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Abutilon Collection

Abutilon Collection


3 different, our choice.


Abutilon grandifolium

Golden Flowered Hairy Abutilon, Hawaiian Ma'o

Abutilon grandifolium


This is the double flowered form of the species. Grows to about 6 feet high in sun or part shade with one inch golden flowers. Needs protection from frost. In Hawaii it's used as an i'lima flower lei substitute. The single flowered species grows as a roadside weed in tropical climates. Native to South America. Malvaceae


Abutilon megapotamicum 'Pink Charm'

Abutilon megapotamicum Pink Charm


Bright pink flowers in profusion, trailing basket variety, small dark green foliage. Malvaceae


Abutilon pictum

Abutilon pictum


The species with bell-shaped apricot colored flowers with strong red veining. Showy upright shrub with maple-like leaves to 15 feet. Native of Brazil. Malvaceae


Abutilon pictum 'Gold Dust'

Abutilon pictum Gold Dust


Leaves boldly variegated yellow and green. Orange blooms with red veins. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Apricot Glow'

Abutilon x hybridum Apricot Glow


Sprawling shrub to 5 feet high with hanging pale apricot colored flowers with red veins. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'L'Orangerie'

Abutilon x hybridum LOrangerie


Large flaring salmon-orange flowers veined orange-red. Compact, free-flowering. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Louis Sasson'

Abutilon x hybridum Louis Sasson


Nice selection with deep red-orange flowers on a compact shrub to 4 feet high. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Old Rose Belle'

Abutilon x hybridum Old Rose Belle


Bell-shaped flowers are a beautiful shade of rose-pink on this compact and very floriferous selection. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Orange Drop'

Abutilon x hybridum Orange Drop


Strong upright, vigorous growing shrub with bright orange flowers with red veins. Leaves large and dark green. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Pompeii'

Abutilon x hybridum Pompeii


Compact shrub to 4 feet high with free blooming warm orange-red flowers. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Red-Orange'

Abutilon x hybridum Red-Orange


Compact shrub to 4 feet high with free blooming orange-red flowers cupped like small hanging bells. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Rosalie'

Abutilon x hybridum Rosalie


Vigorous plant to 8 feet with medium to large soft pink flowers. Rounded shrub is dense with large dark green leaves. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Silver Belle'

Abutilon x hybridum Silver Belle


Very large pure white flowers, dark green foliage. Compact, upright, and free flowering. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Souvenir De Bonn'

Abutilon x hybridum Souvenir De Bonn


Large variegated maple-shaped leaves are green with a white border on a vigorous, upright plant with orange bell-shaped flowers. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Tangelo'

Abutilon x hybridum Tangelo


Large deep tangerine-orange flowers, small leaves, compact. Excellent for hanging basket. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Tangerine Belle'

Abutilon x hybridum Tangerine Belle


Large flaring tangerine-orange flowers with red veins. Malvaceae


Acalypha 'Brazen'

Acalypha Brazen


Large leaves with solid light copper color. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Fairy Dust'

Acalypha Fairy Dust


Green leaves margined white with creamy gold dustings and splotches throughout the leaf. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha Fancy Leaf Collection

Acalypha Fancy Leaf Collection


3 different plants, our choice


Acalypha 'Heterophylla'

Acalypha Heterophylla


Branches pendulous with ragged, wavy, narrow ribbon-like leaves. Green with yellow edges. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha hispida 'White Margined'

Acalypha hispida White Margined


Cream colored cattails with creamy white teeth on older leaf margins. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Hoffmanii'

Acalypha Hoffmanii


Dark green crested leaves with narrow cream margins. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Inferno'

Acalypha Inferno


Small leaves on fire, varying from yellow to orange to red. Australian cultivar. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Jungle Dragon'

Acalypha Jungle Dragon


Large red leaves streaked and spattered with green and gold. From plant collector David Lloyd. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Kilauea'

(Syn.: Acalypha 'Firestorm', probably the same as 'Cypress Elf', and 'Mardi Gras')

Acalypha Kilauea


Dark green finely cut leaves bordered pink, becoming more colorful in summer heat. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Macrophylla'

Acalypha Macrophylla


Huge heart-shaped deep red, copper and bronze leaves. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Marginata'


Acalypha Marginata


Coppery leaves, with thin serrate margins of pink. Hardiest variety to 32F. Euphorbiaceae


Acalypha 'Raggedy Ann'

Acalypha Raggedy Ann


Australian cultivar with narrow maroon leaves highly serrated and cut. Euphorbiaceae


Acanthus sennii

Acanthus sennii


This rare African Acanthus from Ethiopia has attention-getting spikes of bright orange-red exotic flowers in fall. Spreading 3 to 5 foot shrub with attractive holly-like silver veined dark green leaves armed with vicious spines (be careful). The tops are frost hardy to the mid 20's, dying back and resprouting in the spring. Mulch in colder climates. Drought tolerant when established. Needs part to full sun and good drainage. USDA zones 8b - 11. Acanthaceae


Achetaria azurea

(Syn.: Otacanthus azureus, Otacanthus caeruleus), Amazon-Blue, Brazilian Snapdragon

Achetaria azurea


Unsurpassed for blue flower color in winter or summer garden, this compact shrublet covers itself with 1 inch snapdragon-like flowers of the brightest blue. A must for collectors of blue flowered plants. Can be used for cut flower bouquets and arrangements. Brazil. Hardy to 28F. Plantaginaceae


Acnistus arborescens

Wild Tree Tobacco, Hollowheart

Acnistus arborescens


Related to Iochroma. Uncommon small to medium sized tree, growing 10 to 20 feet high. Soft bark is beige, corky with deep vertical ridges and fissures. Try growing orchids, tillandsias and other epiphytes on it's limbs. Very small ¼th inch bell-shaped scented white flowers clustered on branches are followed by tiny orange tomato-like inedible fruits that are popular with birds. Plant has anticancer properties, but no nicotine derivatives, as common name would suggest. Subtropical, it will survive brief frosts. We're not sure of it's landscape value, but it might be of interest to collectors. Native to Central and South America and the Caribbean. Solanaceae


Adenocalymma comosum

(Syn.: Adenocalymna comosum, Bignonia comosa)

Adenocalymma comosum


This rare evergreen climber produces large 2½ inch trumpet-shaped bright yellow flowers from March to August. It's a slow growing woody vine with glossy leathery compound leaves. Give fertile, rich, well-drained soil, part shade to full sun. Ideal for growing on an arch or wall. Hardiness is unknown. Probably needs protection from frost. Propagated by seed or air-layering. Native to Brazil. USDA zones 10 - 11. Bignoniaceae


Aeollanthus repens

Aeollanthus repens


Creeping ground cover from Africa with fuzzy 2 inch gray leaves and numerous lavender flower clusters, which have a very strong skunk-like odor. Used as a ground cover in Hawaii, in spite of this trait. Makes a nice hanging basket. Plant in a sunny location in a frost free area. Related to Plectranthus. Lamiaceae


Aeschynanthus 'Big Apple'

Aeschynanthus Big Apple


Clusters of deep red tubular flowers all year. Tapered dark green leaves, compact upright habit. (F,B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus Collection

Aeschynanthus Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus evrardii

Aeschynanthus evrardii


Spectacular large terminal clusters of fiery red flowers in summer and fall. Tapered leaves, compact, upright habit. (B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus 'Fireworks'

Aeschynanthus Fireworks


Large spectacular upright clusters of bright red flowers. Dark green tapered leaves. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus gracilis

(Syn.: Aeschynanthus novogracilis), Red Elf Vine

Aeschynanthus gracilis


Small trailer with overlapping fleshy tapered leaves. Red shrimp-shaped flowers. (B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus pulcher

Aeschynanthus pulcher


Clusters of large scarlet-red flowers emerge from green and purple striped calyces. Closely set oval leaves on compact trailer. Very free flowering, easy. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Albuca bracteata

(Syn.: Ornithogalum longibracteatum, Ornithogalum caudatum), Pregnant Onion, False Sea Onion

Albuca bracteata


The pregnant onion is an old-fashioned novel houseplant that resembles an onion with numerous baby bulbs forming on its sides. A great conversation piece. A lot of people just adore this plant. It has long strap-like leaves that droop downward and tall wands of small white flowers striped in green. Makes a nice hanging basket. It's not really an onion and should NOT be eaten. Some individuals may have an allergic skin reaction. Native to South Africa and easy to grow outdoors in similar climates. Grow in part shade and allow soil to dry between waterings. Hardy to 25F. Asparagaceae


Allamanda cathartica 'Hendersonii'

Golden Trumpet

Allamanda cathartica Hendersonii


Throughout the tropics one of the most popular vines and rightly so. Trainable as a vine or shrub, it is famous for its profusion of 5 inch bright yellow flowers throughout the year and handsome 6 inch tapered glossy green foliage. In cooler areas such as coastal California, it blooms outdoors in summer and fall. It is deciduous with frost and likes a warm protected site. In the greenhouse it is dazzling all year. Spectacular variety. South America. 40F. Apocynaceae


Allamanda schottii 'Australian Silver'

Allamanda schottii Australian Silver


A cultivar with narrow silver-gray leaves, yellow flowers. Compact grower. Apocynaceae


Allamanda schottii 'Variegata'

Allamanda schottii Variegata


Gray-green foliage variegated white, compact habit. Yellow flowers as above. Minimum 40F. Apocynaceae


Alpinia formosana 'Pinstripe'

Pinstripe Ginger

Alpinia formosana Pinstripe


This cultivar with white pinstripe leaves grows slowly to about 3 feet high. White, yellow and red flowers are showy on upright stalks. Usually only blooms in warmer climates or greenhoused. Needs shade, damp soil. Native to Taiwan. USDA zones 8 - 11. Zingiberaceae


Alpinia purpurata 'Red'

Red Ginger

Alpinia purpurata


One of the showiest of all tropical flowers, the red ginger is a true tropical and thrives in hot, humid conditions. Its bloom is formed by an upright head of rich, rosy crimson or bright pink bracts, an unforgettable sight. Tropical. From the East Indies. 50F. (H) Zingiberaceae


Alsobia 'San Miguel'

Alsobia San Miguel


Striking fringed creamy white flowers profusely spotted purple. Small soft oval leaves. Trailing, stoloniferous, easy. (Schwarz), (F,B,D). Gesneriaceae

If sold out, we recommend the similar Alsobia 'Iris August' instead.


