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Abutilon pictum 'Gold Dust'

Abutilon pictum Gold Dust


Leaves boldly variegated yellow and green. Orange blooms with red veins. Malvaceae


Abutilon x hybridum 'Souvenir De Bonn'

Abutilon x hybridum Souvenir De Bonn


Large variegated maple-shaped leaves are green with a white border on a vigorous, upright plant with orange bell-shaped flowers. Malvaceae


Allamanda schottii 'Variegata'

Allamanda schottii Variegata


Gray-green foliage variegated white, compact habit. Yellow flowers as above. Minimum 40F. Apocynaceae


Alternanthera ficoidea 'Snowball'

Alternanthera ficoidea Snowball


Tiny irregularly shaped leaves variegated blush white on this variety of Joseph's Coat. Very compact. Easy. Used as a bedding or edging plant or for containers, hanging baskets, or as a houseplant. Give light shade or full sun and rich organic soil with good drainage. Native to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. (F,M,T) Amaranthaceae


Asystasia gangetica 'St. John'

(Syn.: Asystasia gangetica 'Variegata', 'Ivory Ribbons'), Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove

Asystasia gangetica St John


This is a tender tropical perennial that sprawls over the ground, producing numerous dainty 1 inch lavender-purple trumpet-shaped flowers with five flaring lobes. The brightly variegated leaves of yellow and dark green, make a great contrast with the flowers. It thrives in sun or partial shade and can tolerant dry conditions, heat, humidity, salty air, and poor nutrient soils. Give this easy growing plant good drainage and medium moisture for optimum growth. Just protect it from frost. It's mature height is 1 to 2 ft and spreads 3 to 4 ft wide. Useful as a groundcover and for mass plantings under large trees and borders. It can be trimmed hard and resprouts quickly. Its flowers attract numerous varieties of butterflies. Useful as a house plant and looks great spilling over from containers, planter boxes, or hanging baskets. In colder regions, try it as an annual groundcover or potted plant. The species is believed to be native to India, Malaysia, and eastern Africa and has naturalized in many other tropical regions. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae


Begonia 'Gideon'

Begonia Gideon


This interesting begonia is grown for its variegated leaves with green venation on a pale green background. The leaves have a reddish edge and are heavily textured. Winter flowering with tall stems of white flowers. This compact grower may loose some variegation during the winter. This is a Freda Holly hybrid (2000) of Begonia valida. There's an elatior tuberous begonia with the patented name of Begonia 'Gideon' registered in 2008. This is not the same plant.


Begonia 'Lady Hoskins'

Begonia Lady Hoskins


Large upright growing cane to 3 feet, but can be pruned to a smaller size. Leaves are cupped, medium sized green leaves with light silver splashes. Leaves are cleft. New leaves show some variegation with light and dark streaks that fade as leaves age. Not overly showy variegation, but a novelty. Flowers are large light pink in large hanging clusters. Easy to grow. (Thompson)


Begonia valida

Begonia valida


Large growing large leaved thick-stemmed begonia. For those unfamiliar with the term, thick-stemmed begonias are basically shrubs with very large diameter stems. Most have a tendency to have leaves mainly at the tops with the bare stems showing but Begonia valida can be trained to be shorter and full or tall and bare depending on your preference. Leaves are almost round with slight lobes. In good light light leaves are dark green with some texture but are large and flat in low light. Blooms in late spring to early summer with profuse upright clusters of white flowers. Has the unique habit of putting out variegated leaves at various times of the year, most often in summer or during blooming period. The variegated leaves eventually turn green though hybrids of Begonia valida often retain variegation such as Begonia 'Gideon'. A great plant for collectors or for growers that like large plants. Very easy to grow. Rarely offered.


