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Alpinia formosana 'Pinstripe'

Pinstripe Ginger

Alpinia formosana Pinstripe


This cultivar with white pinstripe leaves grows slowly to about 3 feet high. White, yellow and red flowers are showy on upright stalks. Usually only blooms in warmer climates or greenhoused. Needs shade, damp soil. Native to Taiwan. USDA zones 8 - 11. Zingiberaceae


Alpinia purpurata 'Red'

Red Ginger

Alpinia purpurata


One of the showiest of all tropical flowers, the red ginger is a true tropical and thrives in hot, humid conditions. Its bloom is formed by an upright head of rich, rosy crimson or bright pink bracts, an unforgettable sight. Tropical. From the East Indies. 50F. (H) Zingiberaceae

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