Botanists have recently reclassified the milkweed family as Apocynaceae subfamily Asclepiadoideae.
Asclepias curassavica - orange
Code: 80123
Price: $9.95
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Orange Butterfly Weed
Standard variety with orange and gold flowers all summer. Easy to grow perennial to 18 inches high, full sun, regular water. Attracts the monarch butterfly. This species grows year-round in warmer climates, unlike North America's native species. Because a tiny parasite that harms monarch butterflies may overwinter on this tropical milkweed, it is advisable to cut it down in winter to let it regrow clean foliage. USDA zones 8 - 11. Summer annual elsewhere. Native to tropical America.
Asclepias curassavica - red
Code: 69072
Price: $9.95
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Red Butterfly Weed
A selected variety with red and yellow flowers all summer. Easy to grow perennial to 18 inches high, full sun, regular water. Attracts the monarch butterfly. This species grows year-round in warmer climates, unlike North America's native species. Because a tiny parasite that harms monarch butterflies may overwinter on this tropical milkweed, it is advisable to cut it down in winter to let it regrow clean foliage. USDA zones 8 - 11. Summer annual elsewhere. Native to tropical America.
Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Gold'
Code: 50252
Price: $9.95
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Silky Gold Butterfly Weed
A selected variety with golden yellow flowers all summer. Easy to grow perennial to 18 inches high, full sun, regular water. Attracts the monarch butterfly. This species grows year-round in warmer climates, unlike North America's native species. Because a tiny parasite that harms monarch butterflies may overwinter on this tropical milkweed, it is advisable to cut it down in winter to let it regrow clean foliage. USDA zones 8 - 11. Summer annual elsewhere. Native to tropical America.
Asystasia gangetica - White Flower
Code: 90226
Price: $9.95
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Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove
This is a tender tropical perennial that sprawls over the ground, producing numerous dainty 1 inch trumpet-shaped flowers with five flaring lobes, opening white and becoming flushed with pale purplish tones as they age. The oval to heart-shaped dark green leaves are held in opposite pairs on creeping stems. It thrives in sun or partial shade and can tolerant dry conditions, heat, humidity, salty air, and poor nutrient soils. Give this easy growing plant good drainage and medium moisture for optimum growth. Just protect it from frost. It's mature height is 1 to 2 ft and spreads 3 to 4 ft wide. Useful as a groundcover and for mass plantings under large trees and borders. It can be trimmed hard and resprouts quickly. Its flowers attract numerous varieties of butterflies. Useful as a house plant and looks great spilling over from containers, planter boxes, or hanging baskets. In colder regions, try it as an annual groundcover or potted plant. In the tropics, it is sometimes regarded as a pretty weed as it easily sets seeds. It is believed to be native to India, Malaysia, and eastern Africa and has naturalized in many other tropical regions. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae
These plants should not be confused with Asystasia gangetica ssp. micrantha, which has white 1 inch bell-shaped flowers with purple stripes and hairy leaves and stems. That plant should never be planted, as it is a very serious weed.
Asystasia gangetica 'St. John'
Code: 90384
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Asystasia gangetica 'Variegata', 'Ivory Ribbons'), Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove
This is a tender tropical perennial that sprawls over the ground, producing numerous dainty 1 inch lavender-purple trumpet-shaped flowers with five flaring lobes. The brightly variegated leaves of yellow and dark green, make a great contrast with the flowers. It thrives in sun or partial shade and can tolerant dry conditions, heat, humidity, salty air, and poor nutrient soils. Give this easy growing plant good drainage and medium moisture for optimum growth. Just protect it from frost. It's mature height is 1 to 2 ft and spreads 3 to 4 ft wide. Useful as a groundcover and for mass plantings under large trees and borders. It can be trimmed hard and resprouts quickly. Its flowers attract numerous varieties of butterflies. Useful as a house plant and looks great spilling over from containers, planter boxes, or hanging baskets. In colder regions, try it as an annual groundcover or potted plant. The species is believed to be native to India, Malaysia, and eastern Africa and has naturalized in many other tropical regions. USDA zones 9 - 12.
Augusta rivalis
Code: 80122
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Lindenia rivalis), Needle Flower
This rare exotic shrub has 5 inch long white tubular flowers flaring to 1½ inches wide in clusters. It gets its common name from the needle-like unopened flower buds. Almost everblooming, even on young plants. Compact growing to 3 feet in height. Ideal for containers or small gardens. Plant in acid to neutral soil with plenty of moisture in full sun to part shade. It's cold hardy to the low 30's, but needs warmth and humidity to grow and thrive. Native to Central America where it grows along stream beds and is pollinated by hawkmoths. Some Florida commercial growers are selling this with the name Albertia sp. Belize in error.
Bakeridesia integerrima
Code: 80170
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Abutilon chittendenii), Canary Tree
Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 feet. One to two inch yellow flowers with orange streaks in the throat. Blooms in profusion for 6 to 8 months. Keep soil evenly moist, in well drained soil. Ideal for small gardens or large containers. Attractive to butterflies. Can probably withstand brief periods of mild frost. From Honduras and Guatemala. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Ballochia rotundifolia
Code: 90569
Price: $15.95
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This very rare endangered plant is native to the island of Socotra (part of Yemen) located in the Arabian Sea. The foliage looks somewhat like that of boxwood, but with small 1 inch slightly bent orange tubular flowers in summer. It's a low growing, heavily branched shrub growing up to 3 feet high, with gray twigs, and rounded ½ inch long dark green leaves. In its natural habitat, it grows at an elevation of 1,500 to 2,000 feet in subtropical/tropical drought-deciduous forests, with only about 15 inches of rainfall a year. There is no information available on its culture and habit in cultivation. It would seem to be a long-lived, drought resistant shrub that needs excellent drainage, full sun, and protection from frost. It could possibly be trained as an unusual bonsai. Our guess: USDA zones 9b - 12.
