Ballochia rotundifolia
This very rare endangered plant is native to the island of Socotra (part of Yemen) located in the Arabian Sea. The foliage looks somewhat like that of boxwood, but with small 1 inch slightly bent orange tubular flowers in summer. It's a low growing, heavily branched shrub growing up to 3 feet high, with gray twigs, and rounded ½ inch long dark green leaves. In its natural habitat, it grows at an elevation of 1,500 to 2,000 feet in subtropical/tropical drought-deciduous forests, with only about 15 inches of rainfall a year. There is no information available on its culture and habit in cultivation. It would seem to be a long-lived, drought resistant shrub that needs excellent drainage, full sun, and protection from frost. It could possibly be trained as an unusual bonsai. Our guess: USDA zones 9b - 12. Acanthaceae
Begonia crassicaulis
Medium growing upright and sprawling rhizomatous species. Rhizomes are very big and woody with leaves usually at the tips. Defoliates in winter under some growing conditions especially outdoors in temperate climates. Unusual in that it usually blooms profusely with bright pink flowers on the bare rhizome tips and then puts out leaves after the flowering is over. Easy to grow and unusual, can be used as a bonsai but can also grow into a large specimen plant.
Larger sized plants in 4 inch pots.
Breynia disticha 'Minima'
Miniature Snowbush
Very compact growing shrub with tiny round leaves splotched white, shaded pink. Grow in bright shade. Bonsai subject. USDA zones 10 - 11. Phyllanthaceae (previously in the Euphorbiaceae family)
Buddleja indica
(Syn.: Nicodemia diversifolia), Indoor Oak
From Madagascar, an uncommon foliage house plant with oak-shaped dark green leaves with a bronzy cast. Pinch new growth to insure dense habit. Best in part shade. Can be used as a bonsai subject. Scrophulariaceae
Carissa macrocarpa 'Humphreyi Variegata'
Small glossy leaves beautifully variegated cream and light green, very full, compact habit, perfect for bonsai. Fragrant white flowers. Apocynaceae
Carissa macrocarpa 'Jen's Beauty'
White Variegated Natal Plum
This is a chance variegated sport of the compact Carissa macrocarpa 'Tuttle' with small glossy green leaves and creamy white variegation. It's fragrant white flowers are followed by small edible red fruit. Compact slow growth to 4 feet. Grow in part shade to full sun with good drainage and in a frost free location. Tolerates beachfront locations. Good candidate for use as a Bonsai. Apocynaceae
Coprosma kirkii 'Kiwi Gold'
The shiny small green leaves are heavily splashed with gold. Full sun or bright shade. Grows just a few inches tall and can spread more than several feet wide. Excellent bonsai or ground cover. Rubiaceae
Coprosma kirkii 'Variegata'
Evergreen ground cover native to New Zealand, grown for its attractive glossy leaves. Tiny oval leaves variegated green, edged white. Compact, prostrate. Excellent for bonsai. Full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. Rubiaceae
Coprosma repens 'Beatens Gold'
Gold Variegated Coprosma
It's an excellent choice for bonsai or topiary with small green leaves with gold centers. In the ground, it grows as an erect shrub to 6 feet. Too much shade and it may lose it's variegation. Rubiaceae
Crescentia alata
Mexican Calabash, Gourd Tree
This small curious tree has flowers and large cannonball-like fruits that occur directly on its branches and trunk (cauliflorous). The 2½ inch bell-shaped flowers are tinted yellow with a trace of purple and open for a single night and then fall the following day. In the wild, pollinating bats are attracted by the flower's musky scent. Flowering occurs from May until November. The resulting 5 inch round, hard fruits are green, turn yellow as they ripen, and eventually fall from the tree. The round dry shells from the fruit are cut into bowls and often made into musical rattles known as maracas. To produce odd shapes for birdhouses, etc., string is sometimes tied around the fruit as it grows. When the hard fruit is broken open, seeds are exposed that are edible and high in protein with a sweet licorice-like taste. With age, the young seedlings will develop normal leaves that are trifoliolate with a leaflike winged petiole shaped like a cross.
