Abutilon grandifolium
Golden Flowered Hairy Abutilon, Hawaiian Ma'o
This is the double flowered form of the species. Grows to about 6 feet high in sun or part shade with one inch golden flowers. Needs protection from frost. In Hawaii it's used as an i'lima flower lei substitute. The single flowered species grows as a roadside weed in tropical climates. Native to South America. Malvaceae
Abutilon megapotamicum 'Pink Charm'
Bright pink flowers in profusion, trailing basket variety, small dark green foliage. Malvaceae
Abutilon pictum
The species with bell-shaped apricot colored flowers with strong red veining. Showy upright shrub with maple-like leaves to 15 feet. Native of Brazil. Malvaceae
Abutilon pictum 'Gold Dust'
Leaves boldly variegated yellow and green. Orange blooms with red veins. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Apricot Glow'
Sprawling shrub to 5 feet high with hanging pale apricot colored flowers with red veins. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'L'Orangerie'
Large flaring salmon-orange flowers veined orange-red. Compact, free-flowering. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Louis Sasson'
Nice selection with deep red-orange flowers on a compact shrub to 4 feet high. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Old Rose Belle'
Bell-shaped flowers are a beautiful shade of rose-pink on this compact and very floriferous selection. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Orange Drop'
Strong upright, vigorous growing shrub with bright orange flowers with red veins. Leaves large and dark green. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Pompeii'
Compact shrub to 4 feet high with free blooming warm orange-red flowers. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Red-Orange'
Compact shrub to 4 feet high with free blooming orange-red flowers cupped like small hanging bells. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Rosalie'
Vigorous plant to 8 feet with medium to large soft pink flowers. Rounded shrub is dense with large dark green leaves. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Silver Belle'
Very large pure white flowers, dark green foliage. Compact, upright, and free flowering. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Souvenir De Bonn'
Large variegated maple-shaped leaves are green with a white border on a vigorous, upright plant with orange bell-shaped flowers. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Tangelo'
Large deep tangerine-orange flowers, small leaves, compact. Excellent for hanging basket. Malvaceae
Abutilon x hybridum 'Tangerine Belle'
Large flaring tangerine-orange flowers with red veins. Malvaceae
Bakeridesia integerrima
(Syn.: Abutilon chittendenii), Canary Tree
Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 feet. One to two inch yellow flowers with orange streaks in the throat. Blooms in profusion for 6 to 8 months. Keep soil evenly moist, in well drained soil. Ideal for small gardens or large containers. Attractive to butterflies. Can probably withstand brief periods of mild frost. From Honduras and Guatemala. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae
Dombeya elegans hybrid
Pink Shrub Dombeya
This beautiful evergreen shrub covers itself in clusters of honey-scented bright pink flowers from early October to mid-November. Unlike some other dombeyas, its flowers drop off cleanly after blooming. As no seed is produced, it's probably a hybrid. The actual D. elegans species, native to Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, looks somewhat different. This could be the USDA introduction Dombeya 'Pink Clouds', but images posted online appear to be a lighter pink. It's moderately fast growing to a height of 10 feet with dense foliage and branches ascending outward from a central crown. Plant in full sun to part shade. Drought tolerant once established. USDA zones 9 - 11. We previously sold this as the cultivar Dombeya 'Seminole' in error. Malvaceae
Hibiscus arnottianus
Native Hawaiian White Hibiscus
Large white fragrant flowers with prominent red stamens. Malvaceae
Hibiscus 'Carnival'
Pink Cooperi
Showy pink variegated foliage splashed pink, white and rose with shades of green. Dwarf, with single red flowers. Very tender to cold. Minimum temperature 40F. Malvaceae
Hibiscus 'Cooperi'
Showy variegated foliage splashed white and pink with shades of green. Dwarf, single red flowers. Malvaceae
Hibiscus diversifolius
Swamp Hibiscus
Large 4 inch yellow flowers with rich maroon blotch in center. Free-flowering in warmer months. Leaves have three to five lobes and are rough to the touch. Stems with short prickles. Grows fast to 3 or 4 feet high and wide. Responds well to pruning. Train against a wall or useful as a container plant. Likes full sun to part shade and is tolerant of a wide range of conditions such as dry or swampy ground, poor soil, wind, and light to moderate frost. Native to Tropical Africa and Asia. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae
Hibiscus 'El Capitolio'
Red El Capitolio Hibiscus, El Capitolio Bloody Mary Hibiscus, Red Poodle Hibiscus