Alternanthera bettzickiana 'Rainbow'

(Syn: Alternanthera amabilis var. tricolor), Rainbow or Tricolor Calico Plant

Alternanthera bettzickiana Rainbow


This is a colorful tropical ground cover or bedding plant with dark green leaf edges and center areas tinged in orange, red, pink, and yellow. Great as a container plant in part shade to full sun. Trim occasionally to keep it compact. Use as an annual in temperate climates. Native to Brazil. USDA zones 9-12. Amaranthaceae


Alternanthera ficoidea 'Snowball'

Alternanthera ficoidea Snowball


Tiny irregularly shaped leaves variegated blush white on this variety of Joseph's Coat. Very compact. Easy. Used as a bedding or edging plant or for containers, hanging baskets, or as a houseplant. Give light shade or full sun and rich organic soil with good drainage. Native to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. (F,M,T) Amaranthaceae


Alternanthera porrigens 'Little Grapes'

Little Grapes, Teensy Weensy, Airy Bachelor Buttons

Alternanthera porrigens 'Little Grapes'


We prevously listed this as Gomphrena serrata 'Little Grapes'. However, it is actually an Alternanthera. Everyone loves this mini cultivar for its cute globe amaranthe type purple blossoms. They are held high above on wiry sprawling stems, thus creating an airy display. The abundant flowers can be used for cutting and also dry nicely. This tender perennial likes full sun, amended soil, and regular watering. It forms a mound about 3 feet high. The airy blooms combine nicely with other plants in the flower garden. It's recommended to cut it back in the winter to force fresh spring growth. Flowers summer and fall. It's native to western South America. USDA zones 9 - 11. Amaranthaceae


Amorphophallus konjac

(Syn.: Amorphophallus rivieri), Konjac Voodoo Lily, Konnyaku Potato, Devil's Tongue

Amorphophallus konjac


This unusual exotic plant is in the same family as the Giant Corpse Flower (A. titanum), which often is a newsmaker when in bloom. This easy to grow plant is a much smaller cousin with a 5 foot flower stalk that has an amazing dark, liver-purple spadix surrounded by a lighter purple spathe. It emits an interesting provocative scent mimicking a dead animal to lure in flies for pollination. The single huge snowflake-like leaf emerges from the corm after blooming growing up to 4 feet high on a green and purple mottled, fleshy stalk. In cold climates lift the huge corm in the fall to store. The large corm is commonly used in Asian cuisine and for herbal remedies. It's a widespread species from the eastern Himalayas to China and the Philippines. Image from Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1875. Araceae

Sold in 3" pots.


Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii

Desert Honeysuckle, Texas Firecracker

Anisacanthus quadrifidus var wrightii


Mounding shrub to 5 feet with narrow light green leaves and spikes of tubular, bright red-orange flowers. Blooms heaviest in spring, occasionally in summer and fall. Heat loving, drought tolerant, for sun or partial shade. Deciduous. Cut back to keep dense and for more blooms. A favorite for butterflies and hummingbirds. Native to southwest Texas and northern Mexico. USDA zones 7 - 10. Acanthaceae


Anthurium pentaphyllum

Anthurium pentaphyllum


We are pleased to offer this rare Anthurium from our collection for the first time. This is a palmate-leaved aroid, normally with 5 (sometimes 7 to 9) leaflets. The span of the leaves can grow up to 18 inches wide. When blooming, the upright spadix is purplish in color. Easy to grow in warm tropical conditions, it quickly scrambles up trees with its many aerial roots. Also, it can grow upon itself forming an upright clump to 4 feet. Try potted as an indoor house plant with well draining epiphytic type soil on a moss pole. Grow in part to full shade with a minimum temperature of 50F. It's a variable species, ranging from Mexico, Central America, Columbia and Ecuador to the Amazonian region of Brazil. It is usually found in moist to wet mountain or lowland zones from sea level to 2,500 feet. USDA zones 10 - 11. Araceae


Anthurium scandens

Pearl Anthurium

Anthurium scandens


This cute aroid is widespread in its forest habitat from southern Mexico and the West Indies to southern Brazil and found from sea level to almost 9,000 feet in elevation. It's a creeping epiphyte with up to 2 inch dark green leaves and, at a young age, a profusion of waxy, white or faintly violet fruit (berries) that look like little pearls. It has small brown sheaths that cover the stems giving them a woody look and aerial roots along the stems that penetrate cracks in the bark of trees to help anchor and climb. As a container plant, it remains small and compact. Tolerates full sun, but is best in part shade. Perfect for growing in a terrarium. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araceae


Anthurium scherzerianum

Flamingo Flower, Tailflower

Anthurium scherzerianum


An unusual houseplant with dramatic green foliage, large showy red or orange spathe and a unique coiled spadix. Smaller than Anthurium andraeanum, it's easier to grow and tolerates lower temperatures. Can grow to 2 feet tall. Likes a warm and humid atmosphere in light shade. As basically an epiphytic plant, grow it in a porous soil mix and keep it damp but not soaked. Fertilize monthly in the warmer months for good growth. Reduce watering in the winter. Winter temperature should be 60F or higher. Outside in USDA zones 10 to 12. Native to Costa Rica.

Sold in 4 inch pots. Araceae


Aphelandra arborea

(Syn.: Aphelandra tetragona)

Aphelandra arborea


This is a rarely offered brilliant colored tropical shrub from South America and the West Indies with plumes of rich scarlet on four sided spikes. Each shrimp plant (Justicia) like flower is about 2 inches long. The 6 inch leaves are a bright glossy green. Plant in a bright semi-shaded location. Grows somewhat straggly to a height of 3 feet. To maintain a more compact form, prune back after flowering by removing weak growth and heading back to 2 or 3 strong buds on strongest stems. A well-drained loamy soil and humid tropical growing conditions is best. USDA zones 10-11. Acanthaceae


Aphelandra schiedeana

Aphelandra schiedeana


Grows to 4 feet high, with 5 inch long thin, finely pubescent, narrow ovate leaves. Blooms in winter with 3 inch spikes of 1 inch long dark red bracts with 2 inch bright red flowers resembling those of the shrimp plant. Part shade. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Acanthaceae


Aphelandra sinclairiana

Coral Aphelandra

Aphelandra sinclairiana


Evergreen tropical shrub with tubular pink flowers emerging from shell-like orange bracts. Inflorescence up to 8 inches long, very showy. Summer bloom. Grow in bright shade. Very tender to cold. Minimum temperature of 50F. Central America. USDA zones 10b - 11. Acanthaceae


Arachnothryx leucophylla

(Syn.: Rondeletia leucophylla), Panama Rose, Bush Pentas

Arachnothryx leucophylla


Small woody evergreen shrub with rose-pink flowers, primarily in winter and spring with scattered blooms the rest of the year. Very attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. It becomes fragrant after sunset. Grows 3 to 5 feet high. Full sun to part shade. It's a tender shrub that will not survive freezing. USDA zones 9 - 11. Native of Mexico through Panama. Rubiaceae


Aristolochia gigantea

Aristolochia gigantea


Giant two foot rose-colored flowers mottled purple with pleasant lemon fragrance. Blooms profusely outdoors here in Southern California. Large climber with heart-shaped leaves. 28F. Aristolochiaceae


Asclepias curassavica - orange

Orange Butterfly Weed

Asclepias curassavica orange


Standard variety with orange and gold flowers all summer. Easy to grow perennial to 18 inches high, full sun, regular water. Attracts the monarch butterfly. This species grows year-round in warmer climates, unlike North America's native species. Because a tiny parasite that harms monarch butterflies may overwinter on this tropical milkweed, it is advisable to cut it down in winter to let it regrow clean foliage. USDA zones 8 - 11. Summer annual elsewhere. Native to tropical America. Apocynaceae


Asclepias curassavica - red

Red Butterfly Weed

Asclepias curassavica red


A selected variety with red and yellow flowers all summer. Easy to grow perennial to 18 inches high, full sun, regular water. Attracts the monarch butterfly. This species grows year-round in warmer climates, unlike North America's native species. Because a tiny parasite that harms monarch butterflies may overwinter on this tropical milkweed, it is advisable to cut it down in winter to let it regrow clean foliage. USDA zones 8 - 11. Summer annual elsewhere. Native to tropical America. Apocynaceae


Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Gold'

Silky Gold Butterfly Weed

Asclepias curassavica Silky Gold


A selected variety with golden yellow flowers all summer. Easy to grow perennial to 18 inches high, full sun, regular water. Attracts the monarch butterfly. This species grows year-round in warmer climates, unlike North America's native species. Because a tiny parasite that harms monarch butterflies may overwinter on this tropical milkweed, it is advisable to cut it down in winter to let it regrow clean foliage. USDA zones 8 - 11. Summer annual elsewhere. Native to tropical America. Apocynaceae


Asystasia gangetica - White Flower

Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove

Asystasia gangetica - White Flower


This is a tender tropical perennial that sprawls over the ground, producing numerous dainty 1 inch trumpet-shaped flowers with five flaring lobes, opening white and becoming flushed with pale purplish tones as they age. The oval to heart-shaped dark green leaves are held in opposite pairs on creeping stems. It thrives in sun or partial shade and can tolerant dry conditions, heat, humidity, salty air, and poor nutrient soils. Give this easy growing plant good drainage and medium moisture for optimum growth. Just protect it from frost. It's mature height is 1 to 2 ft and spreads 3 to 4 ft wide. Useful as a groundcover and for mass plantings under large trees and borders. It can be trimmed hard and resprouts quickly. Its flowers attract numerous varieties of butterflies. Useful as a house plant and looks great spilling over from containers, planter boxes, or hanging baskets. In colder regions, try it as an annual groundcover or potted plant. In the tropics, it is sometimes regarded as a pretty weed as it easily sets seeds. It is believed to be native to India, Malaysia, and eastern Africa and has naturalized in many other tropical regions. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae

These plants should not be confused with Asystasia gangetica ssp. micrantha, which has white 1 inch bell-shaped flowers with purple stripes and hairy leaves and stems. That plant should never be planted, as it is a very serious weed.


Asystasia gangetica 'St. John'

(Syn.: Asystasia gangetica 'Variegata', 'Ivory Ribbons'), Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove

Asystasia gangetica St John


This is a tender tropical perennial that sprawls over the ground, producing numerous dainty 1 inch lavender-purple trumpet-shaped flowers with five flaring lobes. The brightly variegated leaves of yellow and dark green, make a great contrast with the flowers. It thrives in sun or partial shade and can tolerant dry conditions, heat, humidity, salty air, and poor nutrient soils. Give this easy growing plant good drainage and medium moisture for optimum growth. Just protect it from frost. It's mature height is 1 to 2 ft and spreads 3 to 4 ft wide. Useful as a groundcover and for mass plantings under large trees and borders. It can be trimmed hard and resprouts quickly. Its flowers attract numerous varieties of butterflies. Useful as a house plant and looks great spilling over from containers, planter boxes, or hanging baskets. In colder regions, try it as an annual groundcover or potted plant. The species is believed to be native to India, Malaysia, and eastern Africa and has naturalized in many other tropical regions. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae


Augusta rivalis

(Syn.: Lindenia rivalis), Needle Flower

Augusta rivalis


This rare exotic shrub has 5 inch long white tubular flowers flaring to 1½ inches wide in clusters. It gets its common name from the needle-like unopened flower buds. Almost everblooming, even on young plants. Compact growing to 3 feet in height. Ideal for containers or small gardens. Plant in acid to neutral soil with plenty of moisture in full sun to part shade. It's cold hardy to the low 30's, but needs warmth and humidity to grow and thrive. Native to Central America where it grows along stream beds and is pollinated by hawkmoths. Some Florida commercial growers are selling this with the name Albertia sp. Belize in error. Rubiaceae


Bakeridesia integerrima

(Syn.: Abutilon chittendenii), Canary Tree

Bakeridesia integerrima


Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 feet. One to two inch yellow flowers with orange streaks in the throat. Blooms in profusion for 6 to 8 months. Keep soil evenly moist, in well drained soil. Ideal for small gardens or large containers. Attractive to butterflies. Can probably withstand brief periods of mild frost. From Honduras and Guatemala. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae


Ballochia rotundifolia

Ballochia rotundifolia


This very rare endangered plant is native to the island of Socotra (part of Yemen) located in the Arabian Sea. The foliage looks somewhat like that of boxwood, but with small 1 inch slightly bent orange tubular flowers in summer. It's a low growing, heavily branched shrub growing up to 3 feet high, with gray twigs, and rounded ½ inch long dark green leaves. In its natural habitat, it grows at an elevation of 1,500 to 2,000 feet in subtropical/tropical drought-deciduous forests, with only about 15 inches of rainfall a year. There is no information available on its culture and habit in cultivation. It would seem to be a long-lived, drought resistant shrub that needs excellent drainage, full sun, and protection from frost. It could possibly be trained as an unusual bonsai. Our guess: USDA zones 9b - 12. Acanthaceae


