Jasminum angulare
Star-shaped, fragrant 1 inch flowers in summer. Three-part dark green glossy leaves, vining stems. Oleaceae
Jasminum beesianum
Clusters of lightly fragrant pink flowers, vigorous climbing vine, hardy to 10F. Oleaceae
Jasminum floridum
Compact grower with sweetly scented small bright yellow flowers all year. Small dark green pinnate foliage. 28F. Oleaceae
Jasminum floridum subsp. giraldii
A rare find from the Huntington Botanical Gardens. Dark green leaves with small yellow flowers in fall. China. Oleaceae
Jasminum mesnyi
Primrose Jasmine
Bright yellow flowers in spring, small dark foliage. Excellent for cool greenhouse or outdoors in mild climates. From China. Oleaceae
Jasminum molle
From Australia, a small bushy vining plant with simple ovate dark green small leaves and satin white flowers. Extremely heavy gardenia-type scent. Oleaceae
Jasminum multiflorum
Downy Jasmine, Indian Jasmine
This is a beautiful evergreen vine with small dark green oval leaves covered with soft downy hairs. Clusters of slightly fragrant 1 inch white star-shaped flowers appear nearly year-round, heaviest from fall to spring. A fast growing climber, it can also be pruned into a shrubby shape and used as a hedge. Grows best in full sun with protection from the mid-day sun. Can also be grown indoors if given enough bright light. Native to India and Southeast Asia. USDA zones 8a to 11b Oleaceae
Jasminum nudiflorum
Winter Jasmine
One inch yellow flowers appear before leaves unfold, January to March. Deciduous viny shrub, very hardy. Oleaceae
Jasminum officinale
Poet's Jasmine, Hardy Jasmine
Clusters of fragrant 1 inch white flowers, compound leaves, twining. The flowers release their wonderful perfume in the evening. Requires night temperatures below 60 in winter to bloom, so is not suitable as a house plant. USDA Zone 6. Oleaceae
Jasminum polyanthum
French Perfume
Absolutely spectacular for winter and spring bloom with dense clusters of starry white flowers completely covering the handsome glossy foliage. Individual flowers are rose-colored on the outside and a plant in full bloom can perfume a large area. Vining growth can be encouraged upward or allowed to cascade in a hanging basket. Western China. Oleaceae
Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense
(Syn.: Jasminum volubile), Wax Jasmine
Clusters of small waxy white flowers with a wonderful strong scent. Dark green glossy foliage. Oleaceae
Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense 'Medio Picta'
(Syn.: Jasminum volubile 'Medio-Picta'), Variegated Wax Jasmine
A beautiful variegated evergreen climber. The center of the each leaflet is spotted with yellow. Fragrant white flowers. Part shade. Oleaceae
Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. le-ratii
(Syn.: Jasminum ligustrifolium), Privet-Leaved Jasmine
Tender evergreen vine from New Caladonia. Shiny lanceolate leaves on thin green twining stems, height eventually to 12 feet. Flowers are small waxy stars with a marvellous scent. Oleaceae
Jasminum tortuosum
Terminal clusters of starry white flowers with delightful citrus fragrance produced throughout the year. Scrambling vine with small dark green glossy leaves. Hardy to 25F. Oleaceae