Begonia 'Afternoon Delight'
From our Brad Thomas collection comes this begonia introduced in 1990 with dark green wavy leaves, silver spots and dark pink flowers. It grows semi-upright to about 1.5 feet high and makes a great basket plant. It's easy to grow and a heavy bloomer. It's a cross of B. 'Lenore Olivier' and B. albopicta. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Arlene Ingles'
Medium growing superba-type cane. Leaves are medium sized lobed gray green with silver markings. Flowers are light pink in large clusters. Easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Barbara Rose'
Medium to tall growing upright cane with medium sized dark bronzy leaves. Leaves are lobed, undulated, with a saw tooth edge and covered with prominent white spots. Grows very full easily and can be trained to be very compact. Flowers are a lovely shade of bright rose pink flowers in hydrangea type clusters above the foliage. Very easy to grow and not prone to mildew. Always a beauty, selected for it's ease of culture, full growing habit, and ease of flowering. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Castaway'
A compact growing cane with dark olive leaves with red backs. Rubra type cane. Flowers are pale pink and everblooming. Castaway comes close to being a perfect plant. It's easy to grow, blooms continuously, and doesn't seem to get mildew. Makes a great windowsill plant, potted plant, can be used in landscaping, and easily makes a perfect hanging baskets with little training. A great plant for experienced or new begonia growers. First time offered for sale at Kartuz Greenhouses. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Chiquita Rosa'
Upright growing to 1 foot tall, full and wide. Similar to Begonia foliosa, without its tall upright growing habit. This plant stays small and compact and also blooms much more profusely. It's other parent gave it the compact full growing habit. Flowers are small with red ovaries with pink and white tepals (petals). Leaves are small, oval serrated, like foliosa. Makes a great basket or small potted plant. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Coral Sabers'
Medium growing upright cane. Long narrow pointed dark green leaves with a deeply serrated edge. Flowers are dark coral in open clusters. Profuse and nearly everblooming. Easy to grow as upright or trained as a basket. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Earthtones'
Small to medium growing rhizomatous. Leaves are medium sized, rounded, slightly lobed, on long straight stiff petioles. Gets its name from the leaf colors which change with the seasons or light conditions and can be any shade from aqua marine to raw umber or even ochre with dark veining and spots. Full growing and compact. Dark hot pink flowers in spring. Easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Emerald Glow'
Full growing, compact upright to 18 inches but can be kept shorter. Leaves are cupped bright glowing green, medium sized with light hairiness and textured. Flowers in summer with upright clusters of bright pink flowers on long stems. Easy to grow, very full growing, and very showy even out of bloom. Makes a nice specimen plant. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Fredas Folly'
Upright growing to 3 feet but can be shaped to any size. Very full growing and easy to grow. Leaves are bright green, cupped and cleft. Multiple dainty sprays of small white flowers with pink ovaries. Makes an easy specimen plant. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Gary Hunt'
Full and upright growing to 2 feet. Leaves are triangle-shaped, cupped and fuzzy, dark maroon-green with narrow yellowish stripe down the center. Flowers are medium pink and fuzzy on upright stems, mostly in summer. Showy even out of bloom and easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Indian Summer'
Medium leaved rhizomatous. It's very hard to get a perfect image since the velvety sheen to the leaf is hard to capture. Roughly a rounded star shaped leaf, lobed and slightly cupped with a glowing hairy serrated edge. The leaves can go through color changes during the year from reddish brown to orange/red with faint darker markings but always with a central glowing eye and glowing red central veins. In Autumn B. 'Indian Summer' is nearly always the color in the picture and no matter what shade it always has that velvety sheen. The leaves do practically glow. It has the added bonus of profuse medium pink flowers in spring. Compact and easy to grow. A must have. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Lady Hoskins'
Large upright growing cane to 3 feet, but can be pruned to a smaller size. Leaves are cupped, medium sized green leaves with light silver splashes. Leaves are cleft. New leaves show some variegation with light and dark streaks that fade as leaves age. Not overly showy variegation, but a novelty. Flowers are large light pink in large hanging clusters. Easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Lady Katsu'
Upright growing, full and compact, 18 to 24 inches. Long narrow cupped dark green leaves with silver splashes and a saw tooth edge. Profuse bright pink-rose scented flowers. Easy to grow and showy. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Little Antique White'
