Acalypha 'Brazen'
Large leaves with solid light copper color. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Fairy Dust'
Green leaves margined white with creamy gold dustings and splotches throughout the leaf. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Heterophylla'
Branches pendulous with ragged, wavy, narrow ribbon-like leaves. Green with yellow edges. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha hispida 'White Margined'
Cream colored cattails with creamy white teeth on older leaf margins. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Hoffmanii'
Dark green crested leaves with narrow cream margins. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Inferno'
Small leaves on fire, varying from yellow to orange to red. Australian cultivar. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Jungle Dragon'
Large red leaves streaked and spattered with green and gold. From plant collector David Lloyd. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Kilauea'
(Syn.: Acalypha 'Firestorm', probably the same as 'Cypress Elf', and 'Mardi Gras')
Dark green finely cut leaves bordered pink, becoming more colorful in summer heat. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Macrophylla'
Huge heart-shaped deep red, copper and bronze leaves. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Marginata'
Coppery leaves, with thin serrate margins of pink. Hardiest variety to 32F. Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha 'Raggedy Ann'
Australian cultivar with narrow maroon leaves highly serrated and cut. Euphorbiaceae
Breynia disticha 'Minima'
Miniature Snowbush
Very compact growing shrub with tiny round leaves splotched white, shaded pink. Grow in bright shade. Bonsai subject. USDA zones 10 - 11. Phyllanthaceae (previously in the Euphorbiaceae family)
Breynia disticha 'Roseopicta'
(Syn.: Breynia nervosa 'Roseopicta'), Snowbush
Tropical shrub to 5 feet with small colorful leaves of white, pink, red and green. Commonly used as hedge plant in the Hawaiian Islands. Grow in bright shade, fertile soil, and ample moisture. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Native to South Pacific Islands of Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Phyllanthaceae (previously in the Euphorbiaceae family)
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius
(Cnidoscolus chayamansa), Mayan Spinach Tree, Chaya
Chaya is a highly nutritious green vegetable shrub from southern Mexico and Central America. It's very rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, and iron. Grows 6 to 8 feet high, somewhat resembling a cassava plant. As it is from the dry tropics, it is quite drought resistant. Plant in sun or light shade. It cannot take frost or water-logged soil. Butterflies love the small white flowers. Due to the fact that the leaves contain cyanide, they must be cooked to remove the toxic substances. Please do an extensive internet search for advice before consuming. USDA zones 9b - 11. Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia bicompacta var. rubra - Green Form
(Syn.: Synadenium compactum var. rubrum, incorrectly as Synadenium grantii), African Milk Bush
This is a thornless semi-succulent shrub that is grown in tropical gardens for its large fleshy colorful leaves. The leaf color varies for different forms from green with red splotches to mostly reddish-purple with green spots. Plants offered here are of the green form. It's grown as a tropical looking ornamental and can be used as an informal hedge. Grows 6 to 15 feet high. Requires part to full sun and very good drainage. This drought resistant plant doesn't like to be overwatered. It's hardy to a light frost, but will probably drop its leaves. USDA zones 9 - 12. This native of Kenya is usually misnamed in the horticulture trade being confused with its rarely grown greener relative Synadenium grantii (now known as Euphorbia umbellata). Most of the synadeniums have been reclassified into the Euphorbia family.
Warning: When injured or pruned, it produces large amounts of white latex sap which is an extreme irritant and can cause dermatitis and eye injury. Don't grow it around small children or animals that might ingest it, as it is poisonous. Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia milii 'Fireworks'
(Syn.: Euphorbia milii 'BK Fireworks'), Fireworks Crown of Thorns, Peppermint Candy Crown of Thorns
This succulent Crown of Thorns has beautifully variegated leaves of pale green and white with red flowers. Compact, slow grower to about 18 inches high, it does best in bright shade or full sun with protection from the hottest midday sun. Protect it from frost and give it a fast draining cactus mix and water only when on the dry side. Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia neococcinea
(Syn.: Monadenium coccineum), Masai Spurge
This is a colorful flowering succulent plant with pink to red miniature orchid-shaped flowers winter thru spring. Yellow-green stems to 2 feet high arise from a subterranean caudex up to 6 inches in diameter, which may be raised to create an attractive caudiciform specimen. Of easy culture, give a bright setting with well drained soil, such as cactus potting soil. Native of northern Tanzania. USDA zones 9b - 10b. Euphorbiaceae