Barleria lupulina

(Syn.: Dicliptera spinosa), Hophead Philippine Violet, Porcupine Flower

Barleria lupulina


Species name lupulina means "resemble hops," referring to the flower heads. From a terminal spike of purple tipped overlapping bracts, appearing in summer, are buttery yellow flowers with long stamens. This is a thorny upright shrub to 4 feet in height with dark reddish brown stems and dark green leaves, that have a prominent red vein running down the center. It's commonly sheared and used as an attractive barrier hedge in the tropics. In Asia, it is sometimes used medicinally as an anti-inflammatory poultice for insect and snake bites. Give it full sun to partial shade and fertile, moist, well-drained (sandy or gritty) soil. It is somewhat drought tolerant. Native to Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, but naturalized throughout the tropics. Cannot take any frost. USDA zones 10b - 11. Acanthaceae


Barleria obtusa

Bush Violet

Barleria obtusa


Sprawling evergreen shrub to 3 feet high by 5 feet wide with dark green elliptic leaves, covered with 1 inch blue-purple flowers in late fall and winter. Sun or light shade. Fast growing. Drought resistant and can take a small amount of frost. Native to South Africa. USDA zones 9 - 11. Acanthaceae


Barleria repens 'Pink'

Pink Bush Violet

Barleria repens Pink


This cultivar is characterized by its pink flowers and dark green glossy leaves. It's an excellent ground cover that can be pruned into a low hedge. Very suitable as a container plant, or on top of a low wall, where its foliage and flowers can spill down. Prune and fertilize at regular intervals and keep well watered. Plant does best in cool sun or light shade. Height 1 to 2 feet. Hardy to 28F in a protected location. Native to South Africa. Acanthaceae


Barleria repens 'Purple Prince'

Purple Prince Bush Violet

Barleria repens Purple Prince


'Purple Prince' is a medium grower with glossy green leaves with deep purple tubular flowers. It's an excellent ground cover that can be pruned into a low hedge. Very suitable as a container plant, or on top of a low wall, where its foliage and flowers can spill down. Prune and fertilize at regular intervals and keep well watered. Plant does best in cool sun or light shade. Hardy to 28F in a protected location. Height 1 to 2 feet. Native to South Africa. Acanthaceae


Barleria repens 'Rosea'

Coral Creeper Bush Violet

Barleria repens Rosea


A vigorous evergreen low grower with small rounded soft glossy leaves and flame-red flowers at various times throughout the year. Very suitable as a container plant, or on top of a low wall, where its foliage and flowers can spill down. Mass plant in partial shade under trees to form a ground cover, or plant along the edge of an informal border. Prune and fertilize at regular intervals and keep well watered. Plant does best in cool sun or light shade. Height 1 to 2 feet. Hardy to 28F in a protected location. Native to South Africa. Acanthaceae


Barleria rotundifolia

Spiny Yellow Barleria, Thorny Bush Violet, Yellow Barleria

Barleria rotundifolia


Beautiful butter-yellow flowers with small shiny green leaves on this evergreen, spiny shrub from South Africa. Grows fast to 3 feet high in part shade to full sun, well-drained soil. Use in flowers beds, containers, or can be planted as a thorny barrier. Attracts butterflies. Tolerates light frost. Acanthaceae


Begonia 'Afternoon Delight'

Begonia Afternoon Delight


From our Brad Thomas collection comes this begonia introduced in 1990 with dark green wavy leaves, silver spots and dark pink flowers. It grows semi-upright to about 1.5 feet high and makes a great basket plant. It's easy to grow and a heavy bloomer. It's a cross of B. 'Lenore Olivier' and B. albopicta. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Arlene Ingles'

Begonia Arlene Ingles


Medium growing superba-type cane. Leaves are medium sized lobed gray green with silver markings. Flowers are light pink in large clusters. Easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Barbara Rose'

Begonia Barbara Rose


Medium to tall growing upright cane with medium sized dark bronzy leaves. Leaves are lobed, undulated, with a saw tooth edge and covered with prominent white spots. Grows very full easily and can be trained to be very compact. Flowers are a lovely shade of bright rose pink flowers in hydrangea type clusters above the foliage. Very easy to grow and not prone to mildew. Always a beauty, selected for it's ease of culture, full growing habit, and ease of flowering. (Thompson)


Begonia boisiana

Begonia boisiana


This is an easy to grow collectable begonia with upright growth to 2 feet with small white flowers and slight pink edging. It blooms in the summer. With glossy green leaves, its underside has noticeable burgundy colored venation. It has some unusual floral and vegetative characteristics that are not typical of most begonias. Native to tropical rain forests of central and northern Vietnam.


Begonia 'Carol Pease'

Begonia Carol Pease


Medium to large growing shrub with medium sized hairy bright green leaves. Similar in habit and appearance to Begonia 'Ginny' but leaves are larger, wider and more lobed. Profuse bloomer with pure white fuzzy flowers in all light conditions. Great contrast plant for mass plantings with Begonia 'Ginny' and Begonia 'Pastel Princess'. Although tall if allowed to grow to full height, it is easily trained and maintained at any size needed. Very carefree and easy to grow.


Begonia 'Castaway'

Begonia Castaway


A compact growing cane with dark olive leaves with red backs. Rubra type cane. Flowers are pale pink and everblooming. Castaway comes close to being a perfect plant. It's easy to grow, blooms continuously, and doesn't seem to get mildew. Makes a great windowsill plant, potted plant, can be used in landscaping, and easily makes a perfect hanging baskets with little training. A great plant for experienced or new begonia growers. First time offered for sale at Kartuz Greenhouses. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Chiquita Rosa'

Begonia Chiquita Rosa


Upright growing to 1 foot tall, full and wide. Similar to Begonia foliosa, without its tall upright growing habit. This plant stays small and compact and also blooms much more profusely. It's other parent gave it the compact full growing habit. Flowers are small with red ovaries with pink and white tepals (petals). Leaves are small, oval serrated, like foliosa. Makes a great basket or small potted plant. (Thompson)


Begonia chloroneura

Begonia chloroneura


(Distinctive Foliage Rhizomatous Begonia) Dwarf, compact rhizomatous begonia, red backed coppery leaves with prominent light green veins, fine red hairs. Flowers are white to pale pink. Terrarium culture suggested or warm greenhouse. Native of the Philippines. (F, D, T)


Begonia Compact Cane Collection

Begonia Compact Cane Collection


3 different, our choice, compact varieties.


Begonia 'Coral Sabers'

Begonia Coral Sabers


Medium growing upright cane. Long narrow pointed dark green leaves with a deeply serrated edge. Flowers are dark coral in open clusters. Profuse and nearly everblooming. Easy to grow as upright or trained as a basket. (Thompson)


Begonia crassicaulis

Begonia crassicaulis


Medium growing upright and sprawling rhizomatous species. Rhizomes are very big and woody with leaves usually at the tips. Defoliates in winter under some growing conditions especially outdoors in temperate climates. Unusual in that it usually blooms profusely with bright pink flowers on the bare rhizome tips and then puts out leaves after the flowering is over. Easy to grow and unusual, can be used as a bonsai but can also grow into a large specimen plant.

Larger sized plants in 4 inch pots.


Begonia cubensis

Begonia cubensis


A cute species from Cuba discovered in 1858. This is the true species, not cubensis hort. It has small wavy waxy gray/green leaves on short thin woody stems. Blooms nearly continuously with bright pink flowers held above the foliage. Very compact and very easy to grow and mildew resistant. A must for collectors and beginners alike. A good windowsill begonia. Very rarely offered for sale.


Begonia 'Deco Checks'

Begonia Deco Checks


Medium sized dark green leaves with dark black checkering and white center eye. Markings are consistent regardless of light conditions, so won't fade out or change with seasons as do some with similar markings. Leaves are deeply lobed but not quite star-shaped, more rounded. Profuse light pink flowers in spring. Markings are very unusual and distinct. (Anderson)


Begonia 'Deco Raspberry Truffle'

Begonia Deco Raspberry Truffle


This is a rhizomatous begonia with medium sized light green leaves with dark purplish-black checkering and a light green center eye. Leaves are lobed but not quite star-shaped, more rounded. Markings are very unusual and distinct. Similar to Begonia 'Deco Checks' but larger growing.


Begonia domingensis

Begonia domingensis


A beautiful and easy to grow low growing species from the West Indies. Usually stays 12 to 18 inches tall and tend to grow more wide though stems are very stiff and upright. Leaves are small rounded and leathery and bright green to gray/green depending on light intensity. Very unusual flowers during the warm months of the year. It sends up short spikes of small pink and white flowers that totally cover the plant. Very easy to grow and very tough. Would make a great windowsill plant or small potted plant though in warm climates would grow great planted in the soil.


Begonia dregei

(Syn.: Begonia suffruticosa)

Begonia dregei


(Semi-tuberous Begonia) Small, lobed, maple-leaf foliage, red stems, dwarf. White flowers in abundance. Because these are seed grown, there is some variation to leaf shape and form from the standard. (F, D)


Begonia 'Earthtones'

Begonia Earthtones


Small to medium growing rhizomatous. Leaves are medium sized, rounded, slightly lobed, on long straight stiff petioles. Gets its name from the leaf colors which change with the seasons or light conditions and can be any shade from aqua marine to raw umber or even ochre with dark veining and spots. Full growing and compact. Dark hot pink flowers in spring. Easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia egregia

Begonia egregia


Tall growing thick stemmed species. Stems are woody and usually bare except near the tip. Leaves are very unusual. Leaves are large, long and narrow with a lightly serrated edge and slightly folded up along the mid rib. Leaves are bright green and textured with a red edge. Very unusual begonia for collectors and casual growers alike. Profuse white flowers in large open clusters in spring.


Begonia 'Emerald Glow'

Begonia Emerald Glow


Full growing, compact upright to 18 inches but can be kept shorter. Leaves are cupped bright glowing green, medium sized with light hairiness and textured. Flowers in summer with upright clusters of bright pink flowers on long stems. Easy to grow, very full growing, and very showy even out of bloom. Makes a nice specimen plant. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Erythrophylla'

(Beefsteak Begonia, Kidney Begonia)

Begonia Erythrophylla


Old-fashioned cultivar with dark green, glossy, round, peltate leaves, red underside. This German cross of Begonia hydrocotylifolia and Begonia manicata was made in 1845, making it one of the earliest hybrids in cultivation. It has been passed down by families for generations, which is the reason it has stayed around for such a long time. Easy.


Begonia 'Erythrophylla Helix'

Begonia Erythrophylla Helix


This is a sport of Begonia 'Erythrophylla'. Everything is exactly the same as with the old-fashioned cultivar except 'Helix' has pronounced double spiraled leaves. As with its parent, its leaves are dark green and glossy with a red underside.


Begonia foliosa var miniata

(Begonia fuchsioides)

Begonia foliosa var miniata


Deep coral-red flowers hang in clusters resembling fuchsias. Tiny dark green glossy leaves. Can be trained for hanging basket or as upright grower. (F, B)


Begonia 'Fredas Folly'

Begonia Fredas Folly


Upright growing to 3 feet but can be shaped to any size. Very full growing and easy to grow. Leaves are bright green, cupped and cleft. Multiple dainty sprays of small white flowers with pink ovaries. Makes an easy specimen plant. (Thompson)


Begonia gardneri

Begonia gardneri


This is a thick stemmed species from Brazil with large green parted leaves. Grows 4 feet tall with small white flowers. Allow it to get slightly dry between waterings but never completely dry and grow in full to partial shade.