Similar to Begonia 'Emerald Glow' but smaller growing and smaller leaves. Very compact and full growing with the same textured glowing green leaves. Cute upright spikes of antique white flowers in spring or summer. Showy even out of bloom, makes a nice compact specimen plant. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Lovely Louise'
Compact growing upright cane. Medium sized long narrow, dark green (nearly black) leaves with lobed and wavy dentated edge with prominent evenly spaced white spots. Upright growing but can be kept to compact 18 inch height easily. Flowers are bright pink in open clusters held above the foliage. Easy to grow and free blooming though just as showy out of bloom. New Introduction for 2011, first time offered for sale. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Master Mark'
Large growing upright cane with medium sized, narrow slightly cupped leaves. Leaves have a lobed serrated edge and are splashed with silver splashes and spots. Very easy to grow and makes a large specimen plant quickly. Profuse clusters of bright salmon pink flowers that have a rose scent. Very showy plant whether kept small or grown to full size. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Paper Snowflakes'
Upright growing to 2 feet. Large deeply lobed bright green leaves with irregular-shaped large white spots. Flowers are dark dusky rose-red held above the foliage. Makes a stunning specimen plant, easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Pink Sabers'
Low to medium growing upright cane. Leaves are medium green, medium sized long and narrow with dentated edge and sharp point. Flowers are profuse in open clusters of pale clear pink, nearly everblooming. Easy to grow, showy and compact. Could make a basket easily. This is a 2003 cross between Begonia 'Bolero' and a Philippines species. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Rosalie'
Roundish cupped leaf with very nice double spirals. Leaf is usually reddish bronze with green in the spiral center. Leaf edge is roughly scalloped with sparse hair and a pointed tip. Flowers are dark speckled pink on the outside and a light pink on the inside. A must have for any grower who likes spirals or burgundy/red leaves. First time ever offered for sale. A truly special begonia named after a special lady. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Sherri Rose'
Superba type cane with medium sized long narrow bronze leaves with evenly spaced small white spots over surface. Edges are deeply dentated and lobed. Easy and full growing, can be kept compact or grown into taller specimen. Profuse bright rose pink flowers most of the year. Lightly rose scented. Sturdy and easy to grow. Mildew resistant. Great for beginners or for anyone wishing something new. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Summer King'
Medium sized leaves are silver streaked and have a scalloped lobed edge. Profuse large dark pink flowers in the warm months of the year. Very showy in or out of bloom. Grows very upright and tall, but can be trained to be more compact. Easy to grow. Released a few years ago, but first time offered online. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Summer Queen'
Upright large growing superba-type cane. Can grow very tall but can be kept to 2 feet tall. Leaves are large deeply lobed bright green leaves with large silver markings. Leaves can get 12 inches long and very wide. Very large clusters of bright pink flowers. Showy and easy to grow. Makes a stunning specimen plant. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Tinkerbell'
Semperflorum shrub-type begonia. Bears some resemblance to Begonia fischeri but is actually a tamer hybrid of Begonia schmidtiana. Compact, full growing and ever blooming with bright pink flowers. Small round pleated green leaves. Quickly makes a full plant. Very cute plant, makes a great basket. Doesn't reseed itself like the species. Easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Vista Way'
The perfect marriage of the best traits of two popular shrub species, Begonia egregia and Begonia echinosepala. Leaves have the texture, coloring, and red edge of Begonia egregia on a plant that has the full growing, free branching, everblooming habit of Begonia echinosepala. Can be trained for multiple uses from very full hanging baskets, to large specimen plants, or can be pruned easily to keep as a small compact potted plant. Flowers are pure white and held above the foliage. (Thompson)
Iochroma 'White Knight'
Iochroma 'White Knight' is a new interspecies hybrid between Iochroma australe 'Alba' and Iochroma cyaneum. It has the long tubular flowers of I. cyaneum in the rare color of white with the slight flaring bell shape from I. australe. So far, the blooming habit seems to be to put out long stems with a large cluster at the tip followed by smaller weeping side shoots with smaller numerous clusters. Much more trainable than pure I. cyaneum, this type can be trained to be low and spreading or trained up to be a tall specimen. Flower color can be subjective in iochromas since they seem to change color with light intensity or duration. I. 'White Knight' has pink buds which open to long white flowers in mostly summer sun but can keep a slight pink tinge in more shade. Exclusive. (Thompson) Solanaceae