Carissa macrocarpa 'Frost'

Golden Natal Plum

Carissa macrocarpa Frost


This evergreen South African natal plum has small glossy green leaves beautifully variegated with golden cream and fragrant white flowers. Open growth habit to 4 feet. Grow in part shade to full sun with good drainage and in a frost free location. Tolerates beachfront locations. Apocynaceae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Humphreyi Variegata'

Carissa macrocarpa Humphreyi Variegata


Small glossy leaves beautifully variegated cream and light green, very full, compact habit, perfect for bonsai. Fragrant white flowers. Apocynaceae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Jen's Beauty'

White Variegated Natal Plum

Carissa macrocarpa Jen's Beauty


This is a chance variegated sport of the compact Carissa macrocarpa 'Tuttle' with small glossy green leaves and creamy white variegation. It's fragrant white flowers are followed by small edible red fruit. Compact slow growth to 4 feet. Grow in part shade to full sun with good drainage and in a frost free location. Tolerates beachfront locations. Good candidate for use as a Bonsai. Apocynaceae


Ceropegia fusca Variegated

Variegated Stick Ceropegia

Ceropegia fusca Variegated


New! This very rare collector's plant has longitudinal stripes of green and yellow variegation running along its upright jointed cylindrical stems. This is a native of the Canary Islands, where its non-variegated form grows in a shrubby manner up to 5 feet high in full hot sun with stems having a waxy white exterior. The small insignificant leaves are usually dropped in hot, dry conditions. From spring to summer it blooms with tube-shaped, lantern-like reddish brown flowers. It makes a nice ornamental plant for the dry, drought tolerant garden. Give it good drainage and minimum water in the winter. It is usually recommended that it requires hot conditions and as much sun as possible to grow well. However, this variegated form might need a bit of sun protection and is probably more suitable as a potted plant. USDA zones 9 - 11.

Plants are sold in 3 inch pots (the image shows a typical plant on the right side). Apocynaceae


Cheilocostus speciosus 'Variegatus'

(Syn.: Costus speciosus 'Variegatus'), Variegated Crepe Ginger

Cheilocostus speciosus Variegatus


Beautiful white and green striped leaves on sweeping 5 to 7 foot spiral stems. Red cones with white flowers. This species was moved from Costus to the new genus Cheilocostus recently. Costaceae


Coprosma kirkii 'Variegata'

Coprosma kirkii Variegata


Evergreen ground cover native to New Zealand, grown for its attractive glossy leaves. Tiny oval leaves variegated green, edged white. Compact, prostrate. Excellent for bonsai. Full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Beatens Gold'

Gold Variegated Coprosma

Coprosma repens Beatens Gold


It's an excellent choice for bonsai or topiary with small green leaves with gold centers. In the ground, it grows as an erect shrub to 6 feet. Too much shade and it may lose it's variegation. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Painters Palette'

Coprosma repens Painters Palette


Upright plant with distinctly colored leaves of red, orange, pink and green variegations, intensifying in winter. Beautiful shiny luster to the leaves. Compact growth. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Rainbow Surprise'

Coprosma repens Rainbow Surprise


Dense, rounded shrub with small shiny leaves, flushed with pink variegation with a pale cream margin. Leaves take on burnt orange to red foliage in winter. Easy shrub, growing 4 to 5 feet high. Tolerates shearing. Hardy to 20 - 25F. Rubiaceae


Coprosma repens 'Taupata Gold'

Coprosma repens Taupata Gold


An upright form with bold variegated leaves of crisp yellow with dark green centers. Use to brighten up foundation plantings, growing to about 4 feet high. Rubiaceae


Costus arabicus 'Variegatus'

(Misapplied: Costus amazonicus 'Variegatus')

Costus arabicus Variegatus


Beautiful white and green striped foliage. White flowers sometimes emerge from cone-like clusters on mature stalks. Grows to 5 feet tall in cultivation. Give shade, rich soil, and moisture. Incorrectly sold in the nursery trade as Costus amazonicus 'Variegatus'. Costaceae


Dischidia sp. White Diamond

Dischidia sp White Diamond


A variegated hoya relative with small diamond-shaped leaves that are greyish green with a creamy white margin. Tiny white flowers. Makes a beautiful hanging basket plant. Sometimes, sold as a novelty hanging plant in a seashell. Widely grown in S.E. Asia incorrectly as Dischidia oiantha. USDA Zones 10 - 11. Apocynaceae


Duranta erecta 'Golden Edge'

Duranta erecta Golden Edge


Shiny green leaves with bright golden edges. Truly a distinctive variegated cultivar with sprays of purple flowers, golden berries. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Green and Gold'

Duranta erecta Green and Gold


Beautiful variegation on this compact shrub with small yellow-green foliage bordered deep green. Lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Snow Flurry'

Duranta erecta Snow Flurry


A very rare and sought after foliage plant with small fringed leaves, variegated white and green. Slow, compact growth. Excellent bonsai plant. Lavender blue flowers. Part shade recommended. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Variegata'