New! This hibiscus has bright red fringed petals, often with streaks of white, and a pendant style massed with additional ruffled petals, thus its "Red Poodle" common name. It's classified as a miniature with flowers are up to 5 inches in size. It's a very prolific bloomer from early summer until fall. With an unknown origin, it might be an extreme form of ancient Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or an intermediate form between Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Hibiscus schizopetalus. This fast growing, sun loving, tall shrub has a somewhat weeping habit. It makes a nice container grown plant. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae
Hibiscus 'El Capitolio Sport'
(Syn.: Hibiscus 'Salmon El Capitolio')
With soft apricot ruffled petals and a scarlet red center, it's even more colorful than its red parent, 'El Capitolio'. It has a most unusual formation with the end of the style massed with ruffled petals, resembling a flower within a flower or giving it a poodle effect. With flowers are up to 5 inches in size, it's a very prolific bloomer from early summer until fall. 'El Capitolio Sport' is the official (2002) registered International Hibiscus Society name given to it. This tall upright vigorous grower is ideal for training into a patio tree. Give full sun, good air circulation, and regular feeding. Best when allowed to be slightly dry between waterings. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae
Hibiscus 'General Corteges'
Foliage fantastically variegated creamy gold and deep green. Very large red flowers. Malvaceae
Hibiscus 'Hummels Fantasy'
Similar to Hibiscus 'Cooperi' but foliage has more white variegation and is very compact. Ideal potted plant. Very tender to cold temperatures. Minimum temperature 40F. Malvaceae
Hibiscus 'Madame Chiang Kai Shek'
This hibiscus is a very old cultivar in Southern California. It grows tall and vigorous to an believable height of 30 feet with large double pale salmon-pink flowers. There is the slightest sweet scent to the flowers, which may indicate some Hibiscus arnottianus in its breeding. It's very free flowering during the summer and may be kept smaller with pruning. Plant in full sun, amended well drained soil, and give regular feeding. Protect from frost. There is also a registered yellow flowered Hawaiian hibiscus hybrid with this name. USDA zones 9 - 11. Malvaceae
Hibiscus ovalifolius
(Syn.: Hibiscus calyphyllus), Rock's Hibiscus
Hibiscus species used for ground cover and bedding plant in Hawaii. Also can be trained as a hedge or container plant. Sprawling growth to 3 feet high. Sulfur colored flowers with maroon eye. Blooms summer, fall. Full sun, average well-drained soil. Frost tender plant native to tropical Africa. USDA zones 10 and 11. Malvaceae
Hibiscus schizopetalus
Fringed Hibiscus
Very ornate fringed double flowers streaked with pink and red hang from arching branches like little chandeliers. Blooms best with heat and humidity. Often grown as a hanging basket plant or trained as a standard. A most unusual hibiscus. Tropical East Africa. Malvaceae
Hibiscus splendens
Splendid Hibiscus, Hollyhock Tree, Pink Cottonwood
The splendid 6 inch flowers of this very rare Australian hibiscus are of a soft pink that are pinstriped with white veins. It blooms spring and summer, and sporadically at other times of the year. The large silvery lobed leaves are velvety to the touch, while the stem have a sparse covering of prickles. Plant this fast growing perennial shrub in well drained soil in sun or semi-shade. Grows 6 to 15 feet high. Regular tip pruning helps keep plant from becoming sparse. It grows well as a container plant and can tolerate some frost. Avoid high phosphorous fertilizers. Native to eastern Australia. Probably best in USDA zone 9. Malvaceae
Malvaviscus arboreus
Turk's Cap
Sprawling evergreen shrub, related to Hibiscus, with pendant bell-shaped flowers. Part shade to full sun. 28F. This one with downy leaves, red flowers. Malvaceae
Malvaviscus arboreus var. mexicanus 'Alba'
(Syn.: Malvaviscus penduliflorus)
Sprawling evergreen shrub, related to Hibiscus, with pendant white bell-shaped flowers. Easily trained as a unique patio tree or useful as a hedge. Very drought resistant. Part shade to full sun. 28F. Malvaceae
Malvaviscus arboreus var. mexicanus 'Blush'
Sprawling evergreen shrub, related to Hibiscus, with pendant blush colored bell-shaped flowers. Easily trained as a unique patio tree or useful as a hedge. Very drought resistant. Part shade to full sun. 28F. Malvaceae
Malvaviscus arboreus var. mexicanus 'Red'
Sprawling evergreen shrub, related to Hibiscus, with pendant showy red bell-shaped flowers. Easily trained as a unique patio tree or useful as a hedge. Very drought resistant. Part shade to full sun. 28F. Malvaceae
Malvaviscus arboreus var. mexicanus 'Rosea'
Sprawling evergreen shrub, related to Hibiscus, with pendant pink bell-shaped flowers. Easily trained as a unique patio tree or useful as a hedge. Very drought resistant. Part shade to full sun. 28F. Malvaceae
Pavonia missionum
Red Mallow
