Amorphophallus konjac
(Syn.: Amorphophallus rivieri), Konjac Voodoo Lily, Konnyaku Potato, Devil's Tongue
This unusual exotic plant is in the same family as the Giant Corpse Flower (A. titanum), which often is a newsmaker when in bloom. This easy to grow plant is a much smaller cousin with a 5 foot flower stalk that has an amazing dark, liver-purple spadix surrounded by a lighter purple spathe. It emits an interesting provocative scent mimicking a dead animal to lure in flies for pollination. The single huge snowflake-like leaf emerges from the corm after blooming growing up to 4 feet high on a green and purple mottled, fleshy stalk. In cold climates lift the huge corm in the fall to store. The large corm is commonly used in Asian cuisine and for herbal remedies. It's a widespread species from the eastern Himalayas to China and the Philippines. Image from Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1875. Araceae
Sold in 3" pots.
Anthurium pentaphyllum
We are pleased to offer this rare Anthurium from our collection for the first time. This is a palmate-leaved aroid, normally with 5 (sometimes 7 to 9) leaflets. The span of the leaves can grow up to 18 inches wide. When blooming, the upright spadix is purplish in color. Easy to grow in warm tropical conditions, it quickly scrambles up trees with its many aerial roots. Also, it can grow upon itself forming an upright clump to 4 feet. Try potted as an indoor house plant with well draining epiphytic type soil on a moss pole. Grow in part to full shade with a minimum temperature of 50F. It's a variable species, ranging from Mexico, Central America, Columbia and Ecuador to the Amazonian region of Brazil. It is usually found in moist to wet mountain or lowland zones from sea level to 2,500 feet. USDA zones 10 - 11. Araceae
Anthurium scandens
Pearl Anthurium
This cute aroid is widespread in its forest habitat from southern Mexico and the West Indies to southern Brazil and found from sea level to almost 9,000 feet in elevation. It's a creeping epiphyte with up to 2 inch dark green leaves and, at a young age, a profusion of waxy, white or faintly violet fruit (berries) that look like little pearls. It has small brown sheaths that cover the stems giving them a woody look and aerial roots along the stems that penetrate cracks in the bark of trees to help anchor and climb. As a container plant, it remains small and compact. Tolerates full sun, but is best in part shade. Perfect for growing in a terrarium. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araceae
Anthurium scherzerianum
Flamingo Flower, Tailflower
An unusual houseplant with dramatic green foliage, large showy red or orange spathe and a unique coiled spadix. Smaller than Anthurium andraeanum, it's easier to grow and tolerates lower temperatures. Can grow to 2 feet tall. Likes a warm and humid atmosphere in light shade. As basically an epiphytic plant, grow it in a porous soil mix and keep it damp but not soaked. Fertilize monthly in the warmer months for good growth. Reduce watering in the winter. Winter temperature should be 60F or higher. Outside in USDA zones 10 to 12. Native to Costa Rica.
Sold in 4 inch pots. Araceae
Monstera adansonii
Swiss Cheese Plant
With its unusual leaf structure this is a very popular climbing houseplant. The leaves are about 6 inches long showing off multiple holes, called fenestrations. Fast growing, it makes an impressive hanging basket or allow it to grow up a totem to display its unique leaves. Give it a rich, fast draining soil mix, humidity, and indirect light. In the tropics it can be allowed to grow up in the shade of a tree for an exotic jungle look. Often incorrectly sold as Monstera obliqua, which is another extremely rare Monstera and almost never sold. The juvenile growth stage was once thought to be a different species and was given the now invalid name of Monstera friedrichsthalii. Native to the Amazonian region of Peru, Ecuador and Brazil. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araceae
Philodendron camposportoanum
The small slightly velvety and glossy leaves on this rare philodendron start out heart shaped on a young plant, then produce leaves with upper lobes as the plant gets older, until at plant maturity the new leaves are deeply trilobed. These deep green leaves, reaching 8 to 12 inches in length, can take on a reddish brown color in brighter light. Give it a rich free draining potting mix with added perlite for best results. This fast growing vine is best in bright shade, avoiding direct sunlight. It is primarily a ground dweller in its native forest habitat in western Brazil and Bolivia. Outdoors in tropical climates allow it to climb or indoors grow it as a house plant with a totem.
4 inch pot Araceae
Philodendron crassinervium
Thick-nerved or Thick-ribbed Philodendron
New! This philodendron from southeast Brazil has dark green, lance-shaped leaves with a prominent thick mid-vein. These leaves can grow up to 3 feet long and 3 to 4 inches wide. Its aerial roots emerge red in color and then age to brown. In its native habitat, it can often be found as a low climber on trees, creeping over rocks, or growing in the soil beneath the rain forest canopy. As an easy to grow large house plant, it can be grown on a totem or allowed to sprawl. In the shady outdoors, grow it clambering up a tree or allow it to spread on the ground as a tropical ground cover. Give it rich, well draining soil. The large center nerve allows it to hold moisture for dry periods. Protection from overhead trees usually is enough to protect from a light frost. USDA zones 9b - 11.