It grows to 25 feet in height, is semi-deciduous, drought tolerant, and has a spreading low canopy and open, branching growth habit. It can be used as a unique large bonsai specimen in the landscape and is well suited for patio planters and container growing. Epiphytes love to grow on its corky bark. It does need a frost free growing environment. Native to southern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica. USDA zones 9b - 11. Bignoniaceae
Duranta erecta 'Snow Flurry'
A very rare and sought after foliage plant with small fringed leaves, variegated white and green. Slow, compact growth. Excellent bonsai plant. Lavender blue flowers. Part shade recommended. Verbenaceae
Erythrina humeana 'Raja'
Dwarf Natal Coral Tree
This dwarf form of the natal coral tree grows up to 12 feet high and wide. A true collector's plant that can be grown as a large bonsai with its fast growing caudex. We've seen the caudex grow 3 feet wide. It produces a brilliant show with bold spikes of dark red flowers when very young, blooming from late summer through fall. Plant in full sun with good drainage and protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Native to southern Africa. Our plants offered in 2¾ inch pots with caudex already forming. Leguminosae
Ficus deltoidea
(Syn.: Ficus diversifolia), Mistletoe Fig
This species has small delta-shaped deep green leaves, ornamental yellowish fruit. Excellent bonsai subject. 28F. Moraceae
Ficus deltoidea 'Variegata'
(Syn.: Ficus diversifolia 'Variegata'), Variegated Mistletoe Fig
This attractive small ornamental fig has small delta-shaped deep green leaves splashed with white and ornamental yellowish fruit. Excellent bonsai subject. Native to Southeast Asia. 28F. Moraceae
Ficus microcarpa 'Hawaii'
(Syn.: Ficus nitida, Ficus retusa), Variegated Cuban Laurel, Indian Laurel Fig, Chinese Banyan
Also known as Ficus microcarpa 'Variegata', this evergreen tree has 2 to 4 inch elliptic thick leathery leaves boldly variegated with dark green, gray-green, and white. The bark is a light gray in color. Outdoors it grows into a large specimen tree, or used indoors as a house plant, even as a bonsai. With age can form aerial roots. USDA zones 9 - 11. Moraceae
Ficus microcarpa var. crassifolia 'Green Mound'
(Syn.: Ficus 'Green Mound'), Wax Ficus
Two similar varieties are often confused in the Florida plant trade. This Ficus 'Green Mound' has heavy-textured pointed leaves with the plant growing to a height of 6 feet, while Ficus 'Green Island' has somewhat smaller rounded leaves and it grows prostrate to only 3 to 4 feet in height. Our selection came from Hawaii where, like in Florida, it is used as a small shrub or a low hedge, standing up to salt, wind and drought. With almost no pruning, it forms a dense dark green mound, easily kept below six feet. It also makes a very desirable bonsai. It should be protected from frost as very cold temperatures may cause some leaf spotting, but it should survive down to an occasional 30F. It is native to Asia. USDA zones 9 - 11. Moraceae
Ficus natalensis subsp. leprieurii 'Malay Gold'
(Syn.: Ficus triangularis 'Variegata', Ficus triangularis 'Coconut Cream'), Variegated Dwarf Triangle Fig
Beautiful 2 to 3 inch variegated triangular leaves and a dwarf, compact habit distinguish this interesting houseplant. Young leaves are broadly edged golden yellow and patterned in shades of dark green and gray green. Older leaves are patterned light and dark green, with no two leaves exactly alike. Recommended for bonsai.