Begonia 'Gary Hunt'

Begonia Gary Hunt


Full and upright growing to 2 feet. Leaves are triangle-shaped, cupped and fuzzy, dark maroon-green with narrow yellowish stripe down the center. Flowers are medium pink and fuzzy on upright stems, mostly in summer. Showy even out of bloom and easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Gideon'

Begonia Gideon


This interesting begonia is grown for its variegated leaves with green venation on a pale green background. The leaves have a reddish edge and are heavily textured. Winter flowering with tall stems of white flowers. This compact grower may loose some variegation during the winter. This is a Freda Holly hybrid (2000) of Begonia valida. There's an elatior tuberous begonia with the patented name of Begonia 'Gideon' registered in 2008. This is not the same plant.


Begonia 'Ginny'

Begonia Ginny


Narrow red backed coppery leaves, clusters of pink and white flowers all year. Compact, easy. (F, D)


Begonia 'Harmony's Stormy Sunset'

Begonia Harmony's Stormy Sunset


This charming rhizomatous begonia, a sport of Begonia 'Passing Storm', has tear shaped leaves of pink that gradually age to silvery gray. Veins are gray colored. Grows in a mounding habit to about 12 inches tall with light pink flowers. (Harmony Foliage, FL)


Begonia 'Indian Summer'

Begonia Indian Summer


Medium leaved rhizomatous. It's very hard to get a perfect image since the velvety sheen to the leaf is hard to capture. Roughly a rounded star shaped leaf, lobed and slightly cupped with a glowing hairy serrated edge. The leaves can go through color changes during the year from reddish brown to orange/red with faint darker markings but always with a central glowing eye and glowing red central veins. In Autumn B. 'Indian Summer' is nearly always the color in the picture and no matter what shade it always has that velvety sheen. The leaves do practically glow. It has the added bonus of profuse medium pink flowers in spring. Compact and easy to grow. A must have. (Thompson)


Begonia jairii

Begonia jairii


Probably can be grown to be large but is easily maintained and kept to a small size. Considered by some to be a form of Begonia ulmifolia though its growth habits are much different. Medium green leaves are small and narrow with a rounded tip and hairy. In certain light conditions the hairs give the plant a pinkish/purple hue. Stems have an arching habit which give it a weeping appearance. Would probably make a great hanging basket. White flowers in spring but quite attractive even out of bloom. Although it has been in cultivation for a long period is not widely known or grown and this is probably the first time it has been available online. A must have for collectors of hairy leaves and species begonias.


Begonia 'Kingsbury'

Begonia Kingsbury


Medium to large sized angular-shaped leaves with red hairs on margin. Leaves are a pale gray-green color and have a hairy red collar around the leaf stalk where leaf connects. Pink flowers in spring. Takes a little work to get a shapely plant but worth the effort. Rhizome grows upright. Old hybrid, but rarely offered. Similar to Begonia 'Colonel Gale'.


Begonia kisuluana

Begonia kisuluana


(Trailing-scandent African Begonia) Small oval leathery leaves, red center vein. White flowers tipped pink.


Begonia 'Lady Hoskins'

Begonia Lady Hoskins


Large upright growing cane to 3 feet, but can be pruned to a smaller size. Leaves are cupped, medium sized green leaves with light silver splashes. Leaves are cleft. New leaves show some variegation with light and dark streaks that fade as leaves age. Not overly showy variegation, but a novelty. Flowers are large light pink in large hanging clusters. Easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Lady Katsu'

Begonia Lady Katsu


Upright growing, full and compact, 18 to 24 inches. Long narrow cupped dark green leaves with silver splashes and a saw tooth edge. Profuse bright pink-rose scented flowers. Easy to grow and showy. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Little Antique White'

Begonia Little Antique White


Similar to Begonia 'Emerald Glow' but smaller growing and smaller leaves. Very compact and full growing with the same textured glowing green leaves. Cute upright spikes of antique white flowers in spring or summer. Showy even out of bloom, makes a nice compact specimen plant. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Lovely Louise'

Begonia Lovely Louise


Compact growing upright cane. Medium sized long narrow, dark green (nearly black) leaves with lobed and wavy dentated edge with prominent evenly spaced white spots. Upright growing but can be kept to compact 18 inch height easily. Flowers are bright pink in open clusters held above the foliage. Easy to grow and free blooming though just as showy out of bloom. New Introduction for 2011, first time offered for sale. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Marmaduke'

Begonia Marmaduke


Large bubbly leaves splashed copper and gold. Tall sprays of pink flowers. (F, W)


Begonia 'Master Mark'

Begonia Master Mark


Large growing upright cane with medium sized, narrow slightly cupped leaves. Leaves have a lobed serrated edge and are splashed with silver splashes and spots. Very easy to grow and makes a large specimen plant quickly. Profuse clusters of bright salmon pink flowers that have a rose scent. Very showy plant whether kept small or grown to full size. (Thompson)


Begonia molleri

Begonia molleri


(Trailing-scandent African Begonia) This trailing fibrous-rooted begonia has dark green leathery leaves and white flowers. It once had widespread distribution in Africa, but is now restricted to just Sao Tome Island, off the west coast of Africa.


Begonia 'Palomar Pirate'

Begonia Palomar Pirate


Slim glossy textured red backed leaves, white flowers. Sturdy, easy. (Kartuz)


Begonia 'Palomar Storm'

Begonia Palomar Storm


Slim, dark green glossy leaves with bubbly texture, red undersides. White flowers in summer held above foliage. Compact habit, easy, hardy. (Kartuz)


Begonia 'Paper Snowflakes'

Begonia Paper Snowflakes


Upright growing to 2 feet. Large deeply lobed bright green leaves with irregular-shaped large white spots. Flowers are dark dusky rose-red held above the foliage. Makes a stunning specimen plant, easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Pink Sabers'

Begonia Pink Sabers


Low to medium growing upright cane. Leaves are medium green, medium sized long and narrow with dentated edge and sharp point. Flowers are profuse in open clusters of pale clear pink, nearly everblooming. Easy to grow, showy and compact. Could make a basket easily. This is a 2003 cross between Begonia 'Bolero' and a Philippines species. (Thompson)


Begonia polygonoides

Begonia polygonoides


(Trailing-scandent African Begonia) Small glossy narrow tapered leaves, trailing stems. White flowers edged pink.


Begonia reniformis

(Syn.: Begonia vitifolia), Grape Leaf Begonia

Begonia reniformis


This is an impressive thick-stemmed tree-like Begonia from Brazil. It has huge glossy dark green leaves in the shape of grape leaves and the size of dinner plates. Its thick segmented soft woody stems arise from the base quickly growing up to 10 feet tall (25 feet in the tropics). Many stems arise from the base, creating a full plant. Its upright stems rarely branch and are somewhat brittle. So, it is wise to keep it in a protected position. The airy sprays of small white flowers appear from spring through summer. Give it partial shade, a warm location, and allow it to become somewhat dry between waterings. It can give a real tropical look to the greenhouse, conservatory, or outside in the tropics.


Begonia Rhizomatous Collection

Begonia Rhizomatous Collection


3 different Rhizomatous Begonias, our choice:


Begonia Rhizomatous Miniature Collection

Begonia Rhizomatous Miniature Collection


3 different Miniature Rhizomatous Begonias, our choice.


Begonia 'Rosalie'

Begonia Rosalie


Roundish cupped leaf with very nice double spirals. Leaf is usually reddish bronze with green in the spiral center. Leaf edge is roughly scalloped with sparse hair and a pointed tip. Flowers are dark speckled pink on the outside and a light pink on the inside. A must have for any grower who likes spirals or burgundy/red leaves. First time ever offered for sale. A truly special begonia named after a special lady. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Sherri Rose'

Begonia Sherri Rose


Superba type cane with medium sized long narrow bronze leaves with evenly spaced small white spots over surface. Edges are deeply dentated and lobed. Easy and full growing, can be kept compact or grown into taller specimen. Profuse bright rose pink flowers most of the year. Lightly rose scented. Sturdy and easy to grow. Mildew resistant. Great for beginners or for anyone wishing something new. (Thompson)


Begonia Shrub-like Collection

Begonia Shrub-like Collection


3 different, our choice.


Begonia 'Snow Capped'

Begonia Snow Capped


Leaves are covered with a blizzard of silvery white spots. Clusters of bright red flowers. (F,D)


Begonia Special Collection of 3

Begonia Special Collection of 3


If you can't make up your mind of what begonias to order, these collections offer a wide selection of different easy to grow varieties. Our choice of one each from 3 different begonia groups, for example, one cane-like, one shrub-like, and one rhizomatous.


Begonia Special Collection of 6

Begonia Special Collection of 6


Our choice of 6 different begonias from different groups.


Begonia 'Summer King'

Begonia Summer King


Medium sized leaves are silver streaked and have a scalloped lobed edge. Profuse large dark pink flowers in the warm months of the year. Very showy in or out of bloom. Grows very upright and tall, but can be trained to be more compact. Easy to grow. Released a few years ago, but first time offered online. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Summer Queen'

Begonia Summer Queen


Upright large growing superba-type cane. Can grow very tall but can be kept to 2 feet tall. Leaves are large deeply lobed bright green leaves with large silver markings. Leaves can get 12 inches long and very wide. Very large clusters of bright pink flowers. Showy and easy to grow. Makes a stunning specimen plant. (Thompson)


Begonia Tall Cane Collection

Begonia Tall Cane Collection


3 different, our choice, tall varieties.


Begonia 'Thurstonii'

Begonia Thurstonii


A true heirloom begonia created in 1887. A large growing shrub with medium sized metallic olive green leaves that are slightly cupped with an undulated surface. Large bright fuzzy pink flowers usually in summer but can bloom at any time of year. Very easy to grow and very attractive in or out of bloom. Having been in circulation for over a hundred years, obviously it is vigorous and a begonia everyone should have. Rarely offered for sale online anywhere. (Thurston)


Begonia 'Tinkerbell'

Begonia Tinkerbell


Semperflorum shrub-type begonia. Bears some resemblance to Begonia fischeri but is actually a tamer hybrid of Begonia schmidtiana. Compact, full growing and ever blooming with bright pink flowers. Small round pleated green leaves. Quickly makes a full plant. Very cute plant, makes a great basket. Doesn't reseed itself like the species. Easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia 'Tom Ment'

Begonia Tom Ment


Low growing cane with small bronze leaves with large silver spots. Blooms well with dark salmon to coral flowers. Easy to grow, quickly makes a nice full basket or low growing upright. Makes a great plant without much trimming or training and a good plant for beginners or for anyone interested in begonias to grow for shows. (Mentelos)


Begonia valida

Begonia valida


Large growing large leaved thick-stemmed begonia. For those unfamiliar with the term, thick-stemmed begonias are basically shrubs with very large diameter stems. Most have a tendency to have leaves mainly at the tops with the bare stems showing but Begonia valida can be trained to be shorter and full or tall and bare depending on your preference. Leaves are almost round with slight lobes. In good light light leaves are dark green with some texture but are large and flat in low light. Blooms in late spring to early summer with profuse upright clusters of white flowers. Has the unique habit of putting out variegated leaves at various times of the year, most often in summer or during blooming period. The variegated leaves eventually turn green though hybrids of Begonia valida often retain variegation such as Begonia 'Gideon'. A great plant for collectors or for growers that like large plants. Very easy to grow. Rarely offered.


Begonia 'Venona'

Begonia Venona


Red flowers, dark green red backed silver spotted leaves. Compact, upright.


