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Shrub-like Begonias

This is a varied group with many different characteristics, from hairy or bare leaved to thick stemmed and succulent. Most are easy to grow.

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Begonia boisiana Begonia boisiana
Code: 90453
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

This is an easy to grow collectable begonia with upright growth to 2 feet with small white flowers and slight pink edging. It blooms in the summer. With glossy green leaves, its underside has noticeable burgundy colored venation. It has some unusual floral and vegetative characteristics that are not typical of most begonias. Native to tropical rain forests of central and northern Vietnam.


Begonia Carol Pease Begonia 'Carol Pease'
Code: 90283
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Medium to large growing shrub with medium sized hairy bright green leaves. Similar in habit and appearance to Begonia 'Ginny' but leaves are larger, wider and more lobed. Profuse bloomer with pure white fuzzy flowers in all light conditions. Great contrast plant for mass plantings with Begonia 'Ginny' and Begonia 'Pastel Princess'. Although tall if allowed to grow to full height, it is easily trained and maintained at any size needed. Very carefree and easy to grow.


Begonia Chiquita Rosa Begonia 'Chiquita Rosa'
Code: 69256
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Upright growing to 1 foot tall, full and wide. Similar to Begonia foliosa, without its tall upright growing habit. This plant stays small and compact and also blooms much more profusely. It's other parent gave it the compact full growing habit. Flowers are small with red ovaries with pink and white tepals (petals). Leaves are small, oval serrated, like foliosa. Makes a great basket or small potted plant. (Thompson)


Begonia cubensis Begonia cubensis
Code: 90065
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

A cute species from Cuba discovered in 1858. This is the true species, not cubensis hort. It has small wavy waxy gray/green leaves on short thin woody stems. Blooms nearly continuously with bright pink flowers held above the foliage. Very compact and very easy to grow and mildew resistant. A must for collectors and beginners alike. A good windowsill begonia. Very rarely offered for sale.


Begonia domingensis Begonia domingensis
Code: 90289
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

A beautiful and easy to grow low growing species from the West Indies. Usually stays 12 to 18 inches tall and tend to grow more wide though stems are very stiff and upright. Leaves are small rounded and leathery and bright green to gray/green depending on light intensity. Very unusual flowers during the warm months of the year. It sends up short spikes of small pink and white flowers that totally cover the plant. Very easy to grow and very tough. Would make a great windowsill plant or small potted plant though in warm climates would grow great planted in the soil.


Begonia egregia Begonia egregia
Code: 69336
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Tall growing thick stemmed species. Stems are woody and usually bare except near the tip. Leaves are very unusual. Leaves are large, long and narrow with a lightly serrated edge and slightly folded up along the mid rib. Leaves are bright green and textured with a red edge. Very unusual begonia for collectors and casual growers alike. Profuse white flowers in large open clusters in spring.


Begonia Emerald Glow Begonia 'Emerald Glow'
Code: 69206
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Full growing, compact upright to 18 inches but can be kept shorter. Leaves are cupped bright glowing green, medium sized with light hairiness and textured. Flowers in summer with upright clusters of bright pink flowers on long stems. Easy to grow, very full growing, and very showy even out of bloom. Makes a nice specimen plant. (Thompson)


Begonia foliosa var miniata Begonia foliosa var miniata
Code: 20217
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Begonia fuchsioides)

Deep coral-red flowers hang in clusters resembling fuchsias. Tiny dark green glossy leaves. Can be trained for hanging basket or as upright grower. (F, B)


Begonia Fredas Folly Begonia 'Fredas Folly'
Code: 69209
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Upright growing to 3 feet but can be shaped to any size. Very full growing and easy to grow. Leaves are bright green, cupped and cleft. Multiple dainty sprays of small white flowers with pink ovaries. Makes an easy specimen plant. (Thompson)


Begonia gardneri Begonia gardneri
Code: 90645
Price: $14.95

Quantity in Basket: none

This is a thick stemmed species from Brazil with large green parted leaves. Grows 4 feet tall with small white flowers. Allow it to get slightly dry between waterings but never completely dry and grow in full to partial shade.


Begonia Gary Hunt Begonia 'Gary Hunt'
Code: 69210
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Full and upright growing to 2 feet. Leaves are triangle-shaped, cupped and fuzzy, dark maroon-green with narrow yellowish stripe down the center. Flowers are medium pink and fuzzy on upright stems, mostly in summer. Showy even out of bloom and easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia Gideon Begonia 'Gideon'
Code: 90300
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

This interesting begonia is grown for its variegated leaves with green venation on a pale green background. The leaves have a reddish edge and are heavily textured. Winter flowering with tall stems of white flowers. This compact grower may loose some variegation during the winter. This is a Freda Holly hybrid (2000) of Begonia valida. There's an elatior tuberous begonia with the patented name of Begonia 'Gideon' registered in 2008. This is not the same plant.