Uncommon evergreen shrub, growing about 5 feet high and wide, with abundant 1½ inch vibrant orange-red flowers centered with golden stamens from late winter through summer. The 2½ inch leaves are aromatic, lobed, and slightly hairy with the presence of a sticky resin. An easy plant to mix with other flowering shrubs or as a container plant that is enjoyed by butterflies. Plant in full sun or light shade with average watering. It's tender, but has reportedly survived temperatures in the mid twenties. Native to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. USDA zones 8 - 11. Malvaceae
Pavonia x gledhillii 'Rosea'
(Syn.: Pavonia multiflora, Triplochlamys multiflora - both incorrectly applied), Brazilian Candles
Showy long lasting feathery carmine red bracts held upright in candelabra fashion. Narrow dark green foliage. Grows 4 to 5 feet high. Give morning sun, afternoon shade. Apparently this is a 19th Century hybrid of Pavonia makoyana and Pavonia multiflora. Native to Brazil. Minimum temperature of 32F. USDA zones 9b - 11. Malvaceae
Phymosia umbellata
Mexican Bush Mallow
Three inch red mallow-like flowers on a spreading evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 feet with deeply lobed grayish green velvety leaves. Hummingbirds love it. Plant in good well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Hardy outdoors in mild climates. Can take a light frost. Rare. Native to Mexico. Malvaceae
Sida fallax 'Black Coral'
Dwarf Hawaiian upright small shrub with single golden orange flowers and dark stems. Malvaceae
Sida fallax 'Kaneohe Gold'
Golden Ilima
Charming dwarf Hawaiian shrub, whose flowers are prized for making bright golden leis that in historical times only chiefs were allowed to wear. Semi-double 1 inch golden flowers, like tiny hibiscus, produced all year long. Easily kept at 12 inches high, it's an excellent and distinctive container plant. 25F. Malvaceae
Sparmannia africana
African Linden
Large heart-shaped felted leaves with clusters of 2 inch white flowers. An interesting oddity is that the yellow stamens spread open when touched. A favorite houseplant in Europe. Grows 10 to 20 feet high. Use for a tropical effect. Best in partial shade. Frost tender. Native to South Africa. Formally of the Tiliaceae family, which is now included in Malvaceae. Malvaceae
Talipariti elatum
(Syn.: Hibiscus elatus), Blue Mahoe, Cuban Bast
This large tree has a straight trunk and a broad crown growing fast to 75 feet. The brilliant 4 inch blossoms open orange-red fading to dark maroon by the end of the day. Heart-shaped leaves are up to 8 inches wide. It provides a beautiful and durable hardwood which is used for fine woodworking, such as cabinet making, furniture, carvings, and musical instruments. There is an article about the tree here, which is growing in the City of Los Angeles. Native of Cuba and Jamaica and naturalized in Puerto Rico. USDA zones 9b - 11. Malvaceae
Talipariti glabrum
(Syn: Hibiscus glaber), Mountain Hao, Mountain Haw Tree
This rare small shrubby tree is similar to Talipariti tiliaceum (Sea Hibiscus). It differs mainly in leaf and petal formation. The medium green heart-shaped leaves contrast nicely to the 3" bright yellow flowers. Flowers have a reddish central spot and deepen to orange as they age. Blooms in summer and fall. Grows up to 10 feet tall. Like Talipariti tiliaceum, this plant does well in subtropical coastal locations exposed to salty air and winds. It prefers full sun and rich, well-drained soil, and makes a good specimen bush, small tree, or can be trimmed as a hedge. Native to the Bonin Islands (Okinawa island group), which are subtropical oceanic islands in the northwestern Pacific. Talipariti glabrum evolved from Talipariti tiliaceum due to the geographic isolation of these islands. There the tree is harvested for local use of its wood. USDA zones 9 - 12. Malvaceae
Talipariti tiliaceum 'Tricolor'
(Syn.: Hibiscus tiliaceus 'Variegated'), Tricolor Sea Hibiscus, Variegated Hau Tree, Mahoe 'Tricolor'
This is the variegated variety of the Hawaiian Hau Tree, Talipariti tiliaceum, with striking multicolored leaves of red, pink, white and green. Flowers are hibiscus-like, which open yellow in the morning, fading to red by day's end. It normally grows as a shrubby, thicket-forming plant, but the trunk can be cleaned up to make a small or medium-sized tree. Great as a container plant for its colorful foliage. Takes seaside plantings as it tolerates salt spray. It needs warmth in winter, since this 'Tricolor' variety is very intolerant to cold and frost. Minimum temperature about 45F. Native to the South Pacific. USDA zones 10 - 12. Malvaceae
Talipariti tiliaceum var. purpurascens
(Syn.: Hibiscus tiliaceus 'Rubra', 'Purpurea'), Red Cottonwood, Purple Hau Tree
A different leaf selection of the common Hawaiian Hau tree with evergreen heart-shaped leaves of a beautiful bronzy-purple color and small orangy-brown hibiscus-like flowers. In the tropics it grows to 20 feet high, sprawling as wide. It can be trained into a dense round street tree, used as a windbreak, or as an attractive specimen plant. Best grown in full sun in moist, well drained soil. Grows along the seacoast and can tolerate salt spray. Very frost tender. Minimum temperature about 45F. Native to the South Pacific. USDA zones 10 - 12. Malvaceae