Begonia chloroneura
Code: 90590
Price: $14.95
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(Distinctive Foliage Rhizomatous Begonia) Dwarf, compact rhizomatous begonia, red backed coppery leaves with prominent light green veins, fine red hairs. Flowers are white to pale pink. Terrarium culture suggested or warm greenhouse. Native of the Philippines. (F, D, T)
Begonia crassicaulis
Code: 69334
Price: $17.95
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Medium growing upright and sprawling rhizomatous species. Rhizomes are very big and woody with leaves usually at the tips. Defoliates in winter under some growing conditions especially outdoors in temperate climates. Unusual in that it usually blooms profusely with bright pink flowers on the bare rhizome tips and then puts out leaves after the flowering is over. Easy to grow and unusual, can be used as a bonsai but can also grow into a large specimen plant.
Larger sized plants in 4 inch pots.
Begonia 'Deco Checks'
Code: 90109
Price: $11.95
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Medium sized dark green leaves with dark black checkering and white center eye. Markings are consistent regardless of light conditions, so won't fade out or change with seasons as do some with similar markings. Leaves are deeply lobed but not quite star-shaped, more rounded. Profuse light pink flowers in spring. Markings are very unusual and distinct. (Anderson)
Begonia 'Deco Raspberry Truffle'
Code: 90639
Price: $11.95
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This is a rhizomatous begonia with medium sized light green leaves with dark purplish-black checkering and a light green center eye. Leaves are lobed but not quite star-shaped, more rounded. Markings are very unusual and distinct. Similar to Begonia 'Deco Checks' but larger growing.
Begonia 'Earthtones'
Code: 90476
Price: $12.95
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Small to medium growing rhizomatous. Leaves are medium sized, rounded, slightly lobed, on long straight stiff petioles. Gets its name from the leaf colors which change with the seasons or light conditions and can be any shade from aqua marine to raw umber or even ochre with dark veining and spots. Full growing and compact. Dark hot pink flowers in spring. Easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Erythrophylla'
Code: 90361
Price: $9.95
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(Beefsteak Begonia, Kidney Begonia)
Old-fashioned cultivar with dark green, glossy, round, peltate leaves, red underside. This German cross of Begonia hydrocotylifolia and Begonia manicata was made in 1845, making it one of the earliest hybrids in cultivation. It has been passed down by families for generations, which is the reason it has stayed around for such a long time. Easy.
Begonia 'Erythrophylla Helix'
Code: 90454
Price: $10.95
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This is a sport of Begonia 'Erythrophylla'. Everything is exactly the same as with the old-fashioned cultivar except 'Helix' has pronounced double spiraled leaves. As with its parent, its leaves are dark green and glossy with a red underside.
Begonia 'Harmony's Stormy Sunset'
Code: 90659
Price: $12.95
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This charming rhizomatous begonia, a sport of Begonia 'Passing Storm', has tear shaped leaves of pink that gradually age to silvery gray. Veins are gray colored. Grows in a mounding habit to about 12 inches tall with light pink flowers. (Harmony Foliage, FL)
Begonia 'Indian Summer'
Code: 90498
Price: $12.95
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Medium leaved rhizomatous. It's very hard to get a perfect image since the velvety sheen to the leaf is hard to capture. Roughly a rounded star shaped leaf, lobed and slightly cupped with a glowing hairy serrated edge. The leaves can go through color changes during the year from reddish brown to orange/red with faint darker markings but always with a central glowing eye and glowing red central veins. In Autumn B. 'Indian Summer' is nearly always the color in the picture and no matter what shade it always has that velvety sheen. The leaves do practically glow. It has the added bonus of profuse medium pink flowers in spring. Compact and easy to grow. A must have. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Kingsbury'
Code: 69332
Price: $10.95
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Medium to large sized angular-shaped leaves with red hairs on margin. Leaves are a pale gray-green color and have a hairy red collar around the leaf stalk where leaf connects. Pink flowers in spring. Takes a little work to get a shapely plant but worth the effort. Rhizome grows upright. Old hybrid, but rarely offered. Similar to Begonia 'Colonel Gale'.