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Strelitzia nicolai
Giant White Bird of Paradise
Tall growing banana-like plant forming huge clumps of stems to 30 feet high. The 6 to 8 foot leaves are gray-green and arranged in fans atop the trunks. The large uniquely beautiful flowers are composed of dark blue bracts, white sepals, and tongues of light blue. The blooms usually emerge from the base of the leaf fan. Plant in rich, moist soil with good drainage in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of light frost. Powerful roots are best kept away from buildings and it should not be planted in expensive pots. Suckers can be removed to give it a palm tree silhouette. Makes an impressive indoor plant if given enough room, but unlikely to bloom indoors. 2¾" pots. USDA zones 9 - 11. Strelitziaceae