Duranta erecta Variegata


Showy leaves splashed white and green, compact shrub. Lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Euphorbia milii 'Fireworks'

(Syn.: Euphorbia milii 'BK Fireworks'), Fireworks Crown of Thorns, Peppermint Candy Crown of Thorns

Euphorbia milii Fireworks


This succulent Crown of Thorns has beautifully variegated leaves of pale green and white with red flowers. Compact, slow grower to about 18 inches high, it does best in bright shade or full sun with protection from the hottest midday sun. Protect it from frost and give it a fast draining cactus mix and water only when on the dry side. Euphorbiaceae


Fatshedera lizei 'Annemieke'

(Syn.: × Fatshedera lizei 'Mediopicta', 'Aureovariegata', 'Aureomaculata', 'Lemon and Lime'),
Anne Mieke Tree Ivy, Golden Variegated Fatshedera, or Botanical Wonder

Fatshedera lizei Annemieke


The original all green Botanical Wonder was a rare chance hybrid between Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica, and ivy, Hedera (either helix or hibernica), at a nursery in France around 1910. Because of this bigeneric parentage, it can't decide if it wants to be a shrub or a vine. It has large leathery, dark green, maple-like leaves boldly splashed with yellow-green in its center. Grows best in light shade, but is tolerant of dark shade, making a nice contrast with many other shade-loving plants. In the fall are produced small clusters of sterile white flowers on terminal panicles. Train it upright as a shrub or small patio tree, espaliered against a wall, or just use it as a large vine. It lacks the damaging aerial roots of ivy. Pinch growing tips to force side branching. Because it can thrive in low light, it can easily be grown as a houseplant. Evergreen to about 20F and damaged in the mid-teens. USDA zones 8 - 11. Araliaceae


Ficus deltoidea 'Variegata'

(Syn.: Ficus diversifolia 'Variegata'), Variegated Mistletoe Fig

Ficus deltoidea Variegata


This attractive small ornamental fig has small delta-shaped deep green leaves splashed with white and ornamental yellowish fruit. Excellent bonsai subject. Native to Southeast Asia. 28F. Moraceae


Ficus elastica 'Variegata'

Variegated Indian Rubber Tree

Ficus elastica Variegata


The Variegated Rubber Plant has thick, light green leaves margined with various shades of creamy white. For a colorful contrast, new leaves appear with overtones of pink from bright red sheaths that cover the unopened leaves. In its native tropical Asia, this tree can reach an enormous height of over 100 feet with large buttresses and aerial roots. However for us, it makes an ideal specimen container plant, indoors or out, staying a manageable size for years. This is an easy houseplant, as long as it is not overwatered. Always let it dry out a bit between waterings and give it bright indirect light. Needs protection from frost. USDA zones 10 - 12. Moraceae


Ficus microcarpa 'Hawaii'

(Syn.: Ficus nitida, Ficus retusa), Variegated Cuban Laurel, Indian Laurel Fig, Chinese Banyan

Ficus microcarpa Hawaii


Also known as Ficus microcarpa 'Variegata', this evergreen tree has 2 to 4 inch elliptic thick leathery leaves boldly variegated with dark green, gray-green, and white. The bark is a light gray in color. Outdoors it grows into a large specimen tree, or used indoors as a house plant, even as a bonsai. With age can form aerial roots. USDA zones 9 - 11. Moraceae


Ficus natalensis subsp. leprieurii 'Malay Gold'

(Syn.: Ficus triangularis 'Variegata', Ficus triangularis 'Coconut Cream'), Variegated Dwarf Triangle Fig

Ficus natalensis subsp leprieurii Malay Gold


Beautiful 2 to 3 inch variegated triangular leaves and a dwarf, compact habit distinguish this interesting houseplant. Young leaves are broadly edged golden yellow and patterned in shades of dark green and gray green. Older leaves are patterned light and dark green, with no two leaves exactly alike. Recommended for bonsai.