Begonia 'Vista Way'

Begonia Vista Way


The perfect marriage of the best traits of two popular shrub species, Begonia egregia and Begonia echinosepala. Leaves have the texture, coloring, and red edge of Begonia egregia on a plant that has the full growing, free branching, everblooming habit of Begonia echinosepala. Can be trained for multiple uses from very full hanging baskets, to large specimen plants, or can be pruned easily to keep as a small compact potted plant. Flowers are pure white and held above the foliage. (Thompson)


Bowiea volubilis

Sea Onion, Climbing Onion

Bowiea volubilis


This bulb is a curiosity. It's neither from the sea or related to an onion, but instead is a member of the Asparagus family. The long-lived pale green bulb can grow up to 10 inches across, from which emerges a dense froth of lacy stems climbing up to 6 feet in height (resembling an asparagus fern). In winter, the stems die back as it enters dormancy. It is treated as a succulent and thrives on neglect. Plant in well-draining soil, only half buried, and keep on the dry side in winter. Best in partial shade. In cold climates it needs to be brought indoors during the winter. Be cautious as the bulb is reported to be toxic if ingested. Native to southern and eastern Africa. Asparagaceae


Breynia disticha 'Minima'

Miniature Snowbush

Breynia disticha Minima


Very compact growing shrub with tiny round leaves splotched white, shaded pink. Grow in bright shade. Bonsai subject. USDA zones 10 - 11. Phyllanthaceae (previously in the Euphorbiaceae family)


Breynia disticha 'Roseopicta'

(Syn.: Breynia nervosa 'Roseopicta'), Snowbush

Breynia disticha Roseopicta


Tropical shrub to 5 feet with small colorful leaves of white, pink, red and green. Commonly used as hedge plant in the Hawaiian Islands. Grow in bright shade, fertile soil, and ample moisture. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Native to South Pacific Islands of Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Phyllanthaceae (previously in the Euphorbiaceae family)


Brillantaisia owariensis

(Syn.: Brillantaisia nitens, Brillantaisia nyanzarum), Tropical Giant Salvia

Brillantaisia owariensis


Herbaceous shrub growing 4 to 6 feet tall, with large arrowhead-shaped leaves and spikes of large blue-purple flowers. Plant in part shade with moisture. Native to Central and Western Africa. Hardy to 30F. USDA zones 9 - 11. Acanthaceae


Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi'

Golden Angel's Trumpet

Brugmansia Charles Grimaldi


An exceptional California hybrid with enormous 15 inch yellow-orange flowers and strongly recurved petal tips. This hybrid combines the orange flowers of Brugmansia 'Dr. Seuss' with the warm temperature vigor of Brugmansia 'Frosty Pink'. This outstanding year-round performer is the first hybrid of this color that flowers well in warm temperatures. Wonderful intense fragrance. A cubensis hybrid. (Schwartz and Brigham). Solanaceae


Brugmansia 'Ecuador Pink'

Pink Angel's Trumpet

Brugmansia Ecuador Pink


A rarer pink form of the versicolor species, with large pendant flowers aging from white to pastel and medium pink, darker in warmer temperatures. Southern Ecuador. Solanaceae


Brugmansia 'Milk 'n' Honey'

Brugmansia Milk n Honey


Impressive display of beautiful large fragrant white trumpets with green veins and long tips. Flowers turning to a honey color with age. Green, smooth textured foliage. Can grow 10 to 20 feet hight, 4 to 6 feet wide. However, it's best to occasionally prune back heavily to encourage new growth. Angel's Trumpets thrive in full sun to light shade with heavy feeding and moisture. Hybrid of B. 'Ecuador Pink' and B. versicolor 'Peach'. USDA zones 8b - 10. Versicolor cultivar. Solanaceae


Brugmansia 'Peach'

Brugmansia Peach


Long tube extends past calyx, then bloom flares, peach color petals occasional split. A versicolor cultivar. We obtained it under the unverifiable name of 'Maui Peach'. Solanaceae


Brunfelsia americana

Lady of the Night

Brunfelsia americana


Wonderfully fragrant large creamy white flowers with a long tube. Light green leathery foliage. Solanaceae


Buddleja Collection

Buddleja Collection


3 different, our choice Scrophulariaceae


Buddleja indica

(Syn.: Nicodemia diversifolia), Indoor Oak

No Image Available


From Madagascar, an uncommon foliage house plant with oak-shaped dark green leaves with a bronzy cast. Pinch new growth to insure dense habit. Best in part shade. Can be used as a bonsai subject. Scrophulariaceae


Buddleja 'Lochinch'

Buddleja Lochinch


Racemes of fragrant lilac-blue flowers with deep violet eye throughout the season. Beautiful small silvery foliage. Very compact, hardy. Scrophulariaceae


Buddleja madagascariensis

Buddleja madagascariensis


Spikes of Fragrant yellow-orange flowers fall through spring. White backed leaves. 25F. Scrophulariaceae


Buddleja officinalis

Pole Butterflybush

Buddleja officinalis


Evergreen shrub to 8 feet with sweetly scented lilac-mauve flowers with orange throat in 12 inch panicles. Leaves gray-green with gray wool beneath. Booms heavily in winter thru early spring and is attractive to butterflies. Native to Western China and Vietnam, where it's used as a source for dye, food, medicine, and perfume. Makes a great conservatory plant in the winter for it's hyacinth-like perfumed scent. Full sun, USDA zones 8 - 10. Scrophulariaceae


Calathea rufibarba 'Compact'

Calathea rufibarba Compact


Fuzzy lanciolate dark green leaves, red reverse. Smaller growing than the typical species. Inconspicuous spikes of golden yellow flowers appear at the soil level. Easy house plant. Shade or bright indirect light. Native to tropical America. USDA zones 10 - 12. Marantaceae


Callisia fragrans 'Melnikoff'

Basket Plant, False Bromeliad, Octopus Plant

Callisia fragrans Melnikoff


This is a low growing perennial with 6 to 10 inch bright green waxy leaves with white to cream colored lengthwise stripes of varying widths. The tightly overlapping leaves form a rosette somewhat resembling a bromeliad. It has small fragrant white flowers borne in clusters on long upright stalks. Best in well-drained moist soil in part shade. It makes a good groundcover in mild climates as an accent with other tropical plantings or as a beautiful large hanging basket with its cascading trailing stems. Old fashioned houseplant. Native to Mexico. USDA zones 9 - 11. Commelinaceae


Callisia gentlei var. elegans

(Syn.: Callisia elegans), Pinstriped Inch Plant, Striped Inch Plant

Callisia gentlei var elegans


Dark slate green fleshy 1¼" leaves are marked with distinctive parallel white lines. Small white flowers appear at the tip of elongated stems in summer. Give bright shade and good drainage. It's best to keep on the dry side, as overwatering can be detrimental. Easy, fast growing uncommon house plant, mat forming groundcover, or basket plant. Outdoors USDA zones 10 - 11. Native to Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. Commelinaceae


Camptosema spectabile

(Syn.: Camptosema grandiflora), Cuitelo, Cipo Tapia, Crista-De-Galo (Rooster's Crest), Dwarf Red Jade Vine
(Sometimes miss-identified as a Mucuna species)

Camptosema spectabile


Spectacular vine from Brazil with long pendulous chains of fiery orange-red flowers. It can be brought to bloom after a couple of seasons in a large container, but this heavy vine needs a large support. It's best outdoors or in a conservatory or greenhouse where enough space can be given. An arbor is ideal so that the brilliant flowering racemes can hang down from the ceiling. Blooms in fall and winter. Prune heavily in spring after flowering. Give full or partial sun with adequate moisture and fertilizer.

It hails from the Cerrados parts of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo states of Brazil at an elevation of 1,500 to 3,000 feet. Therefore, it can tolerate some drought and frost. It survived 4 nights that dropped briefly to 25F at the nursery without any damage. USDA zones 9b - 11.

Why someone has recently given it the name of "Dwarf Red Jade Vine" is anyone's guess? It's definitely not a dwarf growing vine, nor is it a close relative of Mucuna bennettii, the tropical Red Jade Vine from Papua New Guinea. Leguminosae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Frost'

Golden Natal Plum

Carissa macrocarpa Frost


This evergreen South African natal plum has small glossy green leaves beautifully variegated with golden cream and fragrant white flowers. Open growth habit to 4 feet. Grow in part shade to full sun with good drainage and in a frost free location. Tolerates beachfront locations. Apocynaceae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Humphreyi Variegata'

Carissa macrocarpa Humphreyi Variegata


Small glossy leaves beautifully variegated cream and light green, very full, compact habit, perfect for bonsai. Fragrant white flowers. Apocynaceae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Jen's Beauty'

White Variegated Natal Plum

Carissa macrocarpa Jen's Beauty


This is a chance variegated sport of the compact Carissa macrocarpa 'Tuttle' with small glossy green leaves and creamy white variegation. It's fragrant white flowers are followed by small edible red fruit. Compact slow growth to 4 feet. Grow in part shade to full sun with good drainage and in a frost free location. Tolerates beachfront locations. Good candidate for use as a Bonsai. Apocynaceae


Centaurea cineraria 'Colchester White'

(Syn.: Centaurea gymnocarpa), Pink Dusty Miller, Velvet Centaurea

Centaurea cineraria Colchester White


This is a sprawling perennial shrub with filigreed grayish-white leaves and pinkish-purple small thistle-like flowers in spring through mid-summer. Grows 3 to 4 feet in height and 6 to 8 feet in width. Can be pruned hard after flowering and will quickly regrow. Give full sun and water sparingly. It is drought resistant and will tolerate a wide range of soils. Hardy to 15 to 20F. Native to Italy. USDA zones 8-10. This is sometimes sold as Centaurea gymnocarpa but that is botanically incorrect, as C. gymnocarpa refers to a rare endangered plant from a small Italian island off of Tuscany. Asteraceae


Centratherum punctatum

(Syn.: Centratherum intermedium), Manaos Beauty, Brazilian Button, Pineapple Weed

Centratherum punctatum


Tender perennial with pineapple scented foliage and 1½ inch fluffy lavender-blue button-like flowers. Wonderful for borders or containers. Grows 12 to 24 inches high and wide. Blooms over a long period, from summer to frost. Likes rich, moist soil in full sun, but can tolerate some shade and dryness. Reseeds heavily. Attractive to butterflies. USDA zones 9 - 11. Native to tropical areas of South and Central America. Asteraceae


Ceropegia ampliata

Bushman's Pipe, Horny Wonder, Condom Plant

Ceropegia ampliata


This unusual conversation piece produces in abundance strange looking green and white flowers in late summer. It has a unique method of pollination. The tubular 2½ inch flowers are lined inside with downward pointing hairs that temporarily trap insects. They are then released the next day covered with pollen. With thick leafless twining stems, it is best displayed in a hanging basket. Plant in partial shade with a well-draining cactus mix and allow to dry out between waterings. Needs protection from freezing. Native to South Africa. A detailed description of this weird plant can be found at PlantZAfrica.com. Apocynaceae


Ceropegia fusca Variegated

Variegated Stick Ceropegia

Ceropegia fusca Variegated


New! This very rare collector's plant has longitudinal stripes of green and yellow variegation running along its upright jointed cylindrical stems. This is a native of the Canary Islands, where its non-variegated form grows in a shrubby manner up to 5 feet high in full hot sun with stems having a waxy white exterior. The small insignificant leaves are usually dropped in hot, dry conditions. From spring to summer it blooms with tube-shaped, lantern-like reddish brown flowers. It makes a nice ornamental plant for the dry, drought tolerant garden. Give it good drainage and minimum water in the winter. It is usually recommended that it requires hot conditions and as much sun as possible to grow well. However, this variegated form might need a bit of sun protection and is probably more suitable as a potted plant. USDA zones 9 - 11.

