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Acnistus arborescens

Wild Tree Tobacco, Hollowheart

Acnistus arborescens


Related to Iochroma. Uncommon small to medium sized tree, growing 10 to 20 feet high. Soft bark is beige, corky with deep vertical ridges and fissures. Try growing orchids, tillandsias and other epiphytes on it's limbs. Very small ¼th inch bell-shaped scented white flowers clustered on branches are followed by tiny orange tomato-like inedible fruits that are popular with birds. Plant has anticancer properties, but no nicotine derivatives, as common name would suggest. Subtropical, it will survive brief frosts. We're not sure of it's landscape value, but it might be of interest to collectors. Native to Central and South America and the Caribbean. Solanaceae


Iochroma Collection

Iochroma Collection


3 different; our choice (does not include Acnistus or Iochoma australe). Solanaceae

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