Kartuz Greenhouses has been offering this cultivar, 'Malay Gold', for over 30 years. We recently obtained 'Coconut Cream', which seems to be a popular variety in Eastern Europe. We can not detect any differences between the two and consider them to be the same plant. Moraceae


Graptophyllum pictum 'Alba Variegata'

Variegated Caricature Plant

Graptophyllum pictum Alba Variegata


Colorful green and white leaves. Evergreen tropical shrub to 6 feet, but can be kept to 3 feet as a greenhouse plant. Flowers are tubular, reddish-purple. Best with bright light and moist soil. Use in tropical landscape beds or in mixed containers. Heat and humidity tolerant. Minimum winter temperature of 40F. Acanthaceae


Hibiscus 'Carnival'

Pink Cooperi

Hibiscus Carnival


Showy pink variegated foliage splashed pink, white and rose with shades of green. Dwarf, with single red flowers. Very tender to cold. Minimum temperature 40F. Malvaceae


Hibiscus 'Cooperi'

Hibiscus Cooperi


Showy variegated foliage splashed white and pink with shades of green. Dwarf, single red flowers. Malvaceae


Hibiscus 'General Corteges'

Hibiscus General Corteges


Foliage fantastically variegated creamy gold and deep green. Very large red flowers. Malvaceae


Hibiscus 'Hummels Fantasy'

Hibiscus Hummels Fantasy


Similar to Hibiscus 'Cooperi' but foliage has more white variegation and is very compact. Ideal potted plant. Very tender to cold temperatures. Minimum temperature 40F. Malvaceae


Iresine herbstii 'Blazin' Lime'

Blazin' Lime Blood Leaf, Beefsteak Plant, Chicken Gizzard

Iresine herbstii Blazin' Lime


This tender tropical perennial from Brazil has striking lime green leaves, veins with cream variegation, and rose colored stems. Its colorful foliage is prized for use in containers, annual beds, and tropical plantings. This low maintenance plant is both heat and shade tolerant. Grow it in filtered sun to part shade and moist, fertile, well-drained soil. The foliage color is more intense in bright light. Grows to 16 inch high and 18 inches wide. It's best to occasionally pinch to encourage a bushy habit. As it is not frost tolerant, it may be overwintered indoors as a houseplant. This cultivar is similar to or may be the same as Iresine 'Formosa'.


Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense 'Medio Picta'

(Syn.: Jasminum volubile 'Medio-Picta'), Variegated Wax Jasmine

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A beautiful variegated evergreen climber. The center of the each leaflet is spotted with yellow. Fragrant white flowers. Part shade. Oleaceae


Justicia brandegeana 'Variegata'

Variegated Shrimp Plant

Justicia brandegeana Variegata


This special form of the popular shrimp plant has leaves splashed creamy white, bronzy orange floral bracts, and tubular white flowers. Acanthaceae


Justicia gendarussa 'Variegata'

(Syn.: Gendarussa vulgaris 'Variegata', Adhatoda subserrata 'Variegata'), Variegated Gandarusa, Variegated Water Willow, Variegated Willow-Leaved Justicia, Daun Rusa (Malay), Tuhod Manok (Philippines)

Justicia gendarussa Variegata


A variegated leaf form of gandarusa with various shades of white, green, and gray. Otherwise, the information is the same as for the green form. Acanthaceae


Nematanthus gregarius 'Golden West'

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Small, glossy foliage beautifully variegated cream, yellow and light green, tinged pink. Orange flowers. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Oplismenus hirtellus 'Variegatus'

Variegated Basket Grass

Oplismenus hirtellus Variegatus


This tropical grass is popular in hanging baskets with its tri-colored striped leaves in green, pink, and white. Use it as a striking accent in a mixed container or a window box. It hugs the ground as it spreads making a colorful ground cover for a warm area or conservatory, growing to a maximum height of 6 inches with a spread of 12 inches. Plant in sun for the best color, but it will also tolerate some shade. Keep moist. Treat as an annual in cold climates as it does not tolerate frost. USDA zones 9 - 11. Poaceae


Pandorea jasminoides 'Variegata'

Variegated Bower Vine

Pandorea jasminoides Variegata


Large light pink trumpet-shaped flowers with a dark pink throat and attractive green and white variegated foliage. Give this vigorous, fast growing vine full sun to part shade, moist soil, and wind protection. It will survive short periods in the high 20's. Australian.