Plants are sold in 3 inch pots (the image shows a typical plant on the right side). Apocynaceae


Ceropegia sandersonii

Parachute or Umbrella Plant

Ceropegia sandersonii


The common name of this small succulent vine refers to its flowers that are shaped somewhat like parachutes or umbrellas. The flowers are even more unusual in that they give off a scent to trap flies. As the flies slide down the flower tube to the base they get covered in pollen. The flies are released later, as the flower withers, to pollinate other parachute flowers. It's fairly easy to grow as a basket plant or in a dry terrarium in well-drained soil and bright light (not direct sunlight). Native to Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland. (B,T) Apocynaceae      Resized image from Wikimedia Commons: Wouter Hagens, Ceropegia sandersonii A, CC BY-SA 3.0


Chamaecostus cuspidatus

(Syn.: Costus cuspidatus, Costus igneus), Fiery Spiral Ginger

Chamaecostus cuspidatus


Very large bright orange crepe paper flowers, tapered deep green leaves, dwarf, compact, striking. Brazil. This species was moved from Costus to the new genus Chamaecostus recently. Costaceae


Cheilocostus speciosus 'Variegatus'

(Syn.: Costus speciosus 'Variegatus'), Variegated Crepe Ginger

Cheilocostus speciosus Variegatus


Beautiful white and green striped leaves on sweeping 5 to 7 foot spiral stems. Red cones with white flowers. This species was moved from Costus to the new genus Cheilocostus recently. Costaceae


Chlorophytum 'Fire Flash'

(Possible species names: Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense, Chlorophytum orchidastrum, or Chlorophytum orchidantheroides), Fire Flash, Fire Glory, Mandarin Plant, Tangerine, Sierra Leone Lily

Chlorophytum Fire Flash


Resembles a bromeliad but it's related to the common spider plant. Rosette of dark green leaves with bright coral gold midveins and petioles, grows to 2 feet. Give bright indirect light for best color. Native to east Africa. Botanists can't seem to agree on its proper botanical name. Asparagaceae


Clerodendrum bungei

Cashmere Bouquet

Clerodendrum bungei


Strongly fragrant corymbs of rosy red flowers. Large leaves adorn this shrub from China. 25F. Lamiaceae


Clerodendrum splendens

Clerodendrum splendens


Clusters of brilliant scarlet flowers over a long season adorn this showy vine. Bright green oval leaves. 32F. Lamiaceae


Clerodendrum x speciosum

Clerodendrum x speciosum


This beautiful hybrid is noted for its long lasting rosy red bracts and bright red flowers. Deep green oval leaves. 32F. Lamiaceae


Clivia miniata

Forest Lily, Fire Lily

Clivia miniata - Orange Fl


Clusters of deep orange trumpet-shaped flowers. Dark green wide strap-like leaves, evergreen. Grow in shade, cool greenhouse or conservatory in winter, outdoors all year in frost free locations. Flowering time is February through May. USDA zones 9 - 11. Native to South Africa.

Large blooming size plants in 4 inch pots. Amaryllidaceae


Clusia lanceolata

Red-Heart Porcelain Flower, Lance-leaf Autograph Tree

Clusia lanceolata


This showy exotic has lovely 1½ inch porcelain white flowers with a dark red center and 3 inch narrow, leathery leaves. In nature it grows as a shrub or small tree to 10 feet high. However, it makes a fine container plant, where its size can be controlled with judicious pruning. Try growing it as a 2 foot container specimen. It starts blooming at a young age and for most of the year, with the flowers holding on for a few days. Grows well in full sun to light shade. It's native to sandy coastal areas of Brazil and Venezuela, so it's tolerant of tropical seacoast conditions, such as wind, drought, and salt air. It's frost tender, so winter protection is necessary in colder climates, with a minimum temperature of 40F. It's well adapted to subtropical and tropical gardens. USDA zones 10 - 12. Clusiaceae


Clusia rosea

(Syn.: Clusia major), Autograph Tree

Clusia rosea


We now offer a clone that has proven to be somewhat resistant to cold temperatures. In a sheltered location, the mother plant has withstood brief temperatures down to the mid 20's without harm (Vista, California - USDA zone 9a). However, no assurance can be given since micro climates do vary. This is a large shrub or small tree with broad, thick, leathery 8 inch dark green leaves. Pale pink 2 inch camellia-like flowers. Scratch your autograph on a young leaf and watch it grow. Useful landscape tree in tropical to subtropical climates or an unusual containerized house plant elsewhere. Full sun to dappled shade, salt tolerant. Native to Southern Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean. Clusiaceae


Cnidoscolus aconitifolius

(Cnidoscolus chayamansa), Mayan Spinach Tree, Chaya

Cnidoscolus aconitifolius


Chaya is a highly nutritious green vegetable shrub from southern Mexico and Central America. It's very rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, and iron. Grows 6 to 8 feet high, somewhat resembling a cassava plant. As it is from the dry tropics, it is quite drought resistant. Plant in sun or light shade. It cannot take frost or water-logged soil. Butterflies love the small white flowers. Due to the fact that the leaves contain cyanide, they must be cooked to remove the toxic substances. Please do an extensive internet search for advice before consuming. USDA zones 9b - 11. Euphorbiaceae


Codonanthe and xCodonatanthus Collection

Codonanthe and xCodonatanthus Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe carnosa

Codonanthe carnosa


Delightful waxy white flowers are strongly scented. Small round dark foliage, trailing. Lovely. (F, B, W) Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe devosiana

Codonanthe devosiana


Charming diminutive trailer with tiny round leaves shaded purple. Pink throated, waxy white flowers, showy orange berries. Everblooming. (F, B, D) Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe devosiana 'Zizo'

Codonanthe devosiana Zizo


Compact easy growing trailer with many white flowers followed by attractive orange berries. Give this epiphyte good drainage and a semi-shady spot. Native to the Atlantic forests of southeast Brazil. (F, B)


Codonanthe elegans

No Image Available


Appealing yellow-throated, waxy white flowers, larger than most codonanthe. Glossy apple-green leaves with deep red center vein. Compact, trailing, easy. Very ornamental. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe gracilis

Codonanthe gracilis


Numerous white flowers, dark throat, showy orange berries. Small pointed waxy leaves, graceful pendant stems. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe 'Tommy'

Codonanthe Tommy


This Codonanthe is festooned with numerous white flowers with speckled throats. The small pointed deep green waxy leaves with reddish reverse are densly packed on graceful pendant stems. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


xCodonatanthus 'Golden Tambourine'

Codonatanthus Golden Tambourine


Very compact habit with small golden yellow foliage. Dainty rose pink and cream flowers. Nice for windowsill or terrarium. Gesneriaceae


Columnea Collection

Columnea Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Crimson Spike'

Columnea Crimson Spike


Clusters of crimson-rose flowers on upright stems, smooth pointed leaves. (Kartuz) Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Diablo'

Columnea Diablo


Small dark green pointed leaves, trailing. Big red flowers in abundance all year. (Kartuz) (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Columnea gloriosa 'Superba'

Columnea gloriosa Superba


Immense hooded red flowers along trailing stems. Very small dark purple foliage. One of the most beautiful species. Greenhouse culture recommended. (B) Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Golden Spike'

Columnea Golden Spike


Clusters of bright yellow flowers, upright stems, pointed red backed dark green leaves. (Kartuz) Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Orange Sherbet'

Columnea Orange Sherbet


Quantities of large flaming orange flowers produced all year on this vigorous, trailing plant. Small bright green leaves. (Schwarz) (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Orange Spike'

Columnea Orange Spike


Clusters of orange flowers on upright stems, smooth pointed leaves. Gesneriaceae


Coprosma kirkii 'Kiwi Gold'

Coprosma kirkii Kiwi Gold


The shiny small green leaves are heavily splashed with gold. Full sun or bright shade. Grows just a few inches tall and can spread more than several feet wide. Excellent bonsai or ground cover. Rubiaceae


Coprosma kirkii 'Variegata'

Coprosma kirkii Variegata


Evergreen ground cover native to New Zealand, grown for its attractive glossy leaves. Tiny oval leaves variegated green, edged white. Compact, prostrate. Excellent for bonsai. Full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Beatens Gold'

Gold Variegated Coprosma

Coprosma repens Beatens Gold


It's an excellent choice for bonsai or topiary with small green leaves with gold centers. In the ground, it grows as an erect shrub to 6 feet. Too much shade and it may lose it's variegation. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Coppershine'

Coprosma repens Coppershine


Very easy to grow shrub with small very glossy leaves that are bright bronze with a greenish center. Grows to 6 feet tall. Excellent at the coast, tolerating salt spray and wind. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Evening Glow'

Coprosma repens Evening Glow


Dramatic colorful foliage of deep green with blotches of gold changing to shades of bright orange and red in the fall and winter. Upright habit to 4 feet in a natural pyramid form, but can be pruned to any shape. Hardy to 20 - 25F. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Marble Queen'

Coprosma repens Marble Queen


Attractive white and green blotched and speckled leaves, giving a marble effect. Dense growth 5 to 8 feet tall by 4 to 6 feet wide. Hardy to 20F. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Painters Palette'

Coprosma repens Painters Palette


Upright plant with distinctly colored leaves of red, orange, pink and green variegations, intensifying in winter. Beautiful shiny luster to the leaves. Compact growth. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Picturata'

Coprosma repens Picturata


Green leaves with a bright blotch of creamy yellow in the center. Grows 6 feet tall. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Pink Splendor'

Coprosma repens 'Autumn Splendor'

Coprosma repens Pink Splendor


Beautiful dense, mounding shrub with leaves of peachy pink, tan, cream and green with bright yellow margins developing a rosy pink glow in cooler winter months. Grows 6 to 8 feet high. Hardy to 20F. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Rainbow Surprise'

Coprosma repens Rainbow Surprise


Dense, rounded shrub with small shiny leaves, flushed with pink variegation with a pale cream margin. Leaves take on burnt orange to red foliage in winter. Easy shrub, growing 4 to 5 feet high. Tolerates shearing. Hardy to 20 - 25F. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Roys Red'

Red Mirror Plant

Coprosma repens Roys Red


A small dense shrub with shiny dark bronzy green leaves turning a deep purple-red in winter. Plant in full sun. Grows 3 to 4 feet high. Hardy to 20F. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Taupata Gold'

Coprosma repens Taupata Gold


An upright form with bold variegated leaves of crisp yellow with dark green centers. Use to brighten up foundation plantings, growing to about 4 feet high. Rubiaceae


Cornutia pyramidata

(Syn.: Cornutia grandifolia), Tropical Lilac

Cornutia pyramidata


Evergreen bush or small tree with aromatic velvety leaves with clusters of huge purplish blue flower spikes in spring and summer. Attracts butterflies. Native to Central America. Protect from frost. Lamiaceae


Costus arabicus 'Variegatus'

(Misapplied: Costus amazonicus 'Variegatus')

Costus arabicus Variegatus


Beautiful white and green striped foliage. White flowers sometimes emerge from cone-like clusters on mature stalks. Grows to 5 feet tall in cultivation. Give shade, rich soil, and moisture. Incorrectly sold in the nursery trade as Costus amazonicus 'Variegatus'. Costaceae


Costus comosus var. bakeri

(Misapplied: Costus barbatus)

Costus comosus var bakeri


Large showy terminal cones of red bracts with yellow flowers. Smooth velvety green leaves, large, tall, tropical, easy. Hardy to 32F. Incorrectly known in the nursery trade as Costus barbatus. Costaceae


Costus malortieanus

Costus malortieanus


Beautiful broad velvety emerald green leaves. Bright yellow flowers with red stripes. Costaceae


Costus pulverulentus 'Purple Passion'

Costus pulverulentus Purple Passion


This is a compact costus with beautiful dark green leaves with dark purple undersides. The green stalks are arranged in a spiral form with purple bands at the leaf bases topped with bright orange-red flowers protruding from the red cone-shaped inflorescence. This desirable plant is easy to grow and flower. Its compact height, to 4 feet, makes it a fine potted plant or landscape specimen. Give it moist well draining soil in bright shade and frost protection in the winter. It was first collected in a Panamanian garden and is considered of hybrid origin, possibly with Costus laevis as a parent. USDA zones 10 - 12. Our catalog previously listed this plant as Costus laevis in error. Costaceae


Crescentia alata

Mexican Calabash, Gourd Tree

Crescentia alata


This small curious tree has flowers and large cannonball-like fruits that occur directly on its branches and trunk (cauliflorous). The 2½ inch bell-shaped flowers are tinted yellow with a trace of purple and open for a single night and then fall the following day. In the wild, pollinating bats are attracted by the flower's musky scent. Flowering occurs from May until November. The resulting 5 inch round, hard fruits are green, turn yellow as they ripen, and eventually fall from the tree. The round dry shells from the fruit are cut into bowls and often made into musical rattles known as maracas. To produce odd shapes for birdhouses, etc., string is sometimes tied around the fruit as it grows. When the hard fruit is broken open, seeds are exposed that are edible and high in protein with a sweet licorice-like taste. With age, the young seedlings will develop normal leaves that are trifoliolate with a leaflike winged petiole shaped like a cross.

