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Cuphea 'David Verity'

Large Firecracker Plant

Cuphea David Verity


Dark orange tubular flowers with yellow-orange tips closely set with small glossy leaves. Hummingbirds love this plant. Flowers virtually all year. Presumed hybrid between Cuphea ignea and Cuphea micropetala. Grows 5 to 6 feet in mild climates. 15F. We erroneously sold it last year as Cuphea ignea. Lythraceae


Cuphea salvadorensis

(Syn.: Cuphea oreophila), Christmas Cigar Flower, Salvadoran Cigar Plant

Cuphea salvadorensis


Rare cuphea with bright orange-red 1½ inch tubular flowers with green tips at the mouth of the floral tubes. In Hawaii, an unusual Christmas lei is sometimes made from the flowers because of its bright red and green holiday colors. Mounding shrub to 5 feet. Give full sun, protection from frost. Hummingbirds love it. From Southern Mexico and El Salvador. Photos by Forest & Kim Starr (USGS) from Plants of Hawaii. Tropicos.org of Missouri Botanical Garden lists C. oreophila as a synonym, even though others list it as a different species. It sure looks the same to us. Lythraceae


Punica granatum 'Alba Plena'

White-Flowered Pomegranate

Punica granatum Alba Plena


Rare flowering form with fully double, creamy white flowers, no fruit. Arching deciduous shrub or small tree from 10 to 15 feet high. Foliage is bright glossy green. Full sun, very drought tolerant. Easy to grow. Lythraceae


Punica granatum 'Legrellei'

Madame Legrelle Pomegranate, California Sunset Pomegranate

Punica granatum Legrellei


Rare cultivar with double coral flowers bordered and streaked with creamy white. Delicate petals are like tissue paper. No fruit. Semi-deciduous shrub or small tree from 10 to 15 feet high. Foliage is bright glossy green. Full sun, very drought tolerant. Easy to grow. Cold-hardy to 10F. Lythraceae


Punica granatum 'Nochi Shibari'

Nochi Shibari Flowering Pomegranate

Punica granatum Nochi Shibari


Dense, arching branches produce showy dark red carnation-like, double flowers from late winter through the fall. This Japanese cultivar can be used for a shrub border or foundation planting or can be grown in pots. Deciduous. Shear annually in early spring to shape. Thrives in heat, tolerates some drought and alkaline soils. Full sun. Grows to 8 feet tall. Hardy to USDA zone 7. Lythraceae


Punica granatum 'Party Dress'

Punica granatum Party Dress


Dwarf pomegranate with flowers that are salmon pink and pink fruit. (F,D) Lythraceae

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