Peperomia clusiifolia 'Jellie'

(Syn.: Peperomia clusiifolia 'Tricolor'), Variegated Red Edge Peperomia

Peperomia clusiifolia Jellie


This is one of the showiest peperomias. The thick reddened stems are adorned with striking succulent leaves of green, cream, and rosy-pink, bordered with red margins. It's a compact grower making it ideal for the house or greenhouse. Grow it in bright light for best coloring, but not direct sunlight. This easy plant should be grown in potting soil that drains well and only watered when the top of the soil is dry. It's very sensitive to water-logged soil and does best if slightly pot-bound. Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer. It produces greenish-white flower spikes, which can be pruned off to make a tidier plant. The parent species to this cultivar is native to the West Indies and Venezuela. USDA zones 10b - 11. Piperaceae


Peperomia obtusifolia 'Golden Gate'

Golden Gate Baby Rubber Plant

Peperomia obtusifolia Golden Gate


This is a striking variegated houseplant with uniquely patterned leaves of creamy yellow and pale green with borders of dark green. Succulent leaves are thick and waxy. Sometimes listed as Peperomia magnifolia 'Golden Gate'. Grow it in bright light for best coloring, but not direct sunlight. This easy plant should be grown in potting soil that drains well and only watered when the top of the soil is dry. It's very sensitive to water-logged soil and does best if slightly pot-bound. Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer. It produces greenish-white flower spikes, which can be pruned off to make a tidier plant. The parent species to this cultivar is native to southern Florida and the Caribbean. USDA zones 10b - 11. Piperaceae


Peperomia scandens 'Variegata'

Variegated Cupid Peperomia

Peperomia scandens Variegata


This "False Philodendron" is a popular house plant with heart-shaped waxy variegated leaves of green and creamy white. Easy to grow and makes a great hanging basket house plant. Give bright light, but not direct sunlight, and allow to dry out somewhat between waterings. (B, F) Piperaceae


Pereskia aculeata 'Godseffiana Variegata'

Variegated Barbados Gooseberry or Lemon Vine

Pereskia aculeata Godseffiana Variegata


This is an unusual climbing primitive cactus with golden waxy leaves with a green central flame on the upper surface and rosy-red color on the reverse. Its white flowers are followed by small edible fruit. Grow in partial to full sun and allow it to partially dry out between waterings. It's frequently grown in greenhouses and as a hanging basket houseplant. Native to the West Indies, coastal northern South America, and Panama. USDA zones 9 - 11. Cactaceae


Philodendron 'Jose Buono'

(Syn.: Philodendron imbe Variegated)

Philodendron Jose Buono


This is a rare variegated form of a large growing tropical climber. Leaves are up to 2 feet long and 6 inches wide. Each leaf can be uniquely different, sometimes just mottled or speckled, other times boldly splashed with white or light green variegation. It grows best outdoors in bright shade and is a fast grower up to 10 feet a year in tropical conditions. If protected, it can take a brief cold snap to 28F. It's an easy houseplant tolerating indoor conditions. Try giving it a moss totem to climb up. Differing amounts of shade, temperature, humidity and feeding all make a difference on how philodendrons look, which often makes identification difficult. USDA zones 9 - 12.

Sold in 4 inch pots. The right image at the top of the product page represents the size of the plant shipped.

This plant is sometimes listed as Philodendron ilsemanii, which is not a botanically recognized name and probably relates to a variegated form of Philodendron sagittifolium.



Plectranthus barbatus var. grandis 'White Rhino'

(Syn.: Solenostemon shirensis 'Variegata')

Plectranthus barbatus var grandis White Rhino


Rare variegated form of Plectranthus barbatus var. grandis. Lime green leaf with darker center veins and cream margin. Lamiaceae


Plectranthus neochilus 'Dwarf Variegated'

Fuzzy Wuzzy Plectranthus

Plectranthus neochilus Dwarf Variegated


Dwarf form with small leaves of various shades of green with white feathered edges. A new find for the indoor and outdoor variegated foliage lover. Use it in patio pots, window boxes, hanging baskets, or as a small ground cover in partial shade. Lamiaceae


Polyscias fruticosa 'Snowflake'

Snowflake Ming Aralia

Polyscias fruticosa Snowflake


This is a variegated version of the dwarf 'Bonsai' Ming Aralia with small, finely cut, parsley-like leaves with creamy white edging. It's a choice bonsai or terrarium subject. Older plants can slowly grow to 2 feet or taller, but may be trimmed back as needed. Indoors, give it bright light with protection from direct sunlight. It likes warmth and humidity, but not soggy soil. Let the soil dry out a bit before watering. Minimum temperature is 50F. Outdoors, grow it in semi-shade. USDA zones 11 - 12. (D, H, T) Araliaceae


