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Duranta erecta 'Alba'

Sky Flower

Duranta erecta Alba


All durantas are evergreen, hardy to 25F. This white flowered form of the species is predominantly summer flowering with clusters of ½ inch honey scented flowers followed by showy clusters of ½ inch yellow berries. Shiny green leaves to 3 inches long. New World tropics and subtropics. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Compacta'

Duranta erecta Compacta


A compact form with smaller green leaves and numerous light blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Gold'

Duranta erecta Gold


Compact shrub with small leaves entirely golden yellow. Clusters of lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Golden Edge'

Duranta erecta Golden Edge


Shiny green leaves with bright golden edges. Truly a distinctive variegated cultivar with sprays of purple flowers, golden berries. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Green and Gold'

Duranta erecta Green and Gold


Beautiful variegation on this compact shrub with small yellow-green foliage bordered deep green. Lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Little Geisha Girl'

Compact Golden Dew Drop 'Little Geisha Girl'

Duranta erecta Little Geisha Girl


This is a compact form of Duranta erecta 'Geisha Girl' ('Sweet Memories') with tighter blossoms and weeping stems. It makes a splendid hanging basket plant. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Sarasota'

Duranta erecta Sarasota


This excellent selection was chosen for compact growth and superior flowering habit. Blooms throughout the year with racemes of rich lavender blue flowers with a sweet, delicate scent. Clusters of ornamental golden yellow berries. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Snow Flurry'

Duranta erecta Snow Flurry


A very rare and sought after foliage plant with small fringed leaves, variegated white and green. Slow, compact growth. Excellent bonsai plant. Lavender blue flowers. Part shade recommended. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Sweet Memories'

(Syn.: Duranta erecta 'Geisha Girl')

Duranta erecta Sweet Memories


Evergreen shrub with ruffled picotee dark blue flowers edged white. Flowers are produced at a young age, making an ideal container plant. Full sun. Hardy to 25F. Verbenaceae


Duranta erecta 'Variegata'

Duranta erecta Variegata


Showy leaves splashed white and green, compact shrub. Lavender-blue flowers. Verbenaceae


Nashia inaguensis

Moujean Tea, Bahama Berry

Nashia inaguensis


A beautiful small shrub to 5 feet with miniature glossy leaves, which are used to add flavor to herbal tea. Tiny white flowers have a wonderful sweet fragrance, followed by ⅛ inch orange berries. It adapts well to container culture and makes a splendid bonsai. As a bonsai, it needs to be kept moist at all times. Outside, it should be grown in full sun with a minimum temperature of 40F. Native to the Bahamas. USDA zones 10 - 11. Verbenaceae


Stachytarpheta jamaicensis

Blue Porterweed

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis


Spreading tropical perennial to 2 feet high with spikes of blue flowers that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Grow in part shade to full sun. Native to southern Florida. USDA zones 10 - 11. Verbenaceae


Stachytarpheta mutabilis

Coral Porterweed, Pink Snakeweed

Stachytarpheta mutabilis


Robust tropical perennial to 4 feet with spikes of coral flowers. Part shade to full sun. Very attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. We formerly listed it as Stachytarpheta speciosa. USDA zones 10 - 11. Verbenaceae


Stachytarpheta - Purple Hybrid

Purple Porterweed

Stachytarpheta Purple Hybrid


The deep ½" purple flowers are sure to lure butterflies and hummingbirds to this tropical perennial. Growing to 3 feet high and wide, it blooms continuously from spring to fall. Plant in part shade to full sun. This form appeared as a chance seedling in the nursery. Stachytarpheta species commonly hybridize with each other. This is probably a cross between Stachytarpheta jamaicensis and Stachytarpheta mutabilis. USDA zones 10 - 11. Verbenaceae


Stachytarpheta sanguinea

(Syn.: Stachytarpheta microphylla), Red Compact Porterweed

Stachytarpheta sanguinea


Compact tropical perennial with dark green foliage and numerous spikes of bright red flowers from Brazil. Grows up to 2 feet high. Plant in part shade to full sun. Very attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. We formerly listed it as Stachytarpheta sp. Red Compacta. USDA zones 10 - 11. Verbenaceae

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