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Erodium reichardii 'Flore Plena'
(Syn.: Erodium chamaedryoides 'Flore Plena')
Small rosettes of tiny, slightly lobed, dark green leaves with double pink flowers. Grow on a sunny window, or out-of-doors in pots or as a rock garden ground cover. (M) Geraniaceae
Pelargonium carnosum
(Syn.: Pelargonium ferulaceum), Fleshy Stalk Pelargonium
Native to South Africa, this succulent geranium has thick succulent gray stems swollen at the internodes with green frilly leaves on long petioles. The small flowers are white with red stigmas. Plant in fast draining soil in a bright sunny location. It goes semi-dormant in summer, when watering should be sparingly given. A fine candidate for use as a bonsai. It's best to protect from frost, although it can probably take a brief exposure. Geraniaceae