Polyscias guilfoylei 'Variegata'

Variegated Roseleaf Aralia

Polyscias guilfoylei Variegata


The lush green leaves of this variety are beautifully variegated with large irregular patches of ochre yellow from the midvein to the edges. In the tropics, it is commonly used as a hedge plant (especially for narrow areas), wind screen, or for privacy screening. Unpruned it will grow 9 to 12 feet high. This fast growing shrub from southern Polynesia should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias scutellaria 'Marginata'

(Syn.: Polyscias balfouriana 'Marginata'), Geranium Leaf Aralia

Polyscias scutellaria Marginata


This beautiful lush compact plant, growing 3 to 5 feet tall with rounded gray green leaflets bordered with ivory white edges, resembles a white variegated geranium. It is commonly planted around homes in the tropics as a specimen or as a hedge. The origins of this plant are unknown, but thought to come from somewhere between Indonesia and southwest Polynesia. In warm climates it should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. This plant is commonly referred to as the Balfour Aralia or Balfouriana by some house plant growers, but in fact that term should only refer to the all green-leafed species, not this 'Marginata' variety. Araliaceae


Pseuderanthemum carruthersii 'Ebony'

(Syn.: Eranthemum nigrum), Black Magic, Ebony

Pseuderanthemum carruthersii Ebony


A distinctive foliage plant with deep, chocolate-burgundy, almost black leaves. Blooms in warmer months with a short spike of white flowers. Useful for contrast in containers or in a mixed border. Plant in full sun to part shade in fertile, well drained soil. In the tropics expect it to grow to 4 feet. Use as an annual or indoor plant in colder climates. Cannot take any frost. Native to the Soloman Islands. Most botanists regard Pseuderanthemum carruthersii as a highly variable species, which helps explain the numerous variegated cultivars. Acanthaceae


Pseuderanthemum 'Purple Dazzler Variegated'

Pseuderanthemum Purple Dazzler Variegated


Showy small erect shrub with variegated leaves of green, pink, purple, and white and starry lavender-purple to pink flowers. Grown mostly for its colorful foliage. Makes a nice container plant. Grows to 3 feet in sun or part shade. Probably a variegated cultivar of Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum. Incorrectly offered elsewhere as Barleria obtusa or B. cristata 'Purple Dazzler'. This tender tropical shrub needs protection from frost. Acanthaceae


Schefflera arboricola 'Janine'

Schefflera arboricola Janine


Unusual Schefflera with small frilly leaves, beautifully variegated in green and lime-white. Very easy to grow. Even though it can grow to 10 feet, it can be easily trained as a much smaller excellent bonsai specimen. Part shade, average gardening conditions, and protection from frost. Species native to Taiwan. USDA zones 9 - 11. Araliaceae


Solandra maxima 'Variegata'

Variegated Cup of Gold Vine

Solandra maxima Variegata


Cup of gold vine with purple stemmed leaves variegated and edged creamy white. 28F. Solanaceae


Stenotaphrum secundatum 'Variegatum'

Variegated St. Augustine Grass

Stenotaphrum secundatum Variegatum


Ornamental grass striped white and green. Basket or ground cover. Poaceae


Stephanotis floribunda 'Variegata'

(Syn.: Marsdenia floribunda 'Variegated'), Variegated Madagascar Jasmine, Variegated Bridal Bouquet

Stephanotis floribunda Variegata


An usual variegated form of the madagascar jasmine with brightly colored yellow variegation on the new growth, changing to cream and green variegation with age. Prized for the wonderfully sweet fragrance of its waxy white flowers which are popular in wedding bouquets. The 2 inch star-shaped flowers appear in clusters during summer and fall, and the shiny, waxy variegated 2 to 4 inch leaves are handsome all year. Twining growth and culture are similar to hoyas, to which it is related. The plant makes an excellent container subject. Best in bright indirect light. Native to Madagascar. 28F. USDA zones 9b - 12. Apocynaceae


Stromanthe thalia 'Triostar' ('Tricolor')

(Syn.: Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar' ('Tricolor')

