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Jasminum polyanthum

French Perfume
Jasminum polyanthum

Code: 51868

Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: None

Family: Oleaceae

Absolutely spectacular for winter and spring bloom with dense clusters of starry white flowers completely covering the handsome glossy foliage. Individual flowers are rose-colored on the outside and a plant in full bloom can perfume a large area. Vining growth can be encouraged upward or allowed to cascade in a hanging basket. Western China.

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Keyed Cultural Guide: The following symbols are listed with many product descriptions. If so, they indicate special characteristics or growing requirements. Also, see "Cultural Information".
(B) Hanging
(D) Dwarf
under 12"
(F) Flourescent lights for
indoor light culture
(H) Humid
(M) Miniature
under 6"
(T) Terrarium
(W) Winter

Key to USDA Hardiness Zones