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Arachnothryx leucophylla

(Syn.: Rondeletia leucophylla), Panama Rose, Bush Pentas

Arachnothryx leucophylla


Small woody evergreen shrub with rose-pink flowers, primarily in winter and spring with scattered blooms the rest of the year. Very attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. It becomes fragrant after sunset. Grows 3 to 5 feet high. Full sun to part shade. It's a tender shrub that will not survive freezing. USDA zones 9 - 11. Native of Mexico through Panama. Rubiaceae


Aristolochia gigantea

Aristolochia gigantea


Giant two foot rose-colored flowers mottled purple with pleasant lemon fragrance. Blooms profusely outdoors here in Southern California. Large climber with heart-shaped leaves. 28F. Aristolochiaceae


Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi'

Golden Angel's Trumpet

Brugmansia Charles Grimaldi


An exceptional California hybrid with enormous 15 inch yellow-orange flowers and strongly recurved petal tips. This hybrid combines the orange flowers of Brugmansia 'Dr. Seuss' with the warm temperature vigor of Brugmansia 'Frosty Pink'. This outstanding year-round performer is the first hybrid of this color that flowers well in warm temperatures. Wonderful intense fragrance. A cubensis hybrid. (Schwartz and Brigham). Solanaceae


Brugmansia 'Milk 'n' Honey'

Brugmansia Milk n Honey


Impressive display of beautiful large fragrant white trumpets with green veins and long tips. Flowers turning to a honey color with age. Green, smooth textured foliage. Can grow 10 to 20 feet hight, 4 to 6 feet wide. However, it's best to occasionally prune back heavily to encourage new growth. Angel's Trumpets thrive in full sun to light shade with heavy feeding and moisture. Hybrid of B. 'Ecuador Pink' and B. versicolor 'Peach'. USDA zones 8b - 10. Versicolor cultivar. Solanaceae


Brunfelsia americana

Lady of the Night

Brunfelsia americana


Wonderfully fragrant large creamy white flowers with a long tube. Light green leathery foliage. Solanaceae


Buddleja 'Lochinch'

Buddleja Lochinch


Racemes of fragrant lilac-blue flowers with deep violet eye throughout the season. Beautiful small silvery foliage. Very compact, hardy. Scrophulariaceae


Buddleja madagascariensis

Buddleja madagascariensis


Spikes of Fragrant yellow-orange flowers fall through spring. White backed leaves. 25F. Scrophulariaceae


Callisia fragrans 'Melnikoff'

Basket Plant, False Bromeliad, Octopus Plant

Callisia fragrans Melnikoff


This is a low growing perennial with 6 to 10 inch bright green waxy leaves with white to cream colored lengthwise stripes of varying widths. The tightly overlapping leaves form a rosette somewhat resembling a bromeliad. It has small fragrant white flowers borne in clusters on long upright stalks. Best in well-drained moist soil in part shade. It makes a good groundcover in mild climates as an accent with other tropical plantings or as a beautiful large hanging basket with its cascading trailing stems. Old fashioned houseplant. Native to Mexico. USDA zones 9 - 11. Commelinaceae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Frost'

Golden Natal Plum

Carissa macrocarpa Frost


This evergreen South African natal plum has small glossy green leaves beautifully variegated with golden cream and fragrant white flowers. Open growth habit to 4 feet. Grow in part shade to full sun with good drainage and in a frost free location. Tolerates beachfront locations. Apocynaceae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Humphreyi Variegata'

Carissa macrocarpa Humphreyi Variegata


Small glossy leaves beautifully variegated cream and light green, very full, compact habit, perfect for bonsai. Fragrant white flowers. Apocynaceae


Carissa macrocarpa 'Jen's Beauty'

