Chlorophytum 'Fire Flash'
Code: 50825
Price: $15.95
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(Possible species names: Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense, Chlorophytum orchidastrum, or Chlorophytum orchidantheroides), Fire Flash, Fire Glory, Mandarin Plant, Tangerine, Sierra Leone Lily
Resembles a bromeliad but it's related to the common spider plant. Rosette of dark green leaves with bright coral gold midveins and petioles, grows to 2 feet. Give bright indirect light for best color. Native to east Africa. Botanists can't seem to agree on its proper botanical name.
Clerodendrum bungei
Code: 50903
Price: $10.95
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Cashmere Bouquet
Strongly fragrant corymbs of rosy red flowers. Large leaves adorn this shrub from China. 25F.
Clivia miniata
Code: 50425
Price: $19.95
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Forest Lily, Fire Lily
Clusters of deep orange trumpet-shaped flowers. Dark green wide strap-like leaves, evergreen. Grow in shade, cool greenhouse or conservatory in winter, outdoors all year in frost free locations. Flowering time is February through May. USDA zones 9 - 11. Native to South Africa.
Large blooming size plants in 4 inch pots.
Clusia lanceolata
Code: 90564
Price: $13.95
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Red-Heart Porcelain Flower, Lance-leaf Autograph Tree
This showy exotic has lovely 1½ inch porcelain white flowers with a dark red center and 3 inch narrow, leathery leaves. In nature it grows as a shrub or small tree to 10 feet high. However, it makes a fine container plant, where its size can be controlled with judicious pruning. Try growing it as a 2 foot container specimen. It starts blooming at a young age and for most of the year, with the flowers holding on for a few days. Grows well in full sun to light shade. It's native to sandy coastal areas of Brazil and Venezuela, so it's tolerant of tropical seacoast conditions, such as wind, drought, and salt air. It's frost tender, so winter protection is necessary in colder climates, with a minimum temperature of 40F. It's well adapted to subtropical and tropical gardens. USDA zones 10 - 12.
Clusia rosea
Code: 50502
Price: $15.95
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(Syn.: Clusia major), Autograph Tree
We now offer a clone that has proven to be somewhat resistant to cold temperatures. In a sheltered location, the mother plant has withstood brief temperatures down to the mid 20's without harm (Vista, California - USDA zone 9a). However, no assurance can be given since micro climates do vary. This is a large shrub or small tree with broad, thick, leathery 8 inch dark green leaves. Pale pink 2 inch camellia-like flowers. Scratch your autograph on a young leaf and watch it grow. Useful landscape tree in tropical to subtropical climates or an unusual containerized house plant elsewhere. Full sun to dappled shade, salt tolerant. Native to Southern Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean.
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius
Code: 90159
Price: $9.95
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(Cnidoscolus chayamansa), Mayan Spinach Tree, Chaya
Chaya is a highly nutritious green vegetable shrub from southern Mexico and Central America. It's very rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, and iron. Grows 6 to 8 feet high, somewhat resembling a cassava plant. As it is from the dry tropics, it is quite drought resistant. Plant in sun or light shade. It cannot take frost or water-logged soil. Butterflies love the small white flowers. Due to the fact that the leaves contain cyanide, they must be cooked to remove the toxic substances. Please do an extensive internet search for advice before consuming. USDA zones 9b - 11.
Coprosma (Mirror Plant)Coprosmas are evergreen shrubs from New Zealand that are grown for their colorful glossy leaves. Some varieties are used in mild climates as ground covers. All do very well in coastal areas as they are tolerant of salt spray. Plant in full sun to light shade, more shade the further inland. Give well drained soil with regular watering. They become drought resistant with age. Leaf color more intense in the autumn and winter. Flowers are insignificant. Hardy to low 20's for brief periods. USDA zones 9 - 11. Although they are usually considered landscape plants, they are excellent long-lived house plants for the amateur. Indoors they should be grown in a bright position. Those with tiny leaves are ideal as bonsai plants.
Coprosma kirkii 'Kiwi Gold'
Code: 50921
Price: $9.95
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The shiny small green leaves are heavily splashed with gold. Full sun or bright shade. Grows just a few inches tall and can spread more than several feet wide. Excellent bonsai or ground cover.
Coprosma kirkii 'Variegata'
Code: 69076
Price: $9.95
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Evergreen ground cover native to New Zealand, grown for its attractive glossy leaves. Tiny oval leaves variegated green, edged white. Compact, prostrate. Excellent for bonsai. Full sun to part shade in well-drained soil.
Coprosma repens 'Beatens Gold'
Code: 50923
Price: $9.95
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Gold Variegated Coprosma
It's an excellent choice for bonsai or topiary with small green leaves with gold centers. In the ground, it grows as an erect shrub to 6 feet. Too much shade and it may lose it's variegation.
Coprosma repens 'Coppershine'
Code: 50924
Price: $9.95
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Very easy to grow shrub with small very glossy leaves that are bright bronze with a greenish center. Grows to 6 feet tall. Excellent at the coast, tolerating salt spray and wind.
Coprosma repens 'Evening Glow'
Code: 50925
Price: $9.95
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Dramatic colorful foliage of deep green with blotches of gold changing to shades of bright orange and red in the fall and winter. Upright habit to 4 feet in a natural pyramid form, but can be pruned to any shape. Hardy to 20 - 25F.