Kartuz Greenhouses has been offering this cultivar, 'Malay Gold', for over 30 years. We recently obtained 'Coconut Cream', which seems to be a popular variety in Eastern Europe. We can not detect any differences between the two and consider them to be the same plant. Moraceae
Ficus salicaria
(Syn.: Ficus subulata, Ficus salicifolia, Ficus neriifolia)
Narrow, dark evergreen glossy leaves, compact, upright. Great for bonsai. Moraceae
Fockea edulis
Hottentot Bread
This collector's plant is a semi-decidous succulent perennial grown for its swollen caudiciform base. It has thin, twining stems growing up to 3 feet with 1/2 to 1 inch long gray-green oval leaves and tiny lightly scented starfish-shaped, lime green flowers. It is dioecious with male and female flowers on separate plants. In nature, the tuberous caudex grows underground reaching a size up to 2 feet in diameter. Growers leave the young plants with this base buried in the pot until the desired size is reached. It's then repotted with the caudex above ground creating the unique bonsai look. To protect this base from sunburn grow the plant in light shade. Train the twining stems on a framework or keep trimmed to keep them from growing over nearby plants. Plant in a fast-draining cactus mix and water regularly from spring to fall, then reduce watering in winter during dormancy to prevent rotting. Though the name 'edulis' indicates the plant is edible, it requires an elaborate process to rid the tuber of its toxicity. This endangered species, native to South Africa and Namibia, can withstand a light frost as low as 28F for short periods. USDA zones 9b - 11. Apocynaceae
Malpighia coccigera
Singapore Holly
Glossy green ½ inch holly-like leaves, compact growth, with ½ inch frilly pink fragrant flowers in summer. Edible Berries. Excellent bonsai specimen. Native to West Indies. 40F. Malpighiaceae
Nashia inaguensis
Moujean Tea, Bahama Berry
A beautiful small shrub to 5 feet with miniature glossy leaves, which are used to add flavor to herbal tea. Tiny white flowers have a wonderful sweet fragrance, followed by ⅛ inch orange berries. It adapts well to container culture and makes a splendid bonsai. As a bonsai, it needs to be kept moist at all times. Outside, it should be grown in full sun with a minimum temperature of 40F. Native to the Bahamas. USDA zones 10 - 11. Verbenaceae
Pelargonium carnosum
(Syn.: Pelargonium ferulaceum), Fleshy Stalk Pelargonium
Native to South Africa, this succulent geranium has thick succulent gray stems swollen at the internodes with green frilly leaves on long petioles. The small flowers are white with red stigmas. Plant in fast draining soil in a bright sunny location. It goes semi-dormant in summer, when watering should be sparingly given. A fine candidate for use as a bonsai. It's best to protect from frost, although it can probably take a brief exposure. Geraniaceae
Plectranthus ernestii
Bonsai Mint
Small felted leaves with mauve flowers and distinctive caudex. Makes interesting bonsai. South Africa. Lamiaceae
Polyscias Collection
3 different, our choice, from a selection of these colorful leafed tropical shrubs. Araliaceae
Polyscias fruticosa
Ming Aralia
The Ming Aralia is an erect woody shrub growing to about 12 feet (more commonly 6 to 8 feet) tall with fine-textured, pinnately-divided leaves, which gives it a beautiful willow-like airy appearance. In tropical climates it may be used as an excellent vertical specimen, hedge, or screen. As a container plant, it is commonly grown indoors for its handsome foliage. It should be planted outdoors in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate drought tolerance. As a container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. Origin is unknown, but probably from India to southern Polynesia. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae
Polyscias fruticosa 'Bonsai'
Miniature Ming Aralia
A dwarf form of the Ming Aralia this attractive slow growing indoor plant has small, finely cut, parsley-like leaves. It is a choice bonsai or terrarium subject. Give bright indoor light, excellent draining soil, and warmth. It cannot tolerate temperatures below 50F or water-logged soil. Outdoors grow in semi-shade. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae
Polyscias fruticosa 'Snowflake'
Snowflake Ming Aralia