White Variegated Natal Plum

Carissa macrocarpa Jen's Beauty


This is a chance variegated sport of the compact Carissa macrocarpa 'Tuttle' with small glossy green leaves and creamy white variegation. It's fragrant white flowers are followed by small edible red fruit. Compact slow growth to 4 feet. Grow in part shade to full sun with good drainage and in a frost free location. Tolerates beachfront locations. Good candidate for use as a Bonsai. Apocynaceae


Clerodendrum bungei

Cashmere Bouquet

Clerodendrum bungei


Strongly fragrant corymbs of rosy red flowers. Large leaves adorn this shrub from China. 25F. Lamiaceae


Cymbopogon citratus

Lemon Grass

Cymbopogon citratus


This rapid growing perennial tropical grass is native to Southeast Asia where it is used in cooking to give a lemon flavoring. Also, it is a fine looking ornamental, growing in a dense clump to 3 feet high and as wide. Leaves emit a wonderful lemony fragrance when bruised. Plant in ground or in containers. Prefers full sun, but tolerates a bit of shade. Best in rich soil with good drainage. It is not frost hardy. In cold climates it's suggested to makes small potted divisions and overwinter in a bright indoor location. The bulbous lower leaf sections are harvested and minced or mashed for asian cooking. Leaves may be used fresh or dried for flavoring. USDA zones 10 - 11. Poaceae


Eugenia uniflora

Surinam Cherry, Brazilian Cherry, Pitanga

Eugenia uniflora


Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 feet with glossy red fruit rich in vitamin C. Delicious eaten fresh or made into jams or jellies. New leaves bronzy red with small, fragrant white flowers in summer. Can be used as a clipped hedge plant, which may sacrifice fruit, or as a screen. USDA zones 9 - 12. Native to tropical America. Sorry, cannot be shipped to Florida. Myrtaceae


Faradaya splendida

Faradaya splendida


Large vine for tropical or subtropical garden. Showy white flowers in large terminal clusters in spring with fragrance of carnations. Leaves smooth, 6 to 12 inches long. Rare. Australia. Lamiaceae


Gardenia jasminoides 'Glazerii'

Gardenia jasminoides Glazerii


An ideal corsage variety as flowers tend to be flat, 3 to 5 inches in width. Compact, bushy grower with intense fragrance. Plant in moist, acidic soil with good drainage in partial sun. USDA zones 9 - 11. Rubiaceae


Gardenia jasminoides 'Miami Supreme'

(Syn.: Gardenia augusta 'Miami Supreme')

Gardenia jasminoides Miami Supreme


Flowers fully double and fragrant, as large as Gardenia jasminoides 'Aimee Yoshida'. Excellent foliage and compact growth. 15F. Rubiaceae


Gardenia thunbergia

Gardenia thunbergia


Magnificent shrub with glossy dark green leaves and very large waxy white pinwheel flowers with wonderful sweet citrus fragrance. Commonly used as rootstock for grafting the ornamental Gardenia jasminoides varieties. S.E. Africa. Rubiaceae


Hibiscus arnottianus

Native Hawaiian White Hibiscus

Hibiscus arnottianus


Large white fragrant flowers with prominent red stamens. Malvaceae


Hoya aldrichii

Christmas Island Waxvine

Hoya aldrichii


Big clusters of pale to deep pink flowers with rosy red centers blooming in abundance, fragrant at night. Smooth medium sized leaves on this easy growing moderate to large vine. Native to Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean. Some consider it close to, or even synonymous with, Hoya cinnamomifolia. Apocynaceae


Hoya australis 'Queensland'

Hoya australis Queensland


This particular clone of Hoya australis is especially free flowering, producing generous clusters of red centered waxy white flowers with a delightful vanilla-chocolate fragrance. Bright green leaves. Native to Queensland, Australia. Apocynaceae


Hoya carnosa 'Dee's Big One'

Hoya carnosa Dee's Big One


Extra large clusters of fragrant pink flowers. Sturdy long oval leaves, easy.