Stromanthe thalia Triostar


A choice variegated form of Stromanthe thalia with striking green, pink, and white variegation and red underside. Tropical looking shade plant or house plant. USDA zones 9 - 11. Marantaceae


Syncolostemon 'Candy Kisses'

(Syn.: Hemizygia 'Candy Kisses')

Syncolostemon Candy Kisses


This is a delightful perennial shrub with small brightly colored variegated green and white leaves with contrasting dark purple stems. From late summer to early spring, this Plectranthus relative is covered with sprays of pink salvia-like flowers. Grows upright to 18 inches high and wide. Give it a warm, frost free location with rich, well drained soil in part to full sun. Prune off flowers heads after blooming. Ideal for use as an accent or container plant. Australian hybrid of a South African native plant. USDA zones 9 - 11. Lamiaceae


Talipariti tiliaceum 'Tricolor'

(Syn.: Hibiscus tiliaceus 'Variegated'), Tricolor Sea Hibiscus, Variegated Hau Tree, Mahoe 'Tricolor'

Talipariti tiliaceum Tricolor


This is the variegated variety of the Hawaiian Hau Tree, Talipariti tiliaceum, with striking multicolored leaves of red, pink, white and green. Flowers are hibiscus-like, which open yellow in the morning, fading to red by day's end. It normally grows as a shrubby, thicket-forming plant, but the trunk can be cleaned up to make a small or medium-sized tree. Great as a container plant for its colorful foliage. Takes seaside plantings as it tolerates salt spray. It needs warmth in winter, since this 'Tricolor' variety is very intolerant to cold and frost. Minimum temperature about 45F. Native to the South Pacific. USDA zones 10 - 12. Malvaceae


Thunbergia grandiflora 'Variegata'

Thunbergia grandiflora Variegata


Beautiful cream and green variegated foliage. Profuse flowering with hanging clusters of large blue flowers. Acanthaceae


Tradescantia fluminensis 'Variegata'

Variegated Inch Plant

Tradescantia fluminensis Variegata


Glossy green "Wandering Jew" with irregular bands of creamy white striped foliage. Great for baskets or as a groundcover in warm climates or try as an annual in colder climates. Likes part sun to shade, dryness between waterings, and is very tolerant to neglect. Very easy houseplant. Can be invasive in the South. Native to Brazil and Argentina. USDA Zones 10 - 11. Commelinaceae


Tradescantia zebrina

(Syn.: Tradescantia pendula) Silver Inch Plant, Purple Wandering Jew

Tradescantia zebrina


This popular hanging basket houseplant is grown for its striking variegated foliage. The fleshy lance-shaped leaves are bronzy purple with two broad silvery stripes above and with undersides of solid rosy purple. For the strongest leaf color, give bright light indoors or light shade outdoors. Best with consistently moist well-drained soil, but with less water in winter. Pinch stems to promote thicker growth. It can be used as a ground cover or filler around potted tropicals. In warm climates, it is best used as a container plant as it can become invasive in the ground. This tender perennial can be grown outdoors in mild climates (USDA zones 9-11) where it does not freeze or as an annual elsewhere. Native to southern Mexico and Guatemala. Commelinaceae


Vitex trifolia 'Variegata'

Variegated Arabian Lilac

Vitex trifolia Variegata


Bush or small tree with bright green leaves edged with creamy yellow. Grows 6 to 12 feet tall. Makes a great hedge. Blooms from spring to fall with spikes of bluish flowers. Native southeast Asia to Australia. Lamiaceae


Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Albomarginatum Monstrosum'

(Syn.: Xanthosoma atrovirens 'Variegatum Monstrosum'), Mickey Mouse Plant, Mouse Cup, Pocket Plant

Xanthosoma sagittifolium Albomarginatum Monstrosum


Bluish-green arrowhead-shaped leaves with wide, irregular areas splashed with gray-green, cream and white. Very unique as the tips of the leaves are fused into a cup sporting a long tail. The flowers sport a yellow white spadix during the summer. It's easy to grow in a bright shady position with rich moist soil. Average size from 2 to 3 feet. However, outdoors in a tropical environment, it can grow 4 to 5 feet high. Remains evergreen unless chilled. It's best to overwinter indoors in colder climates. Grow outdoors in USDA zones 9 - 11. Native of the tropical Americas. Araceae

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