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Anthurium scandens

Pearl Anthurium

Anthurium scandens


This cute aroid is widespread in its forest habitat from southern Mexico and the West Indies to southern Brazil and found from sea level to almost 9,000 feet in elevation. It's a creeping epiphyte with up to 2 inch dark green leaves and, at a young age, a profusion of waxy, white or faintly violet fruit (berries) that look like little pearls. It has small brown sheaths that cover the stems giving them a woody look and aerial roots along the stems that penetrate cracks in the bark of trees to help anchor and climb. As a container plant, it remains small and compact. Tolerates full sun, but is best in part shade. Perfect for growing in a terrarium. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araceae


Begonia chloroneura

Begonia chloroneura


(Distinctive Foliage Rhizomatous Begonia) Dwarf, compact rhizomatous begonia, red backed coppery leaves with prominent light green veins, fine red hairs. Flowers are white to pale pink. Terrarium culture suggested or warm greenhouse. Native of the Philippines. (F, D, T)


Ceropegia sandersonii

Parachute or Umbrella Plant

Ceropegia sandersonii


The common name of this small succulent vine refers to its flowers that are shaped somewhat like parachutes or umbrellas. The flowers are even more unusual in that they give off a scent to trap flies. As the flies slide down the flower tube to the base they get covered in pollen. The flies are released later, as the flower withers, to pollinate other parachute flowers. It's fairly easy to grow as a basket plant or in a dry terrarium in well-drained soil and bright light (not direct sunlight). Native to Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland. (B,T) Apocynaceae      Resized image from Wikimedia Commons: Wouter Hagens, Ceropegia sandersonii A, CC BY-SA 3.0


xCodonatanthus 'Golden Tambourine'

Codonatanthus Golden Tambourine


Very compact habit with small golden yellow foliage. Dainty rose pink and cream flowers. Nice for windowsill or terrarium. Gesneriaceae


Dischidia sp. Geri

Apple Leaf

Dischidia sp Geri


This Hoya relative has succulent, soft green, 1 inch rounded leaves turning grayish with age with new foliage emerging pinkish in color. Has ivory white flowers. Easy. Outdoors provide it with filtered light, indoors a bright area. Good drainage is essential. With its cascading form, it makes an easy to grow hanging basket. Can also be used in a large terrarium. This unidentified Dischidia was named after Geri Ham Young, a succulent collector in Honolulu, by Hoya specialist Ted Green of Hawaii. It could be related to Dischidia oiantha, whose leaves are more elongated. We have seen this plant sold elsewhere, likely in error, as the species Dischidia oiantha and as Dischidia milnei. USDA Zones 9b - 11. Apocynaceae


Ficus pumila 'Snowflake'

Ficus pumila Snowflake


Tiny dark green leaves bordered white, creeping stems. Terrarium, dish garden, or tropical ground cover. (F,D,T) Moraceae


Medinilla sedifolia

Medinilla sedifolia


A beautiful but little known species for terrarium or small hanging basket, this elegant rare plant is slow growing and spectacular in bloom. In winter and spring 1 inch waxy flowers of bright magenta pink nearly cover the dark green foliage of closely set ¼th inch waxy leaves. Likes warmth, humidity. (F,D,T,B) Melastomataceae


Nephrolepis exaltata 'Elzevir'

Minature Fluffy Ruffles Fern

Nephrolepis exaltata Elzevir


Tiny, irregularly fringed fronds, dense, compact habit to 5 inches. This is the only fern cultivar that remains small enough to be suitable for small terrarium. Nephrolepidaceae (formerly Polypodiaceae)


Pellionia pulchra

Satin Pellionia

Pellionia pulchra


Great trailing indoor plant for basket or terrarium. Showy leaves are dark veined with an olive-green background, purple underside. Likes humidity and warmth, bright light but not direct sunlight. Keep moist but not wet. Easy to grow. Can be grown as a ground cover in tropical climates. Native to Southeast Asia. This is now listed by botanists as a variation of Pellionia repens. Urticaceae


Pellionia repens

(Syn.: Pellionia daveauana), Watermelon Pellionia

Pellionia repens


Grown for the beauty of its leaves, it makes an ideal basket or terrarium plant. Showy leaves are purplish-brown on the edges with a deep green surface and a light green center. Likes humidity and warmth, bright light but not direct sunlight. Keep moist but not wet. Easy to grow. Can be grown as a ground cover in tropical climates. Native to Southeast Asia. Urticaceae


