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Streptocarpella 'Concord Blue'
Streptocarpella Concord Blue

Code: 90290

Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: None

Family: Gesneriaceae

Popular African Violet cousin constantly in bloom with violet-blue flowers held on dainty stems. With its rounded fuzzy green leaves and trailing stems, it makes an excellent hanging basket plant. Plant in a well-drained potting soil. Don't over water. Prefers light shade outdoors, bright conditions indoors. Easy. USDA zones 9 - 11.

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Keyed Cultural Guide: The following symbols are listed with many product descriptions. If so, they indicate special characteristics or growing requirements. Also, see "Cultural Information".
(B) Hanging
(D) Dwarf
under 12"
(F) Flourescent lights for
indoor light culture
(H) Humid
(M) Miniature
under 6"
(T) Terrarium
(W) Winter

Key to USDA Hardiness Zones