Barleria lupulina
Code: 90572
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Dicliptera spinosa), Hophead Philippine Violet, Porcupine Flower
Species name lupulina means "resemble hops," referring to the flower heads. From a terminal spike of purple tipped overlapping bracts, appearing in summer, are buttery yellow flowers with long stamens. This is a thorny upright shrub to 4 feet in height with dark reddish brown stems and dark green leaves, that have a prominent red vein running down the center. It's commonly sheared and used as an attractive barrier hedge in the tropics. In Asia, it is sometimes used medicinally as an anti-inflammatory poultice for insect and snake bites. Give it full sun to partial shade and fertile, moist, well-drained (sandy or gritty) soil. It is somewhat drought tolerant. Native to Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, but naturalized throughout the tropics. Cannot take any frost. USDA zones 10b - 11.
Barleria obtusa
Code: 90094
Price: $9.95
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Bush Violet
Sprawling evergreen shrub to 3 feet high by 5 feet wide with dark green elliptic leaves, covered with 1 inch blue-purple flowers in late fall and winter. Sun or light shade. Fast growing. Drought resistant and can take a small amount of frost. Native to South Africa. USDA zones 9 - 11.
Barleria repens 'Pink'
Code: 80084
Price: $9.95
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Pink Bush Violet
This cultivar is characterized by its pink flowers and dark green glossy leaves. It's an excellent ground cover that can be pruned into a low hedge. Very suitable as a container plant, or on top of a low wall, where its foliage and flowers can spill down. Prune and fertilize at regular intervals and keep well watered. Plant does best in cool sun or light shade. Height 1 to 2 feet. Hardy to 28F in a protected location. Native to South Africa.
Barleria repens 'Purple Prince'
Code: 80083
Price: $9.95
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Purple Prince Bush Violet
'Purple Prince' is a medium grower with glossy green leaves with deep purple tubular flowers. It's an excellent ground cover that can be pruned into a low hedge. Very suitable as a container plant, or on top of a low wall, where its foliage and flowers can spill down. Prune and fertilize at regular intervals and keep well watered. Plant does best in cool sun or light shade. Hardy to 28F in a protected location. Height 1 to 2 feet. Native to South Africa.
Barleria repens 'Rosea'
Code: 80082
Price: $9.95
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Coral Creeper Bush Violet
A vigorous evergreen low grower with small rounded soft glossy leaves and flame-red flowers at various times throughout the year. Very suitable as a container plant, or on top of a low wall, where its foliage and flowers can spill down. Mass plant in partial shade under trees to form a ground cover, or plant along the edge of an informal border. Prune and fertilize at regular intervals and keep well watered. Plant does best in cool sun or light shade. Height 1 to 2 feet. Hardy to 28F in a protected location. Native to South Africa.
Barleria rotundifolia
Code: 80093
Price: $9.95
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Spiny Yellow Barleria, Thorny Bush Violet, Yellow Barleria
Beautiful butter-yellow flowers with small shiny green leaves on this evergreen, spiny shrub from South Africa. Grows fast to 3 feet high in part shade to full sun, well-drained soil. Use in flowers beds, containers, or can be planted as a thorny barrier. Attracts butterflies. Tolerates light frost.
Bowiea volubilis
Code: 90424
Price: $13.95
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Sea Onion, Climbing Onion
This bulb is a curiosity. It's neither from the sea or related to an onion, but instead is a member of the Asparagus family. The long-lived pale green bulb can grow up to 10 inches across, from which emerges a dense froth of lacy stems climbing up to 6 feet in height (resembling an asparagus fern). In winter, the stems die back as it enters dormancy. It is treated as a succulent and thrives on neglect. Plant in well-draining soil, only half buried, and keep on the dry side in winter. Best in partial shade. In cold climates it needs to be brought indoors during the winter. Be cautious as the bulb is reported to be toxic if ingested. Native to southern and eastern Africa.
Breynia disticha 'Minima'
Code: 50270
Price: $10.95
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Miniature Snowbush
Very compact growing shrub with tiny round leaves splotched white, shaded pink. Grow in bright shade. Bonsai subject. USDA zones 10 - 11.
Phyllanthaceae (previously in the Euphorbiaceae family)
Breynia disticha 'Roseopicta'
Code: 50271
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Breynia nervosa 'Roseopicta'), Snowbush
Tropical shrub to 5 feet with small colorful leaves of white, pink, red and green. Commonly used as hedge plant in the Hawaiian Islands. Grow in bright shade, fertile soil, and ample moisture. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Native to South Pacific Islands of Vanuatu and New Caledonia.
Phyllanthaceae (previously in the Euphorbiaceae family)
Brillantaisia owariensis
Code: 50305
Price: $9.95
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(Syn.: Brillantaisia nitens, Brillantaisia nyanzarum), Tropical Giant Salvia
Herbaceous shrub growing 4 to 6 feet tall, with large arrowhead-shaped leaves and spikes of large blue-purple flowers. Plant in part shade with moisture. Native to Central and Western Africa. Hardy to 30F. USDA zones 9 - 11.