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Passiflora caerulea

Passiflora caerulea


The old-fashioned passionflower. A vigorous grower, with 5-lobed leaves and lightly scented white flowers with an intense blue corona. A good pollinator for most fruiting types, it bears egg-shaped orange fruits of its own. One of the hardiest species, deciduous with heavy frost, but root hardy with protection. Good houseplant for sunny window. From Brazil, Argentina.


Passiflora kewensis

Passiflora kewensis


Abundant large reflexed showy pink flowers with a white corona. Handsome leathery foliage. Hardy to 28F.


Passiflora perfoliata

Passiflora perfoliata


Racemes of rose magenta flowers in abundance. Small grower with bilobed leaves.


Passiflora vitifolia 'Scarlet Flame'

Passiflora vitifolia Scarlet Flame


The most spectacular of all the red flowered passionflowers. Large 5 inch reflexed flowers with overlappling petals of brilliant scarlet are produced all year, backed by large grape leaf-shaped foliage that is most attractive. Cross pollination produces egg-shaped fruit with green and white stripes and the taste of strawberries. 32F. (Might be the same as Passiflora vitifolia var. bracteosa.)


Turnera ulmifolia

Sage Rose, Yellow Buttercup, Yellow Alder

Turnera ulmifolia


Cheery single bright yellow flowers with dark green serrated leaves adorn this small compact shrub. The flowers open at sunrise and close at sunset. This compact plant grows up to 2 feet tall and wide in sun or part shade. Looks attractive in mass plantings or in a border and is attractive to butterflies. Native to the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America. Not frost hardy. Was in Turneraceae family, which has now been combined with Passifloraceae. Passifloraceae

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