Hoya cumingiana

Hoya cumingiana


Yellow flowers with dark red centers, strong clove fragrance. Small closely set leaves on compact, upright stems. Very attractive. Very similar to Hoya densifolia. This image is of the flowers of Hoya densifolia. Native to the Philippines. Apocynaceae


Hoya heuschkeliana Yellow

Hoya heuschkeliana Yellow


This cute Philippine native vine has slightly cupped waxy green leaves (up to 3" long) on cascading branches with clusters of small very fragrant urn-shaped yellow flowers. It's a miniature species that's easy to grow with filtered light, warmth, extra humidity, and well-draining soil. Let it dry out a bit between waterings. Plants that are root bound tend to flower more prolifically. It makes a nice hanging basket or can be mounted as an epiphyte. Apocynaceae


Hoya kanyakumariana

Hoya kanyakumariana


Small closely set crisp wavy leaves, wiry stems. Fragrant white flowers with red centers. Apocynaceae


Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella

(Hoya bella, Miniature Wax Plant

Hoya lanceolata ssp bella


Clusters of waxy white, pink centered, fragrant flowers. Small pointed leaves closely set on semi-trailing stems. Lovely hanging basket variety. India. Apocynaceae


Hoya obovata

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Large thick round leaves splashed with silver. Fragrant globe-shaped flower clusters, light pink with red centers. Apocynaceae


Hoya obscura

Hoya obscura


Glossy reddish leaves veined green. Clusters of fragrant salmon pink flowers. Compact habit. Apocynaceae


Hoya obscura 'Major'

Hoya obscura Major


Glossy reddish leaves veined green. Clusters of fragrant salmon pink flowers with larger darker red leaves and flower clusters than species, fragrant. Apocynaceae


Jasminum angulare

Jasminum angulare


Star-shaped, fragrant 1 inch flowers in summer. Three-part dark green glossy leaves, vining stems. Oleaceae


Jasminum beesianum

Jasminum beesianum


Clusters of lightly fragrant pink flowers, vigorous climbing vine, hardy to 10F. Oleaceae


Jasminum multiflorum

Downy Jasmine, Indian Jasmine

Jasminum multiflorum


This is a beautiful evergreen vine with small dark green oval leaves covered with soft downy hairs. Clusters of slightly fragrant 1 inch white star-shaped flowers appear nearly year-round, heaviest from fall to spring. A fast growing climber, it can also be pruned into a shrubby shape and used as a hedge. Grows best in full sun with protection from the mid-day sun. Can also be grown indoors if given enough bright light. Native to India and Southeast Asia. USDA zones 8a to 11b Oleaceae


Jasminum officinale

Poet's Jasmine, Hardy Jasmine

Jasminum officinale


Clusters of fragrant 1 inch white flowers, compound leaves, twining. The flowers release their wonderful perfume in the evening. Requires night temperatures below 60 in winter to bloom, so is not suitable as a house plant. USDA Zone 6. Oleaceae


Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense 'Medio Picta'

(Syn.: Jasminum volubile 'Medio-Picta'), Variegated Wax Jasmine

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A beautiful variegated evergreen climber. The center of the each leaflet is spotted with yellow. Fragrant white flowers. Part shade. Oleaceae


Jasminum tortuosum

Jasminum tortuosum


Terminal clusters of starry white flowers with delightful citrus fragrance produced throughout the year. Scrambling vine with small dark green glossy leaves. Hardy to 25F. Oleaceae


Malpighia coccigera

Singapore Holly

Malpighia coccigera


Glossy green ½ inch holly-like leaves, compact growth, with ½ inch frilly pink fragrant flowers in summer. Edible Berries. Excellent bonsai specimen. Native to West Indies. 40F. Malpighiaceae


Melodinus cochinchinensis

(Syn.: Lycimnia suaveolens), Mountain Orange

Melodinus cochinchinensis


Rare climbing vine from China, Vietnam with sweetly fragrant small tubular white flowers in large clusters, followed by small ornamental orange fruit, resembling oranges. Evergreen to 30 feet. Plant in a warm sunny location in well-drained, moist, rich soil. Hardiness unknown. Probably cannot withstand any frost. Caution: Fruit is reportedly poisonous. Do not taste! Apocynaceae


