Begonia 'Marmaduke'
Code: 20310
Price: $9.95
Quantity in Basket:
Large bubbly leaves splashed copper and gold. Tall sprays of pink flowers. (F, W)
Begonia 'Rosalie'
Code: 90511
Price: $12.95
Quantity in Basket:
Roundish cupped leaf with very nice double spirals. Leaf is usually reddish bronze with green in the spiral center. Leaf edge is roughly scalloped with sparse hair and a pointed tip. Flowers are dark speckled pink on the outside and a light pink on the inside. A must have for any grower who likes spirals or burgundy/red leaves. First time ever offered for sale. A truly special begonia named after a special lady. (Thompson)
Begonia Rhizomatous Collection
Code: C130
Price: $28.95
Quantity in Basket:
3 different Rhizomatous Begonias, our choice:
Begonia Rhizomatous Miniature Collection
Code: C131
Price: $28.95
Quantity in Basket:
3 different Miniature Rhizomatous Begonias, our choice.