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Callisia fragrans 'Melnikoff'

Basket Plant, False Bromeliad, Octopus Plant

Callisia fragrans Melnikoff


This is a low growing perennial with 6 to 10 inch bright green waxy leaves with white to cream colored lengthwise stripes of varying widths. The tightly overlapping leaves form a rosette somewhat resembling a bromeliad. It has small fragrant white flowers borne in clusters on long upright stalks. Best in well-drained moist soil in part shade. It makes a good groundcover in mild climates as an accent with other tropical plantings or as a beautiful large hanging basket with its cascading trailing stems. Old fashioned houseplant. Native to Mexico. USDA zones 9 - 11. Commelinaceae


Callisia gentlei var. elegans

(Syn.: Callisia elegans), Pinstriped Inch Plant, Striped Inch Plant

Callisia gentlei var elegans


Dark slate green fleshy 1ΒΌ" leaves are marked with distinctive parallel white lines. Small white flowers appear at the tip of elongated stems in summer. Give bright shade and good drainage. It's best to keep on the dry side, as overwatering can be detrimental. Easy, fast growing uncommon house plant, mat forming groundcover, or basket plant. Outdoors USDA zones 10 - 11. Native to Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. Commelinaceae


Dichorisandra penduliflora

(Syn.: Dichorisandra pendula), Weeping Blue Ginger, Blue Pendant Ginger

Dichorisandra penduliflora


This blue ginger relative looks like a costus or ginger with its jointed stems with glossy leaves faintly banded silver and purplish-blue beneath. Blooms continually from summer to autumn with clusters of sky blue flowers that droop in a pendant fashion from each stem. Grows to 3 feet tall. It should be planted in a partially shaded, moist location. Use it to provide an exotic tropical look with its rare color. It is also well suited as a patio pot plant. USDA zones 10 - 11. Origin: Brazil. Commelinaceae


Dichorisandra thyrsiflora

Blue Ginger

Dichorisandra thyrsiflora


Terminal clusters of intense cobalt blue flowers. Upright habit, similar to some members of the ginger family, gives this famous tropical plant its common name. Foliage is silvery green, spirally arranged on 3 foot stems. 30F. Commelinaceae


Tradescantia fluminensis 'Variegata'

Variegated Inch Plant

Tradescantia fluminensis Variegata


Glossy green "Wandering Jew" with irregular bands of creamy white striped foliage. Great for baskets or as a groundcover in warm climates or try as an annual in colder climates. Likes part sun to shade, dryness between waterings, and is very tolerant to neglect. Very easy houseplant. Can be invasive in the South. Native to Brazil and Argentina. USDA Zones 10 - 11. Commelinaceae


Tradescantia pallida 'Kartuz Giant'

(Syn.: Setcreasea purpurea, Tradescantia hybrida 'Biltmore Estate'),
Giant Purple Heart Wandering Jew

Tradescantia pallida Kartuz Giant


Unusual giant leaf form that we have offered for many years. Stunning broad purple leaves, lilac-pink flowers. Easy ground cover for tropical areas. Commelinaceae


Tradescantia sillamontana

White Gossamer Plant, White Velvet Wandering Jew, Cobweb Spiderwort

Tradescantia sillamontana


This charming basket plant has grayish green leaves densely covered in silvery white cobwebs. Magenta-pink flowers in summer. Can grow 10 inches high by 18 inches wide as a ground cover. Give it bright shade or sun and avoid overwatering. Briefly dies back in winter. Native to the mountains of northern Mexico. USDA zones 7 - 10. Commelinaceae


Tradescantia zebrina

(Syn.: Tradescantia pendula) Silver Inch Plant, Purple Wandering Jew

Tradescantia zebrina


This popular hanging basket houseplant is grown for its striking variegated foliage. The fleshy lance-shaped leaves are bronzy purple with two broad silvery stripes above and with undersides of solid rosy purple. For the strongest leaf color, give bright light indoors or light shade outdoors. Best with consistently moist well-drained soil, but with less water in winter. Pinch stems to promote thicker growth. It can be used as a ground cover or filler around potted tropicals. In warm climates, it is best used as a container plant as it can become invasive in the ground. This tender perennial can be grown outdoors in mild climates (USDA zones 9-11) where it does not freeze or as an annual elsewhere. Native to southern Mexico and Guatemala. Commelinaceae

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