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Aeschynanthus 'Big Apple'

Aeschynanthus Big Apple


Clusters of deep red tubular flowers all year. Tapered dark green leaves, compact upright habit. (F,B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus Collection

Aeschynanthus Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus evrardii

Aeschynanthus evrardii


Spectacular large terminal clusters of fiery red flowers in summer and fall. Tapered leaves, compact, upright habit. (B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus 'Fireworks'

Aeschynanthus Fireworks


Large spectacular upright clusters of bright red flowers. Dark green tapered leaves. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus gracilis

(Syn.: Aeschynanthus novogracilis), Red Elf Vine

Aeschynanthus gracilis


Small trailer with overlapping fleshy tapered leaves. Red shrimp-shaped flowers. (B) Gesneriaceae


Aeschynanthus pulcher

Aeschynanthus pulcher


Clusters of large scarlet-red flowers emerge from green and purple striped calyces. Closely set oval leaves on compact trailer. Very free flowering, easy. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Alsobia 'San Miguel'

Alsobia San Miguel


Striking fringed creamy white flowers profusely spotted purple. Small soft oval leaves. Trailing, stoloniferous, easy. (Schwarz), (F,B,D). Gesneriaceae

If sold out, we recommend the similar Alsobia 'Iris August' instead.


Codonanthe and xCodonatanthus Collection

Codonanthe and xCodonatanthus Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe carnosa

Codonanthe carnosa


Delightful waxy white flowers are strongly scented. Small round dark foliage, trailing. Lovely. (F, B, W) Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe devosiana

Codonanthe devosiana


Charming diminutive trailer with tiny round leaves shaded purple. Pink throated, waxy white flowers, showy orange berries. Everblooming. (F, B, D) Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe devosiana 'Zizo'

Codonanthe devosiana Zizo


Compact easy growing trailer with many white flowers followed by attractive orange berries. Give this epiphyte good drainage and a semi-shady spot. Native to the Atlantic forests of southeast Brazil. (F, B)


Codonanthe gracilis

Codonanthe gracilis


Numerous white flowers, dark throat, showy orange berries. Small pointed waxy leaves, graceful pendant stems. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Codonanthe 'Tommy'

Codonanthe Tommy


This Codonanthe is festooned with numerous white flowers with speckled throats. The small pointed deep green waxy leaves with reddish reverse are densly packed on graceful pendant stems. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Columnea Collection

Columnea Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Diablo'

Columnea Diablo


Small dark green pointed leaves, trailing. Big red flowers in abundance all year. (Kartuz) (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Columnea gloriosa 'Superba'

Columnea gloriosa Superba


Immense hooded red flowers along trailing stems. Very small dark purple foliage. One of the most beautiful species. Greenhouse culture recommended. (B) Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Golden Spike'

Columnea Golden Spike


Clusters of bright yellow flowers, upright stems, pointed red backed dark green leaves. (Kartuz) Gesneriaceae


Columnea 'Orange Spike'

Columnea Orange Spike


Clusters of orange flowers on upright stems, smooth pointed leaves. Gesneriaceae


Drymonia chiribogana

Drymonia chiribogana


From the rainforests of Ecuador comes this unusual foliage plant of olive green leathery leaves with silver veins. These thick leathery leaves grow about 5 to 8 inches long and have a satiny sheen. Grows upright to 4 feet tall and blooms on old growth with 1½ inch tubular purple flowers with yellow & red markings on the inside. It prefers bright, filtered light and a well-draining soil mix that is allowed to get slightly dry between waterings. It's an easy to grow houseplant. Gesneriaceae


Gesneriad Collection - 3 Genera

Gesneriad Collection - 3 Genera


This collection is offered to give the undecided grower a chance to sample different members in the various genera (groups) in the gesneriad family. We will choose easy to grow varieties.

Our choice of one each of 3 different genera, for example: Streptocarpus, Sinningia, and Nematanthus, etc. Gesneriaceae


Gesneriad Collection - 6 Genera

Gesneriad Collection - 6 Genera


This collection is offered to give the undecided grower a chance to sample different members in the various genera (groups) in the gesneriad family. We will choose easy to grow varieties.

Our choice of one each of 6 different genera, for example: Streptocarpus, Sinningia, and Nematanthus, etc. Gesneriaceae


Kohleria Collection

Kohleria Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus brasiliensis

Nematanthus brasiliensis


Large bright yellow trumpet-shaped flowers with red streaks set of by a bright red calyx. They dangle below the branches on long pedicels. Glossy dark green leaves, spreading trailing stems. The broad corolla mouths suggest pollination by large bees or similar insects. Native to Brazil. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus Collection

Nematanthus Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus fritschii

Nematanthus fritschii


Showy dark green, 3 inch shiny leaves with a large red spot on the underside, which helps attract the hummingbird pollinators. The 2 inch long tubular flowers are dark reddish pink on 5 inch velvety pedicles. The effect of numerous flowers dangling from the long pedicels is very showy. A rather large Nematanthus growing up to 2½ feet wide and long. Easy to grow with good drainage and a semi-shade location. A parent of Nematanthus 'Spotlight'. This epiphyte is native to the Sao Paulo area of Brazil, where it is found growing high on trees or rocks. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus 'Glowing Embers'

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Glossy green leaves with clusters of light orange flowers with reddish striping and dots radiating out from the base. Compact. New hybrid by David Roberts. Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus gregarius 'Golden West'

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Small, glossy foliage beautifully variegated cream, yellow and light green, tinged pink. Orange flowers. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus 'Hawaiian Jade'

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Bright golden yellow flowers, small glossy foliage. Compact, always in bloom. (F, B) Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus 'Jason'

Nematanthus Jason


Clusters of dangling crimson flowers. Red blotch on underside of leaves, spreading, trailing stems. Hybrid of Nematanthus corticola. Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus 'Linda Jo'

Nematanthus Linda Jo


Small glossy dark green leaves marked red under. Clusters of salmon red flowers tipped yellow. Compact, trailing. Great new hybrid by David Roberts. Gesneriaceae


Nematanthus 'Plum Pretty'

Nematanthus Plum Pretty


Large yellow dangling flowers finely dotted red with dark red calyces. Large deep green leaves, dark red under, spreading stems. Gesneriaceae


Primulina Collection

Primulina Collection


3 different, our choice. Gesneriaceae


Sinningia guttata

Sinningia guttata


Showy species with white flowers spotted with purple dots, yellow stripe down the center of the throat. The slightly fragrant flowers always bend towards the light and bloom for several months. Upright growth with shiny green leaves. May avoid winter dormancy if kept indoors with warmth and light. Gesneriaceae

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