Montanoa atriplicifolia

(Syn.: Montanoa schotii), Yacatan Daisy

Montanoa atriplicifolia


Large woody vine with fragrant white daisy flowers in winter. Asteraceae


Montanoa leucantha

Montanoa leucantha


Multi-stemmed shrub 5 to 20 feet high and wide. Slightly fragrant 1½ inch single white daisies with yellow centers. They are produced in such abundance in late fall and early winter that they turn the whole tree white. As with all of the montanoas they should survive down to 28F. They all require regular watering. Native to Mexico. Asteraceae


Nashia inaguensis

Moujean Tea, Bahama Berry

Nashia inaguensis


A beautiful small shrub to 5 feet with miniature glossy leaves, which are used to add flavor to herbal tea. Tiny white flowers have a wonderful sweet fragrance, followed by ⅛ inch orange berries. It adapts well to container culture and makes a splendid bonsai. As a bonsai, it needs to be kept moist at all times. Outside, it should be grown in full sun with a minimum temperature of 40F. Native to the Bahamas. USDA zones 10 - 11. Verbenaceae


Nematanthus albus

(Syn.: Nematanthus 'Santa Teresa')

Nematanthus albus (Santa Teresa)


Unusually large white flowers with heavily spotted yellow throat, an adaption for pollination by tropical euglossine bees. Medium green foliage is soft, fuzzy, and with reddish veining on the underside. Vigorous grower. Blooms best when pot bound and is even fragrant. Brazilian native. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Podachaenium eminens

Giant Tree Daisy

Podachaenium eminens


Sprays of fragrant white daisy flowers in spring. Huge velvety tropical looking leaves. Asteraceae


Scaevola taccada

Beach Cabbage, Sea Lettuce, Beach Naupaka

Scaevola taccada


This flowering plant is a common beach shrub throughout the Indian Ocean and South Pacific, reaching all the way to Hawaii. The flowers are white or cream colored, sometimes with purple streaks, and have an irregular shape with all five petals on one side of the flower, making it appear to have been torn in half. The downy leaves are light green, almost succulent, and the fleshy white berries can float in seawater for months before sprouting. It's a large dense shrub growing up to 9 feet in height, but usually kept much lower as a sprawling hedge. It is often used for beach landscaping, to prevent coastal erosion, and to protect other plants from salt spray. Because the Naupaka has this unique half-flower, ancient Hawaiians believed that it was the incarnation of lovers separated. The pleasantly fragrant flowers and corky seeds are sometimes made into Hawaiian leis. In Florida, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and throughout the Caribbean, it has become invasive, pushing out native plants. For this reason, it is not allowed to be shipped to these areas. No frost or cold weather. USDA zones 10 -12. Goodeniaceae


Senecio tamoides

Canary Creeper

Senecio tamoides


This is a vigorous fast-growing evergreen vine with semi-succulent stems and leaves. It has attractive glossy light green ivy-like leaves. The abundant bright canary yellow daisy flowers are borne in clusters from late summer to fall, making an impressive show. Flowers are fragrant. Frost may cause dieback but vine should recover in the spring. Native to South Africa. USDA zones 9 - 11. Sometimes confused with the undesirable and highly invasive German or Cape Ivy, Delairea odorata (Syn.: Senecio mikanioides). Asteraceae


Sinningia guttata

Sinningia guttata


Showy species with white flowers spotted with purple dots, yellow stripe down the center of the throat. The slightly fragrant flowers always bend towards the light and bloom for several months. Upright growth with shiny green leaves. May avoid winter dormancy if kept indoors with warmth and light. Gesneriaceae


Solanum muricatum 'Rio Bamba'

Melon Pear, Pepino Dulce

Solanum muricatum Rio Bamba


Deliciously sweet fruit is provided by this compact, colorful and unusual flowering plant from the Andes. Attractive clusters of 1 inch dark violet star-shaped flowers are followed by 4 to 6 inch purple striped oval fruits, which change from light green to yellow when fully ripe and ready to eat. The fruit has a nearly seedless, juicy flesh which is fragrant and tasty, like a blend of melons, bananas, peaches and pears. Offered are two cutting grown selections which are superior in taste and make attractive flowering plants. 25F.