Begonia Ginny Begonia 'Ginny'
Code: 20219
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Narrow red backed coppery leaves, clusters of pink and white flowers all year. Compact, easy. (F, D)


Begonia jairii Begonia jairii
Code: 90284
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Probably can be grown to be large but is easily maintained and kept to a small size. Considered by some to be a form of Begonia ulmifolia though its growth habits are much different. Medium green leaves are small and narrow with a rounded tip and hairy. In certain light conditions the hairs give the plant a pinkish/purple hue. Stems have an arching habit which give it a weeping appearance. Would probably make a great hanging basket. White flowers in spring but quite attractive even out of bloom. Although it has been in cultivation for a long period is not widely known or grown and this is probably the first time it has been available online. A must have for collectors of hairy leaves and species begonias.


Begonia Little Antique White Begonia 'Little Antique White'
Code: 69213
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Similar to Begonia 'Emerald Glow' but smaller growing and smaller leaves. Very compact and full growing with the same textured glowing green leaves. Cute upright spikes of antique white flowers in spring or summer. Showy even out of bloom, makes a nice compact specimen plant. (Thompson)


Begonia Palomar Pirate Begonia 'Palomar Pirate'
Code: 20228
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Slim glossy textured red backed leaves, white flowers. Sturdy, easy. (Kartuz)


Begonia Palomar Storm Begonia 'Palomar Storm'
Code: 90490
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Slim, dark green glossy leaves with bubbly texture, red undersides. White flowers in summer held above foliage. Compact habit, easy, hardy. (Kartuz)


Begonia reniformis Begonia reniformis
Code: 90677
Price: $12.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Begonia vitifolia), Grape Leaf Begonia

This is an impressive thick-stemmed tree-like Begonia from Brazil. It has huge glossy dark green leaves in the shape of grape leaves and the size of dinner plates. Its thick segmented soft woody stems arise from the base quickly growing up to 10 feet tall (25 feet in the tropics). Many stems arise from the base, creating a full plant. Its upright stems rarely branch and are somewhat brittle. So, it is wise to keep it in a protected position. The airy sprays of small white flowers appear from spring through summer. Give it partial shade, a warm location, and allow it to become somewhat dry between waterings. It can give a real tropical look to the greenhouse, conservatory, or outside in the tropics.


Begonia Thurstonii Begonia 'Thurstonii'
Code: 90067
Price: $18.95

Quantity in Basket: none

A true heirloom begonia created in 1887. A large growing shrub with medium sized metallic olive green leaves that are slightly cupped with an undulated surface. Large bright fuzzy pink flowers usually in summer but can bloom at any time of year. Very easy to grow and very attractive in or out of bloom. Having been in circulation for over a hundred years, obviously it is vigorous and a begonia everyone should have. Rarely offered for sale online anywhere. (Thurston)


Begonia Tinkerbell Begonia 'Tinkerbell'
Code: 69308
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Semperflorum shrub-type begonia. Bears some resemblance to Begonia fischeri but is actually a tamer hybrid of Begonia schmidtiana. Compact, full growing and ever blooming with bright pink flowers. Small round pleated green leaves. Quickly makes a full plant. Very cute plant, makes a great basket. Doesn't reseed itself like the species. Easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia valida Begonia valida
Code: 90285
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Large growing large leaved thick-stemmed begonia. For those unfamiliar with the term, thick-stemmed begonias are basically shrubs with very large diameter stems. Most have a tendency to have leaves mainly at the tops with the bare stems showing but Begonia valida can be trained to be shorter and full or tall and bare depending on your preference. Leaves are almost round with slight lobes. In good light light leaves are dark green with some texture but are large and flat in low light. Blooms in late spring to early summer with profuse upright clusters of white flowers. Has the unique habit of putting out variegated leaves at various times of the year, most often in summer or during blooming period. The variegated leaves eventually turn green though hybrids of Begonia valida often retain variegation such as Begonia 'Gideon'. A great plant for collectors or for growers that like large plants. Very easy to grow. Rarely offered.


Begonia Vista Way Begonia 'Vista Way'
Code: 90050
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

The perfect marriage of the best traits of two popular shrub species, Begonia egregia and Begonia echinosepala. Leaves have the texture, coloring, and red edge of Begonia egregia on a plant that has the full growing, free branching, everblooming habit of Begonia echinosepala. Can be trained for multiple uses from very full hanging baskets, to large specimen plants, or can be pruned easily to keep as a small compact potted plant. Flowers are pure white and held above the foliage. (Thompson)


Begonia Shrub-like Collection Begonia Shrub-like Collection
Code: C129
Price: $28.95
Quantity in Basket: none

3 different, our choice.


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