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Vigna caracalla
(Syn.: Cochliasanthus caracalla), Fragrant Snail Vine, Corkscrew Vine, Caracalla Bean
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Family: Leguminosae
This highly fragrant tropical vine has beautiful curled flowers shaped like a snail's shell. Thomas Jefferson introduced this vine to America. It has clusters of 2 inch blossoms which start out white then develops a purple coloration, plus it emits a wonderfully sweet hyacinth-like fragrance. Trifoliate leaves are up to 6 inches long with a downy texture. Summer into fall bloom period. Great for a chain link fence, hanging from an arbor, or grown as a container plant. Grows up to 20 feet in warm climates. Prefers sun, heat and humidity. It may die back in winter as it does poorly below 50F. USDA zones 9 - 11. May be grown as an annual or house plant elsewhere. It is native to tropical South America and Central America. This vine has often been confused with the invasive snail vine, Phaseolus caracalla or P. giganteus (hort), which has smaller pale purple flowers and is not fragrant.
Keyed Cultural Guide: The following symbols are listed with many product descriptions. If so, they indicate special characteristics or growing requirements. Also, see "Cultural Information".
(B) Hanging basket
(D) Dwarf under 12"
(F) Flourescent lights for indoor light culture
(H) Humid conditions
(M) Miniature under 6"
(T) Terrarium plant
(W) Winter flowering
Key to USDA Hardiness Zones