'Rio Bamba' is a scandent, purple stemmed selection named for the area of Ecuador from which it was collected. 3 inch dark green leaves, free flowering. Cross pollination suggested for maximum fruit production. Solanaceae


Stephanotis floribunda

(Syn.: Marsdenia floribunda), Madagascar Jasmine

Stephanotis floribunda


Prized for the wonderfully sweet fragrance of its waxy white flowers which are popular in wedding bouquets. This is one of the most popular vines in the world. The 2 inch star-shaped flowers appear in clusters during summer and fall, and the shiny, waxy green 2 to 4 inch leaves are handsome all year. Twining growth and culture are similar to hoyas, to which it is related. The plant makes an excellent container subject. Best in bright indirect light. Native to Madagascar. 28F. USDA zones 9b - 12. Apocynaceae


Stephanotis floribunda 'Variegata'

(Syn.: Marsdenia floribunda 'Variegated'), Variegated Madagascar Jasmine, Variegated Bridal Bouquet

Stephanotis floribunda Variegata


An usual variegated form of the madagascar jasmine with brightly colored yellow variegation on the new growth, changing to cream and green variegation with age. Prized for the wonderfully sweet fragrance of its waxy white flowers which are popular in wedding bouquets. The 2 inch star-shaped flowers appear in clusters during summer and fall, and the shiny, waxy variegated 2 to 4 inch leaves are handsome all year. Twining growth and culture are similar to hoyas, to which it is related. The plant makes an excellent container subject. Best in bright indirect light. Native to Madagascar. 28F. USDA zones 9b - 12. Apocynaceae


Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore Pleno'

(Syn.: Ervatamia coronaria, Tabernaemontana coronaria), Butterfly Gardenia

Tabernaemontana divaricata Flore Pleno


Fragrant 1½ inch double flowers produced all year. Handsome glossy leaves, compact growth. Popular throughout the world and easy to grow. Excellent container plant. India. 32F. Apocynaceae


Tecoma stans

Tecoma stans


We offer the finest form of this variable and beautiful species. Large showy clusters of 2 inch bright yellow sweetly fragrant trumpets and 6 inch long leaves. A tall upright shrub hardy outdoors to 25F. Southwest U.S. and Mexico. Bignoniaceae


Turraea obtusifolia

Starbush, Small Honeysuckle Tree

Turraea obtusifolia


Starry white flowers in summer, followed by deep orange berries. This is an evergreen shrub or small tree with dark green glossy leaves. The flowers are unscented during the day and slightly fragrant at night. Grow it in well-drained, moist, rich soil in sun or light shade. It needs water in summer, but will tolerate dryness during the winter. A good bonsai candidate. Tender to frost. South African in origin. Meliaceae


Volkameria inermis

(Syn.: Clerodendrum inerme), Seaside Clerodendrum

Volkameria inermis


Sprawling evergreen shrub with clusters of small fragrant white flowers and protruding maroon stamens. It's valued in landscaping as a groundcover or hedge plant, as it somewhat resembles a privet. It likes sun and is salt, heat, and wind tolerant. Can grow 3 to 6 feet tall. It can be grown as a topiary and is a great plant for bonsai. In Micronesia it's cultivated for medicinal uses. Native to Australia, tropical Asia and western Polynesia, where it grows along the seacoast. Can be invasive along tropical seashores. USDA zones 9b - 12. Lamiaceae

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