscus 'General Corteges'
Code: 51678
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Foliage fantastically variegated creamy gold and deep green. Very large red flowers. Malvaceae


Hibiscus Hummels Fantasy Hibiscus 'Hummels Fantasy'
Code: 51677
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Similar to Hibiscus 'Cooperi' but foliage has more white variegation and is very compact. Ideal potted plant. Very tender to cold temperatures. Minimum temperature 40F. Malvaceae


Hibiscus Madame Chiang Kai Shek Hibiscus 'Madame Chiang Kai Shek'
Code: 90390
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

This hibiscus is a very old cultivar in Southern California. It grows tall and vigorous to an believable height of 30 feet with large double pale salmon-pink flowers. There is the slightest sweet scent to the flowers, which may indicate some Hibiscus arnottianus in its breeding. It's very free flowering during the summer and may be kept smaller with pruning. Plant in full sun, amended well drained soil, and give regular feeding. Protect from frost. There is also a registered yellow flowered Hawaiian hibiscus hybrid with this name. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae


Hibiscus ovalifolius Hibiscus ovalifolius
Code: 80112
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Hibiscus calyphyllus), Rock's Hibiscus

Hibiscus species used for ground cover and bedding plant in Hawaii. Also can be trained as a hedge or container plant. Sprawling growth to 3 feet high. Sulfur colored flowers with maroon eye. Blooms summer, fall. Full sun, average well-drained soil. Frost tender plant native to tropical Africa. USDA zones 10 and 11. Malvaceae


Hibiscus schizopetalus Hibiscus schizopetalus
Code: 69081
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Fringed Hibiscus

Very ornate fringed double flowers streaked with pink and red hang from arching branches like little chandeliers. Blooms best with heat and humidity. Often grown as a hanging basket plant or trained as a standard. A most unusual hibiscus. Tropical East Africa. Malvaceae


Hibiscus splendens Hibiscus splendens
Code: 90314
Price: $13.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Splendid Hibiscus, Hollyhock Tree, Pink Cottonwood

The splendid 6 inch flowers of this very rare Australian hibiscus are of a soft pink that are pinstriped with white veins. It blooms spring and summer, and sporadically at other times of the year. The large silvery lobed leaves are velvety to the touch, while the stem have a sparse covering of prickles. Plant this fast growing perennial shrub in well drained soil in sun or semi-shade. Grows 6 to 15 feet high. Regular tip pruning helps keep plant from becoming sparse. It grows well as a container plant and can tolerate some frost. Avoid high phosphorous fertilizers. Native to eastern Australia. Probably best in USDA zone 9. Malvaceae


Holmskioldia sanguinea Copper Flower Holmskioldia sanguinea 'Copper Flower'
Code: 51782
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Chinese Hat Plant

Coppery red bracts and tubular flowers on this variety give the appearance of tiny, wide-brimmed chinese style hats. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Easy to grow. Full sun to part shade. Evergreen scandent shrub to 10 feet. USDA zones 9 - 11. Minimum temperature 32F. From India and the Himalayas. Lamiaceae


Holmskioldia sanguinea Red Flower Holmskioldia sanguinea 'Red Flower'
Code: 51780
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Chinese Hat Plant, Mandarin's Hat

Deep red bracts and tubular flowers give the unmistakable appearance of tiny, wide-brimmed chinese style hats, and have made this a popular everblooming shrub in the tropics. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. From India and the Himalayas. 32F. Lamiaceae


Homalocladium platycladum Homalocladium platycladum
Code: 80055
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Muehlenbeckia platyclada), Centipede Plant, Ribbon Plant

Unusual evergreen plant from the Solomon Islands. Leafless, it has flat, ribbon-like jointed green stems with tiny whitish-green flowers in spring. Container plant or well-drained soil in part shade. Tolerates light frost. Polygonaceae


Hypoestes aristata Hypoestes aristata
Code: 90092
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Ribbon Bush

This evergreen shrubby perennial, with erect stems holding soft green leaves, is covered with spikes of showy lavender flowers from fall to early winter. The lavender two-lipped flowers have the upper lip spotted with darker markings. Grows 4 to 5 feet tall and wide. Plant in full sun to light shade with occasional water in the summer. Frost and drought tolerant. Prune back hard after blooming. May reseed. Native to South Africa. USDA zones 9 - 11. Acanthaceae


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