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Albuca bracteata
(Syn.: Ornithogalum longibracteatum, Ornithogalum caudatum), Pregnant Onion, False Sea Onion
The pregnant onion is an old-fashioned novel houseplant that resembles an onion with numerous baby bulbs forming on its sides. A great conversation piece. A lot of people just adore this plant. It has long strap-like leaves that droop downward and tall wands of small white flowers striped in green. Makes a nice hanging basket. It's not really an onion and should NOT be eaten. Some individuals may have an allergic skin reaction. Native to South Africa and easy to grow outdoors in similar climates. Grow in part shade and allow soil to dry between waterings. Hardy to 25F. Asparagaceae
Bowiea volubilis
Sea Onion, Climbing Onion
This bulb is a curiosity. It's neither from the sea or related to an onion, but instead is a member of the Asparagus family. The long-lived pale green bulb can grow up to 10 inches across, from which emerges a dense froth of lacy stems climbing up to 6 feet in height (resembling an asparagus fern). In winter, the stems die back as it enters dormancy. It is treated as a succulent and thrives on neglect. Plant in well-draining soil, only half buried, and keep on the dry side in winter. Best in partial shade. In cold climates it needs to be brought indoors during the winter. Be cautious as the bulb is reported to be toxic if ingested. Native to southern and eastern Africa. Asparagaceae
Chlorophytum 'Fire Flash'
(Possible species names: Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense, Chlorophytum orchidastrum, or Chlorophytum orchidantheroides), Fire Flash, Fire Glory, Mandarin Plant, Tangerine, Sierra Leone Lily
Resembles a bromeliad but it's related to the common spider plant. Rosette of dark green leaves with bright coral gold midveins and petioles, grows to 2 feet. Give bright indirect light for best color. Native to east Africa. Botanists can't seem to agree on its proper botanical name. Asparagaceae
Dracaena reflexa 'Song of India'
(Syn.: Pleomele reflexa), Song Of India Dracaena
This is a common multi-stemmed accent shrub in tropical gardens world-wide. It has creamy yellow stripes on narrow green leaves that are spirally arranged on the thick, irregular stems. Outdoors it can grow up to 18 feet high, indoors it can be kept much smaller, usually to about 3 feet in height. It's a very adaptable plant for full sun outdoors in the tropics, or lower light levels indoors as an easy houseplant. It can't take any frost. Native to Madagascar, Mauritius, and other islands of the Indian Ocean. USDA zones 10 - 12. Asparagaceae
Ledebouria socialis
(Syn.: Scilla violacea), Silver Squill, Leopard Lily
This is an evergreen bulbous plant from South Africa with silvery leaves dotted with olive green spots and undersides of deep violet. The exposed purplish colored bulbs cluster and multiply quickly filling a pot to overflowing with small spikes of greenish white flowers in May. Easy to grow houseplant treated as a succulent with fast draining soil. Give part shade. USDA zones 8b-10. Asparagaceae
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens'
Black Mondo Grass
Distinctive purplish-black grassy leaves with small violet-white flowers, followed by globular bluish-black berries. Height 6 to 9 inches. Grows well in a container or useful as a slow growing ground cover. Give rich, humusy soil with adequate moisture. Part shade or sun for darkest color. Originally native to Japan and Korea, the black form was developed in England. USDA zones 6 - 10. Asparagaceae