It grows to 25 feet in height, is semi-deciduous, drought tolerant, and has a spreading low canopy and open, branching growth habit. It can be used as a unique large bonsai specimen in the landscape and is well suited for patio planters and container growing. Epiphytes love to grow on its corky bark. It does need a frost free growing environment. Native to southern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica. USDA zones 9b - 11. Bignoniaceae


Crossandra nilotica

Red Firecracker Plant

Crossandra nilotica


Tropical evergreen herbaceous shrub growing 1 to 2 feet high with clusters of brick-red blooms and lance-shaped, deep green leaves. Flowers throughout the warmer months in bright or filtered shade. Needs warmth and humidity. Does not tolerate cold conditions. Grow as a ground cover or as a house plant. This is possibly the hybrid known as 'Nile Queen'. Crossandra nilotica petals are slightly smaller and deeper lobed than the more common orange flowered Crossandra infundibuliformis. The common name "Firecracker Plant" refers to the dry seedpods which explode when wet. Native to Tropical Africa. USDA zones 10 - 11. Acanthaceae


Cuphea 'David Verity'

Large Firecracker Plant

Cuphea David Verity


Dark orange tubular flowers with yellow-orange tips closely set with small glossy leaves. Hummingbirds love this plant. Flowers virtually all year. Presumed hybrid between Cuphea ignea and Cuphea micropetala. Grows 5 to 6 feet in mild climates. 15F. We erroneously sold it last year as Cuphea ignea. Lythraceae


Cuphea salvadorensis

(Syn.: Cuphea oreophila), Christmas Cigar Flower, Salvadoran Cigar Plant

Cuphea salvadorensis


Rare cuphea with bright orange-red 1½ inch tubular flowers with green tips at the mouth of the floral tubes. In Hawaii, an unusual Christmas lei is sometimes made from the flowers because of its bright red and green holiday colors. Mounding shrub to 5 feet. Give full sun, protection from frost. Hummingbirds love it. From Southern Mexico and El Salvador. Photos by Forest & Kim Starr (USGS) from Plants of Hawaii. Tropicos.org of Missouri Botanical Garden lists C. oreophila as a synonym, even though others list it as a different species. It sure looks the same to us. Lythraceae


Cymbopogon citratus

Lemon Grass

Cymbopogon citratus


This rapid growing perennial tropical grass is native to Southeast Asia where it is used in cooking to give a lemon flavoring. Also, it is a fine looking ornamental, growing in a dense clump to 3 feet high and as wide. Leaves emit a wonderful lemony fragrance when bruised. Plant in ground or in containers. Prefers full sun, but tolerates a bit of shade. Best in rich soil with good drainage. It is not frost hardy. In cold climates it's suggested to makes small potted divisions and overwinter in a bright indoor location. The bulbous lower leaf sections are harvested and minced or mashed for asian cooking. Leaves may be used fresh or dried for flavoring. USDA zones 10 - 11. Poaceae


Cynanchum insigne

(Syn.: Sarcostemma insigne), Green Spaghetti Plant

Cynanchum insigne


This is a rare leafless succulent plant from Madagascar with green trailing cylindrical stems, resembling a Rhipsalis. Scented flowers appear along the stems that are pale white with red stripes, much like the veins in a bloodshot eye. It's an ideal plant for a hanging basket. With its low water requirement, give it warmth and bright shade. Apocynaceae


Dahlia imperialis 'Double or Nothing'

Double Flowered Lavender Tree Dahlia

Dahlia imperialis Double or Nothing


Tall growing unusual Dahlia with bamboo-like stalks 8 to 10 feet high with leaves divided into many leaflets. This giant blooms in late fall to early winter with 3 inch anemone-like, lavender double flowers at branch ends. Needs a frost free location to appreciate the flowers. Give full sun or part shade, wind protection. Usually stems are cut back to ground after flowering or frost. Native to Guatemala to Colombia. USDA zones 9 - 11. Asteraceae


Dermatobotrys saundersii

Tree Jockey

Dermatobotrys saundersii


An unusual epiphytic small shrub of the snapdragon family. Native to Zululand, South Africa, where it's at risk of becoming extinct. In nature, found growing in the forks of trees, hence it's common name. The leaves are soft and rubbery with shallow toothed margins and reddish veins. Tubular deep red flowers appear midwinter encircling the top of each stem just below the leaves. Pollinated in Africa by sunbirds. Makes a great pot plant or try growing as an epiphyte in the fork of a tree. Needs a very loose, well-draining soil mix with plenty of leaf litter or compost. Important to not over-water. Requires a mild, frost free climate, bright shade. Scrophulariaceae


Deuterocohnia brevifolia

(Syn.: Abromeitiella brevifolia), Argentine Ball

Deuterocohnia brevifolia


This is an interesting miniature terrestrial bromeliad native to Bolivia and Argentina with small rosettes of silvery-green bristly triangular leaves. As it grows, it slowly forms a tight rounded pillow-shaped colony of hundreds of rosettes creating an unusual and distinctive potted plant. It usually blooms in winter or early spring with small tubular greenish flowers. Plant it in a cactus type potting soil with good drainage. Give it a sunny or bright light position and water moderately in the warm months, letting the soil dry between waterings. It is fairly cold hardy, but does not like to be wet in the winter. It can also be grown as a ground cover in suitable climates. Bromeliaceae


Dichorisandra penduliflora

(Syn.: Dichorisandra pendula), Weeping Blue Ginger, Blue Pendant Ginger

Dichorisandra penduliflora


This blue ginger relative looks like a costus or ginger with its jointed stems with glossy leaves faintly banded silver and purplish-blue beneath. Blooms continually from summer to autumn with clusters of sky blue flowers that droop in a pendant fashion from each stem. Grows to 3 feet tall. It should be planted in a partially shaded, moist location. Use it to provide an exotic tropical look with its rare color. It is also well suited as a patio pot plant. USDA zones 10 - 11. Origin: Brazil. Commelinaceae


Dichorisandra thyrsiflora

Blue Ginger

Dichorisandra thyrsiflora


Terminal clusters of intense cobalt blue flowers. Upright habit, similar to some members of the ginger family, gives this famous tropical plant its common name. Foliage is silvery green, spirally arranged on 3 foot stems. 30F. Commelinaceae


Dicliptera sericea

(Syn.: Dicliptera suberecta, Jacobinia suberecta), King's Crown, Hummingbird Plant

Dicliptera sericea


Velvety soft gray leaves adorn this heat and drought loving plant. Topped from late spring until fall with terminal clusters of tubular orange flowers, a magnet to hummingbirds. Grows 2 to 3 feet wide in full or partial sun. Hardy in USDA zones 8 and higher. Native to Uruguay. Acanthaceae


Dischidia sp. Geri

Apple Leaf

Dischidia sp Geri


This Hoya relative has succulent, soft green, 1 inch rounded leaves turning grayish with age with new foliage emerging pinkish in color. Has ivory white flowers. Easy. Outdoors provide it with filtered light, indoors a bright area. Good drainage is essential. With its cascading form, it makes an easy to grow hanging basket. Can also be used in a large terrarium. This unidentified Dischidia was named after Geri Ham Young, a succulent collector in Honolulu, by Hoya specialist Ted Green of Hawaii. It could be related to Dischidia oiantha, whose leaves are more elongated. We have seen this plant sold elsewhere, likely in error, as the species Dischidia oiantha and as Dischidia milnei. USDA Zones 9b - 11. Apocynaceae


Dischidia sp. White Diamond

Dischidia sp White Diamond


A variegated hoya relative with small diamond-shaped leaves that are greyish green with a creamy white margin. Tiny white flowers. Makes a beautiful hanging basket plant. Sometimes, sold as a novelty hanging plant in a seashell. Widely grown in S.E. Asia incorrectly as Dischidia oiantha. USDA Zones 10 - 11. Apocynaceae


Dombeya elegans hybrid

Pink Shrub Dombeya

Dombeya elegans hybrid


This beautiful evergreen shrub covers itself in clusters of honey-scented bright pink flowers from early October to mid-November. Unlike some other dombeyas, its flowers drop off cleanly after blooming. As no seed is produced, it's probably a hybrid. The actual D. elegans species, native to Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, looks somewhat different. This could be the USDA introduction Dombeya 'Pink Clouds', but images posted online appear to be a lighter pink. It's moderately fast growing to a height of 10 feet with dense foliage and branches ascending outward from a central crown. Plant in full sun to part shade. Drought tolerant once established. USDA zones 9 - 11. We previously sold this as the cultivar Dombeya 'Seminole' in error. Malvaceae


Dracaena reflexa 'Song of India'

(Syn.: Pleomele reflexa), Song Of India Dracaena

Dracaena reflexa Song of India


This is a common multi-stemmed accent shrub in tropical gardens world-wide. It has creamy yellow stripes on narrow green leaves that are spirally arranged on the thick, irregular stems. Outdoors it can grow up to 18 feet high, indoors it can be kept much smaller, usually to about 3 feet in height. It's a very adaptable plant for full sun outdoors in the tropics, or lower light levels indoors as an easy houseplant. It can't take any frost. Native to Madagascar, Mauritius, and other islands of the Indian Ocean. USDA zones 10 - 12. Asparagaceae


Drymonia chiribogana

Drymonia chiribogana


From the rainforests of Ecuador comes this unusual foliage plant of olive green leathery leaves with silver veins. These thick leathery leaves grow about 5 to 8 inches long and have a satiny sheen. Grows upright to 4 feet tall and blooms on old growth with 1½ inch tubular purple flowers with yellow & red markings on the inside. It prefers bright, filtered light and a well-draining soil mix that is allowed to get slightly dry between waterings. It's an easy to grow houseplant. Gesneriaceae


Duranta erecta 'Alba'

Sky Flower

Duranta erecta Alba


All durantas are evergreen, hardy to 25F. This white flowered form of the species is predominantly summer flowering with clusters of ½ inch honey scented flowers followed by showy clusters of ½ inch yellow berries. Shiny green leaves to 3 inches long. New World tropics and subtropics. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Compacta'

Duranta erecta Compacta


A compact form with smaller green leaves and numerous light blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Gold'

