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Cymbopogon citratus
Lemon Grass
This rapid growing perennial tropical grass is native to Southeast Asia where it is used in cooking to give a lemon flavoring. Also, it is a fine looking ornamental, growing in a dense clump to 3 feet high and as wide. Leaves emit a wonderful lemony fragrance when bruised. Plant in ground or in containers. Prefers full sun, but tolerates a bit of shade. Best in rich soil with good drainage. It is not frost hardy. In cold climates it's suggested to makes small potted divisions and overwinter in a bright indoor location. The bulbous lower leaf sections are harvested and minced or mashed for asian cooking. Leaves may be used fresh or dried for flavoring. USDA zones 10 - 11. Poaceae
Oplismenus hirtellus 'Variegatus'
Variegated Basket Grass
This tropical grass is popular in hanging baskets with its tri-colored striped leaves in green, pink, and white. Use it as a striking accent in a mixed container or a window box. It hugs the ground as it spreads making a colorful ground cover for a warm area or conservatory, growing to a maximum height of 6 inches with a spread of 12 inches. Plant in sun for the best color, but it will also tolerate some shade. Keep moist. Treat as an annual in cold climates as it does not tolerate frost. USDA zones 9 - 11. Poaceae
Stenotaphrum secundatum 'Variegatum'
Variegated St. Augustine Grass
Ornamental grass striped white and green. Basket or ground cover. Poaceae