Coprosma repens 'Marble Queen'
Code: 50926
Price: $9.95
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Attractive white and green blotched and speckled leaves, giving a marble effect. Dense growth 5 to 8 feet tall by 4 to 6 feet wide. Hardy to 20F.
Coprosma repens 'Painters Palette'
Code: 90196
Price: $9.95
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Upright plant with distinctly colored leaves of red, orange, pink and green variegations, intensifying in winter. Beautiful shiny luster to the leaves. Compact growth.
Coprosma repens 'Picturata'
Code: 50927
Price: $9.95
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Green leaves with a bright blotch of creamy yellow in the center. Grows 6 feet tall.
Coprosma repens 'Pink Splendor'
Code: 50928
Price: $9.95
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Coprosma repens 'Autumn Splendor'
Beautiful dense, mounding shrub with leaves of peachy pink, tan, cream and green with bright yellow margins developing a rosy pink glow in cooler winter months. Grows 6 to 8 feet high. Hardy to 20F.
Coprosma repens 'Rainbow Surprise'
Code: 50929
Price: $9.95
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Dense, rounded shrub with small shiny leaves, flushed with pink variegation with a pale cream margin. Leaves take on burnt orange to red foliage in winter. Easy shrub, growing 4 to 5 feet high. Tolerates shearing. Hardy to 20 - 25F.
Coprosma repens 'Roys Red'
Code: 50930
Price: $9.95
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Red Mirror Plant
A small dense shrub with shiny dark bronzy green leaves turning a deep purple-red in winter. Plant in full sun. Grows 3 to 4 feet high. Hardy to 20F.
Coprosma repens 'Taupata Gold'
Code: 90197
Price: $9.95
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An upright form with bold variegated leaves of crisp yellow with dark green centers. Use to brighten up foundation plantings, growing to about 4 feet high.
Cornutia pyramidata
Code: 51001
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Cornutia grandifolia), Tropical Lilac
Evergreen bush or small tree with aromatic velvety leaves with clusters of huge purplish blue flower spikes in spring and summer. Attracts butterflies. Native to Central America. Protect from frost.
Crescentia alata
Code: 90534
Price: $13.95
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Mexican Calabash, Gourd Tree
This small curious tree has flowers and large cannonball-like fruits that occur directly on its branches and trunk (cauliflorous). The 2½ inch bell-shaped flowers are tinted yellow with a trace of purple and open for a single night and then fall the following day. In the wild, pollinating bats are attracted by the flower's musky scent. Flowering occurs from May until November. The resulting 5 inch round, hard fruits are green, turn yellow as they ripen, and eventually fall from the tree. The round dry shells from the fruit are cut into bowls and often made into musical rattles known as maracas. To produce odd shapes for birdhouses, etc., string is sometimes tied around the fruit as it grows. When the hard fruit is broken open, seeds are exposed that are edible and high in protein with a sweet licorice-like taste. With age, the young seedlings will develop normal leaves that are trifoliolate with a leaflike winged petiole shaped like a cross.
It grows to 25 feet in height, is semi-deciduous, drought tolerant, and has a spreading low canopy and open, branching growth habit. It can be used as a unique large bonsai specimen in the landscape and is well suited for patio planters and container growing. Epiphytes love to grow on its corky bark. It does need a frost free growing environment. Native to southern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica. USDA zones 9b - 11.
Crossandra nilotica
Code: 90428
Price: $9.95
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Red Firecracker Plant
Tropical evergreen herbaceous shrub growing 1 to 2 feet high with clusters of brick-red blooms and lance-shaped, deep green leaves. Flowers throughout the warmer months in bright or filtered shade. Needs warmth and humidity. Does not tolerate cold conditions. Grow as a ground cover or as a house plant. This is possibly the hybrid known as 'Nile Queen'. Crossandra nilotica petals are slightly smaller and deeper lobed than the more common orange flowered Crossandra infundibuliformis. The common name "Firecracker Plant" refers to the dry seedpods which explode when wet. Native to Tropical Africa. USDA zones 10 - 11.
Volkameria aculeata
Code: 50901
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Clerodendrum aculeatum), West Indian Privet, Prickly Glory Bower
Erect or vining spiny shrub from 3 to 6 ft tall with clusters of small white flowers in summer. Stems are grayish brown. The woody older branches are armed with spines at the leaf stalk bases. Hedge plant in tropics. It prefer a sunny situation on moist sandy loam soil. Native to the West Indies. A nice bonsai candidate. 32F.
Volkameria inermis
Code: 90153
Price: $10.95
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(Syn.: Clerodendrum inerme), Seaside Clerodendrum
Sprawling evergreen shrub with clusters of small fragrant white flowers and protruding maroon stamens. It's valued in landscaping as a groundcover or hedge plant, as it somewhat resembles a privet. It likes sun and is salt, heat, and wind tolerant. Can grow 3 to 6 feet tall. It can be grown as a topiary and is a great plant for bonsai. In Micronesia it's cultivated for medicinal uses. Native to Australia, tropical Asia and western Polynesia, where it grows along the seacoast. Can be invasive along tropical seashores. USDA zones 9b - 12.