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Impatiens grandis 'Rosa'

Impatiens grandis Rosa


Large shrub to 5 feet. Glossy leaves have a rosey tint. Rose-pink flowers are 2 inches wide with red or purple markings. Blooms fall and winter. Endangered plant from Sri Lanka. Balsaminaceae


Impatiens sodenii 'La Vida Rosa'

Impatiens sodenii La Vida Rosa


A striking variety of Impatiens sodenii with large splash of rose color on pure white petals. Almost everblooming, this easy, fast growing impatiens should be grown in bright shade or with morning sun in a mild climate. Moist soil, regular watering. Grows 4 to 6 feet high with multi-branching succulent stems. The species is native to eastern tropical Africa. Balsaminaceae


Impatiens x walleriana 'Magenta Giant'

(Syn.: Impatiens 'Coastal Rose', Impatiens 'Perennial Rose')

Impatiens x walleriana Magenta Giant


This impatiens is a tetraploid hybrid that does not produce seeds. Large growing, 4 to 5 feet, with magenta (light purplish red) flowers. Nice as a background plant in the shade garden or as an accent plant in a large container. No one seems to know its origin. It has been a pass-a-long plant for decades between neighbors in Southern California. Needs rich soil and ample moisture. Hardy to 30F. Balsaminaceae

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