This is a variegated version of the dwarf 'Bonsai' Ming Aralia with small, finely cut, parsley-like leaves with creamy white edging. It's a choice bonsai or terrarium subject. Older plants can slowly grow to 2 feet or taller, but may be trimmed back as needed. Indoors, give it bright light with protection from direct sunlight. It likes warmth and humidity, but not soggy soil. Let the soil dry out a bit before watering. Minimum temperature is 50F. Outdoors, grow it in semi-shade. USDA zones 11 - 12. (D, H, T) Araliaceae
Polyscias guilfoylei 'Marginata
Margined Roseleaf Aralia
The dark green leaves margined in ivory white resemble a rose leaf, hence its common name. In the tropics, it is commonly used as a hedge plant (especially for narrow areas), wind screen, or privacy screening. Unpruned it will grow 9 to 12 feet high. This fast growing shrub from southern Polynesia should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae
Polyscias guilfoylei 'Variegata'
Variegated Roseleaf Aralia
The lush green leaves of this variety are beautifully variegated with large irregular patches of ochre yellow from the midvein to the edges. In the tropics, it is commonly used as a hedge plant (especially for narrow areas), wind screen, or for privacy screening. Unpruned it will grow 9 to 12 feet high. This fast growing shrub from southern Polynesia should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae
Polyscias scutellaria 'Crispata'
(Syn.: Polyscias crispata, Polyscias crispatum - Hort.), Chicken Gizzard Aralia
This plant gets its name from the shape of the leaves which resemble chicken gizzards. The leaflets are divided into a number of lobes, which are dark green, quilted, and irregularly indented. It grows slowly into an upright columnar shape, ideally suited for interior use or in bonsai. Be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. It is strictly a tropical plant and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae
Polyscias scutellaria 'Marginata'
(Syn.: Polyscias balfouriana 'Marginata'), Geranium Leaf Aralia
This beautiful lush compact plant, growing 3 to 5 feet tall with rounded gray green leaflets bordered with ivory white edges, resembles a white variegated geranium. It is commonly planted around homes in the tropics as a specimen or as a hedge. The origins of this plant are unknown, but thought to come from somewhere between Indonesia and southwest Polynesia. In warm climates it should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. This plant is commonly referred to as the Balfour Aralia or Balfouriana by some house plant growers, but in fact that term should only refer to the all green-leafed species, not this 'Marginata' variety. Araliaceae
Schefflera arboricola 'Janine'
Unusual Schefflera with small frilly leaves, beautifully variegated in green and lime-white. Very easy to grow. Even though it can grow to 10 feet, it can be easily trained as a much smaller excellent bonsai specimen. Part shade, average gardening conditions, and protection from frost. Species native to Taiwan. USDA zones 9 - 11. Araliaceae
Turraea obtusifolia
Starbush, Small Honeysuckle Tree
Starry white flowers in summer, followed by deep orange berries. This is an evergreen shrub or small tree with dark green glossy leaves. The flowers are unscented during the day and slightly fragrant at night. Grow it in well-drained, moist, rich soil in sun or light shade. It needs water in summer, but will tolerate dryness during the winter. A good bonsai candidate. Tender to frost. South African in origin. Meliaceae
Volkameria aculeata
(Syn.: Clerodendrum aculeatum), West Indian Privet, Prickly Glory Bower
Erect or vining spiny shrub from 3 to 6 ft tall with clusters of small white flowers in summer. Stems are grayish brown. The woody older branches are armed with spines at the leaf stalk bases. Hedge plant in tropics. It prefer a sunny situation on moist sandy loam soil. Native to the West Indies. A nice bonsai candidate. 32F. Lamiaceae
Volkameria inermis
(Syn.: Clerodendrum inerme), Seaside Clerodendrum
Sprawling evergreen shrub with clusters of small fragrant white flowers and protruding maroon stamens. It's valued in landscaping as a groundcover or hedge plant, as it somewhat resembles a privet. It likes sun and is salt, heat, and wind tolerant. Can grow 3 to 6 feet tall. It can be grown as a topiary and is a great plant for bonsai. In Micronesia it's cultivated for medicinal uses. Native to Australia, tropical Asia and western Polynesia, where it grows along the seacoast. Can be invasive along tropical seashores. USDA zones 9b - 12. Lamiaceae