Duranta erecta Gold


Compact shrub with small leaves entirely golden yellow. Clusters of lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Golden Edge'

Duranta erecta Golden Edge


Shiny green leaves with bright golden edges. Truly a distinctive variegated cultivar with sprays of purple flowers, golden berries. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Green and Gold'

Duranta erecta Green and Gold


Beautiful variegation on this compact shrub with small yellow-green foliage bordered deep green. Lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Little Geisha Girl'

Compact Golden Dew Drop 'Little Geisha Girl'

Duranta erecta Little Geisha Girl


This is a compact form of Duranta erecta 'Geisha Girl' ('Sweet Memories') with tighter blossoms and weeping stems. It makes a splendid hanging basket plant. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Sarasota'

Duranta erecta Sarasota


This excellent selection was chosen for compact growth and superior flowering habit. Blooms throughout the year with racemes of rich lavender blue flowers with a sweet, delicate scent. Clusters of ornamental golden yellow berries. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Snow Flurry'

Duranta erecta Snow Flurry


A very rare and sought after foliage plant with small fringed leaves, variegated white and green. Slow, compact growth. Excellent bonsai plant. Lavender blue flowers. Part shade recommended. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Sweet Memories'

(Syn.: Duranta erecta 'Geisha Girl')

Duranta erecta Sweet Memories


Evergreen shrub with ruffled picotee dark blue flowers edged white. Flowers are produced at a young age, making an ideal container plant. Full sun. Hardy to 25F. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Variegata'

Duranta erecta Variegata


Showy leaves splashed white and green, compact shrub. Lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duvernoia aconitiflora

Lemon Pistol Bush

Duvernoia aconitiflora


This species from South Africa is related to Justicia. It's a tall, much-branched, wind tolerant shrub growing to 9 feet in height. Two-lipped white to cream flowers, tinged with mauve, are borne at the end of stems in 3 to 7 opposite pairs. Blooms late summer through fall. The ripe club-shaped seed pods burst open with a loud, explosive crack, hence its common name. It has bright green narrow pendulous leaves. Plant in a frost free position in part shade to full sun. It requires rich soil and plenty of summer water. USDA zones 9 - 11. Acanthaceae


Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora

(Syn.: Calophanes thunbergiiflora), Purple Bells

Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora


Evergreen small shrub with lavender colored trumpet-shaped flowers, with deep violet streaking in the throat, appearing in clusters on upright stems. Leaves are rounded to 1 inch long. Grows up to 3 feet high. Can be easily pruned as an informal hedge. Give regular watering, average soil in part shade to full sun. Loves water, but is quite drought tolerant. The flowers attract butterflies. Native to east Africa, particularly Kenya. Tolerates light frost. USDA zones 9 - 11. We previously listed this as Dyschoriste hygrophyllodes in error. Acanthaceae


Ecbolium viride

Green Ice Crossandra, Green Shrimp, Turquoise Crossandra

Ecbolium viride


A most unusual flower color of aquamarine on this small shade loving greenhouse plant. Justicia relative from Arabia. Acanthaceae


Eranthemum pulchellum

Eranthemum pulchellum


Terminal clusters of electric blue flowers in winter, dark green foliage. Acanthaceae


Eranthemum wattii

Eranthemum wattii


Similar to Eranthemum pulchellum but with a deeper purple flower. Prefers a rich soil, semi-shade and frost protection. Colorful greenhouse plant. India. Acanthaceae


Erodium reichardii 'Flore Plena'

(Syn.: Erodium chamaedryoides 'Flore Plena')

Erodium reichardii Flore Plena


Small rosettes of tiny, slightly lobed, dark green leaves with double pink flowers. Grow on a sunny window, or out-of-doors in pots or as a rock garden ground cover. (M) Geraniaceae


Erythrina humeana 'Raja'

Dwarf Natal Coral Tree

Erythrina humeana Raja


This dwarf form of the natal coral tree grows up to 12 feet high and wide. A true collector's plant that can be grown as a large bonsai with its fast growing caudex. We've seen the caudex grow 3 feet wide. It produces a brilliant show with bold spikes of dark red flowers when very young, blooming from late summer through fall. Plant in full sun with good drainage and protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Native to southern Africa. Our plants offered in 2¾ inch pots with caudex already forming. Leguminosae


Eugenia uniflora

Surinam Cherry, Brazilian Cherry, Pitanga

Eugenia uniflora


Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 feet with glossy red fruit rich in vitamin C. Delicious eaten fresh or made into jams or jellies. New leaves bronzy red with small, fragrant white flowers in summer. Can be used as a clipped hedge plant, which may sacrifice fruit, or as a screen. USDA zones 9 - 12. Native to tropical America. Sorry, cannot be shipped to Florida. Myrtaceae


Euphorbia bicompacta var. rubra - Green Form

(Syn.: Synadenium compactum var. rubrum, incorrectly as Synadenium grantii), African Milk Bush

Euphorbia bicompacta var. rubra (Green Form)


This is a thornless semi-succulent shrub that is grown in tropical gardens for its large fleshy colorful leaves. The leaf color varies for different forms from green with red splotches to mostly reddish-purple with green spots. Plants offered here are of the green form. It's grown as a tropical looking ornamental and can be used as an informal hedge. Grows 6 to 15 feet high. Requires part to full sun and very good drainage. This drought resistant plant doesn't like to be overwatered. It's hardy to a light frost, but will probably drop its leaves. USDA zones 9 - 12. This native of Kenya is usually misnamed in the horticulture trade being confused with its rarely grown greener relative Synadenium grantii (now known as Euphorbia umbellata). Most of the synadeniums have been reclassified into the Euphorbia family.

Warning: When injured or pruned, it produces large amounts of white latex sap which is an extreme irritant and can cause dermatitis and eye injury. Don't grow it around small children or animals that might ingest it, as it is poisonous. Euphorbiaceae


Euphorbia milii 'Fireworks'

(Syn.: Euphorbia milii 'BK Fireworks'), Fireworks Crown of Thorns, Peppermint Candy Crown of Thorns

Euphorbia milii Fireworks


This succulent Crown of Thorns has beautifully variegated leaves of pale green and white with red flowers. Compact, slow grower to about 18 inches high, it does best in bright shade or full sun with protection from the hottest midday sun. Protect it from frost and give it a fast draining cactus mix and water only when on the dry side. Euphorbiaceae


Euphorbia neococcinea

(Syn.: Monadenium coccineum), Masai Spurge

Euphorbia neococcinea


This is a colorful flowering succulent plant with pink to red miniature orchid-shaped flowers winter thru spring. Yellow-green stems to 2 feet high arise from a subterranean caudex up to 6 inches in diameter, which may be raised to create an attractive caudiciform specimen. Of easy culture, give a bright setting with well drained soil, such as cactus potting soil. Native of northern Tanzania. USDA zones 9b - 10b. Euphorbiaceae


Faradaya splendida

Faradaya splendida


Large vine for tropical or subtropical garden. Showy white flowers in large terminal clusters in spring with fragrance of carnations. Leaves smooth, 6 to 12 inches long. Rare. Australia. Lamiaceae


Fatshedera lizei 'Annemieke'

(Syn.: × Fatshedera lizei 'Mediopicta', 'Aureovariegata', 'Aureomaculata', 'Lemon and Lime'),
Anne Mieke Tree Ivy, Golden Variegated Fatshedera, or Botanical Wonder

Fatshedera lizei Annemieke


The original all green Botanical Wonder was a rare chance hybrid between Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica, and ivy, Hedera (either helix or hibernica), at a nursery in France around 1910. Because of this bigeneric parentage, it can't decide if it wants to be a shrub or a vine. It has large leathery, dark green, maple-like leaves boldly splashed with yellow-green in its center. Grows best in light shade, but is tolerant of dark shade, making a nice contrast with many other shade-loving plants. In the fall are produced small clusters of sterile white flowers on terminal panicles. Train it upright as a shrub or small patio tree, espaliered against a wall, or just use it as a large vine. It lacks the damaging aerial roots of ivy. Pinch growing tips to force side branching. Because it can thrive in low light, it can easily be grown as a houseplant. Evergreen to about 20F and damaged in the mid-teens. USDA zones 8 - 11. Araliaceae


Ficus deltoidea

(Syn.: Ficus diversifolia), Mistletoe Fig

Ficus deltoidea


This species has small delta-shaped deep green leaves, ornamental yellowish fruit. Excellent bonsai subject. 28F. Moraceae


Ficus deltoidea 'Variegata'

(Syn.: Ficus diversifolia 'Variegata'), Variegated Mistletoe Fig

Ficus deltoidea Variegata


This attractive small ornamental fig has small delta-shaped deep green leaves splashed with white and ornamental yellowish fruit. Excellent bonsai subject. Native to Southeast Asia. 28F. Moraceae


Ficus elastica 'Variegata'

Variegated Indian Rubber Tree

Ficus elastica Variegata


The Variegated Rubber Plant has thick, light green leaves margined with various shades of creamy white. For a colorful contrast, new leaves appear with overtones of pink from bright red sheaths that cover the unopened leaves. In its native tropical Asia, this tree can reach an enormous height of over 100 feet with large buttresses and aerial roots. However for us, it makes an ideal specimen container plant, indoors or out, staying a manageable size for years. This is an easy houseplant, as long as it is not overwatered. Always let it dry out a bit between waterings and give it bright indirect light. Needs protection from frost. USDA zones 10 - 12. Moraceae


Ficus microcarpa 'Hawaii'

(Syn.: Ficus nitida, Ficus retusa), Variegated Cuban Laurel, Indian Laurel Fig, Chinese Banyan

Ficus microcarpa Hawaii


Also known as Ficus microcarpa 'Variegata', this evergreen tree has 2 to 4 inch elliptic thick leathery leaves boldly variegated with dark green, gray-green, and white. The bark is a light gray in color. Outdoors it grows into a large specimen tree, or used indoors as a house plant, even as a bonsai. With age can form aerial roots. USDA zones 9 - 11. Moraceae


Ficus microcarpa var. crassifolia 'Green Mound'

(Syn.: Ficus 'Green Mound'), Wax Ficus

Ficus microcarpa var. crassifolia Green Mound


Two similar varieties are often confused in the Florida plant trade. This Ficus 'Green Mound' has heavy-textured pointed leaves with the plant growing to a height of 6 feet, while Ficus 'Green Island' has somewhat smaller rounded leaves and it grows prostrate to only 3 to 4 feet in height. Our selection came from Hawaii where, like in Florida, it is used as a small shrub or a low hedge, standing up to salt, wind and drought. With almost no pruning, it forms a dense dark green mound, easily kept below six feet. It also makes a very desirable bonsai. It should be protected from frost as very cold temperatures may cause some leaf spotting, but it should survive down to an occasional 30F. It is native to Asia. USDA zones 9 - 11. Moraceae


Ficus natalensis subsp. leprieurii 'Malay Gold'

(Syn.: Ficus triangularis 'Variegata', Ficus triangularis 'Coconut Cream'), Variegated Dwarf Triangle Fig

Ficus natalensis subsp leprieurii Malay Gold


Beautiful 2 to 3 inch variegated triangular leaves and a dwarf, compact habit distinguish this interesting houseplant. Young leaves are broadly edged golden yellow and patterned in shades of dark green and gray green. Older leaves are patterned light and dark green, with no two leaves exactly alike. Recommended for bonsai.

Kartuz Greenhouses has been offering this cultivar, 'Malay Gold', for over 30 years. We recently obtained 'Coconut Cream', which seems to be a popular variety in Eastern Europe. We can not detect any differences between the two and consider them to be the same plant. Moraceae


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