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Medinilla multiflora
(Syn.: Medinilla myriantha)
Panicles of pink flowers in summer and fall followed by pendant clusters of pink berries. Medium sized leathery dark green leaves. 35F. Melastomataceae
Medinilla sedifolia
A beautiful but little known species for terrarium or small hanging basket, this elegant rare plant is slow growing and spectacular in bloom. In winter and spring 1 inch waxy flowers of bright magenta pink nearly cover the dark green foliage of closely set ¼th inch waxy leaves. Likes warmth, humidity. (F,D,T,B) Melastomataceae
Tibouchina clavata
(Syn.: Tibouchina elegans), Glory Bush, Lasiandra, Bears Ear
A 3 to 7 foot showy shrub with silvery green, pubescent leaves. It blooms spring, summer, and fall with clusters of purple flowers about 1½ inches across. Stamens with distinctive long, eyelash-like appendages. Needs some pruning to shape. Plenty of light to bloom. Native to Brazil. Melastomataceae
Tibouchina heteromalla
Large Leafed Glory Bush, Silver leafed Princess Flower
This choice evergreen shrub grows upright 8-10 feet tall with spectacular 4 by 7 inch ovate green leaves with silvery undersides. 1½ inch purple flowers are borne in showy, upright clusters in summer through fall. This large leafed species blooms well in Northern California, preferring cool coastal climates. A beautiful foliage plant even when out of bloom. It makes a fine container specimen plant. Native to Brazil. Melastomataceae