Peperomia perciliata

Trailing Jade

Peperomia perciliata


This unique peperomia has oval, thick succulent green leaves with subtle light green stripes and stems of pinkish-orange. The small leaves grow in clusters of three or four as the stems grow. Flowers are insignificant. With its compact size, it grows about 2" high and stems about 12" long. This is an easy houseplant, and with its trailing habit, it makes an attractive hanging basket. It's also a fine choice for a terrarium or for hanging as an epiphyte. It's best to keep the shallow roots semi-moist, but it should not be over-watered. Give it bright indirect light, but no direct sunlight. This species looks very much like the cultivar Peperomia 'Hope', which some people regard as a questionable hybrid. Piperaceae


Peperomia prostrata

String of Turtles, Creeping Peperomia

Peperomia prostrata


This is a favorite miniature plant that creeps along the ground creating a dense mat. It can even climb up a small support. The tiny ½ inch round succulent leaves have a mottled pattern of lighter green veins. Great for a hanging basket, terrarium, vivarium, small dish garden, or shingling up a damp moss pole. It prefers moderate bright shade, moisture, and humid conditions. It won't tolerate waterlogged soils, so water lightly when the soil is dry and give it gritty, well-drained soil. Roots as it spreads and is fairly fast growing with a height of about 1 inch. Native to Brazilian rainforests where it is often found growing on trees and rocks as an epiphyte. USDA zones 9 - 11. Sometimes confused with Peperomia rotundifolia, which is a different species with all green leaves. During shipping a few leaves may drop off since they break easily but will quickly regrow. So, be extra careful unpacking. (B, M, T, F, H) Piperaceae


Peperomia rubella

Peperomia rubella


Miniature trailer with tiny red backed leaves. Suitable for hanging basket, terrarium, vivarium or dish garden. Easy and colorful. Does best in a bright position protected from direct sunlight. Native to Jamaica. Piperaceae


Pilea pubescens 'Silver Cloud'

Silver Cloud Pilea, Silver Panamiga

Pilea pubescens Silver Cloud


Uncommon house plant with striking silvery leaves, ruffled and serrated, with pinkish color on the undersides. It's an upright compact plant to 10 inches high with inconspicuous flowers. Although it likes terrarium conditions, it might be a bit large for such usage. Ideal in a mixed planting of house plants, such as with silvery or spotted begonias, thus creating a nice contrast. Also, use it in its own hanging basket. Indoors give it bright conditions and humidity and let the soil dry slightly between watering. It does not like waterlogged soil, so do not use too large a pot, smaller is better. Needs part to full shade outdoors in mild climates. Minimum temperature should be 50F, with the ideal range from 65F to 85F. Since cuttings root easily, it's a good idea to periodically replace old plants. Cold air, especially in winter, may cause some leaf drop. Do a bit of judicious pruning in spring to induce new growth. Native to South America. USDA zones 10 - 11. Urticaceae


Pilea spruceana 'Silver Tree'

Silver Tree Pilea

Pilea spruceana Silver Tree


This pilea has a narrow, serrated, chocolate colored leaf with a broad silver band running down its center. It has a compact, upright habit to 10 inches high and wide. Flowers are inconspicuous. Although it likes terrarium conditions, it might be a bit large for such usage. Ideal in a mixed planting of house plants, such as with fancy leaf begonias, thus creating a nice contrast. Also, use it in its own hanging basket. Indoors give it bright conditions and humidity and let the soil dry slightly between watering. It does not like waterlogged soil, so do not use too large a pot, smaller is better. Needs part to full shade outdoors in mild climates. Minimum temperature should be 50F, with the ideal range from 65F to 85F. Since cuttings root easily, it's a good idea to periodically replace old plants. Cold air, especially in winter, may cause some leaf drop. Do a bit of judicious pruning in spring to induce new growth. Native to Peru and Venezuela. USDA zones 10 - 11. Urticaceae


Polyscias fruticosa 'Bonsai'

Miniature Ming Aralia

Polyscias fruticosa Bonsai


A dwarf form of the Ming Aralia this attractive slow growing indoor plant has small, finely cut, parsley-like leaves. It is a choice bonsai or terrarium subject. Give bright indoor light, excellent draining soil, and warmth. It cannot tolerate temperatures below 50F or water-logged soil. Outdoors grow in semi-shade. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias fruticosa 'Snowflake'

Snowflake Ming Aralia

Polyscias fruticosa Snowflake


This is a variegated version of the dwarf 'Bonsai' Ming Aralia with small, finely cut, parsley-like leaves with creamy white edging. It's a choice bonsai or terrarium subject. Older plants can slowly grow to 2 feet or taller, but may be trimmed back as needed. Indoors, give it bright light with protection from direct sunlight. It likes warmth and humidity, but not soggy soil. Let the soil dry out a bit before watering. Minimum temperature is 50F. Outdoors, grow it in semi-shade. USDA zones 11 - 12. (D, H, T) Araliaceae

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