Sold in 4" pots. Araceae
Philodendron 'Jose Buono'
(Syn.: Philodendron imbe Variegated)
This is a rare variegated form of a large growing tropical climber. Leaves are up to 2 feet long and 6 inches wide. Each leaf can be uniquely different, sometimes just mottled or speckled, other times boldly splashed with white or light green variegation. It grows best outdoors in bright shade and is a fast grower up to 10 feet a year in tropical conditions. If protected, it can take a brief cold snap to 28F. It's an easy houseplant tolerating indoor conditions. Try giving it a moss totem to climb up. Differing amounts of shade, temperature, humidity and feeding all make a difference on how philodendrons look, which often makes identification difficult. USDA zones 9 - 12.
Sold in 4 inch pots. The right image at the top of the product page represents the size of the plant shipped.
This plant is sometimes listed as Philodendron ilsemanii, which is not a botanically recognized name and probably relates to a variegated form of Philodendron sagittifolium.
Philodendron 'Pink Princess'
This is a beautiful Australian hybrid with dark olive-green waxy leaves streaked with shades of purple, hot pink, gray, lavender, and cream. Leaves can grow up to 9 inches long and 5 inches wide. It's an easy to grow climber or basket plant. Great house plant. Just give it rich well-drained soil, protection from direct sun, regular moisture, and humidity. Plant outdoors in a protected frost free area. Probably has some Philodendron erubescens in its breeding. USDA zones 9 - 11. Araceae
Large plants in 3 inch pots.
Philodendron verrucosum
Rare collector's aroid. Beautiful heart-shaped leaves with a velvety sheen and a wine colored pattern on the reverse. Leaves may eventually grow to 2 feet in diameter. A vigourous climber that needs warmth, bright light and high humidity. Native to the tropical jungles of Central America, Ecuador, and Peru. USDA zones 10 - 11. Araceae
Rhaphidophora korthalsii
(Syn.: Rhaphidophora celatocaulis, Pothos celatocaulis), Shingle Plant
Rare tropical climber with juvenile blue-green leaves held tightly together, overlapping like shingles. For many years, Rhaphidophora celatocaulis and Rhaphidophora korthalsii were thought to be two separate species, until the adult form with long-stalked, deeply cut adult leaves emerged. The juvenile leaves grow about 5 inches wide. Give large vertical space in shady area, where it can cling to the surface. Native to Borneo. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araceae
Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Albomarginatum Monstrosum'
(Syn.: Xanthosoma atrovirens 'Variegatum Monstrosum'), Mickey Mouse Plant, Mouse Cup, Pocket Plant
Bluish-green arrowhead-shaped leaves with wide, irregular areas splashed with gray-green, cream and white. Very unique as the tips of the leaves are fused into a cup sporting a long tail. The flowers sport a yellow white spadix during the summer. It's easy to grow in a bright shady position with rich moist soil. Average size from 2 to 3 feet. However, outdoors in a tropical environment, it can grow 4 to 5 feet high. Remains evergreen unless chilled. It's best to overwinter indoors in colder climates. Grow outdoors in USDA zones 9 - 11. Native of the tropical Americas. Araceae
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess'
Green Goddess Calla Lily
Green and white spathe with large green leaves. Araceae
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Hercules' - Solid Green Leaf
Hercules Calla Lily
A rare giant of the callas to 5 feet high with huge white flowers. We purchased this plant from Western Hills Nursery in Northern California 25 years ago. This form does not have spotted leaves. Western Hills also seems to have offered another form of 'Hercules' with spots on the leaves, which is the clone that the San Francisco Botanical Garden grows as 'Hercules'. We are now selling both of these clones.
Note: As these are young plants, it will probably take a couple of seasons to reach flowering size. It seems that climate has a lot to do with the eventual size of calla lilies. Those grown in the San Francisco Bay area usually grow much larger than the same variety grown in Southern California. Araceae
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Hercules' - Spotted Leaf
Hercules Calla Lily
We offer two clones of Hercules, a plain green leaf form and a spotted leaf form. This is the form that the San Francisco Botanical Garden grows as 'Hercules' with white spotted leaves. Awesome white flowers appear in early spring on flower stalks that can grow up to 5 feet tall. It will form a large upright clump in well-drained constantly moist soil. Give partial shade. Goes somewhat dormant in summer, with active growth the rest of the year. Native to South Africa. USDA zones 7b - 10.
Note: As these are young plants, it will probably take a couple of seasons to reach flowering size. It seems that climate has a lot to do with the eventual size of calla lilies. Those grown in the San Francisco Bay area usually grow much larger than the same variety grown in Southern California. Araceae
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Spotted White Giant'
Spotted White Giant Calla Lily
Leaves spotted and blotched with white. Pure white spathe. Beautiful large vigorous grower. This has more extensive spotting on glossier leaves, but does not grow quite as tall as the spotted variety of 'Hercules'. It has been found in specialty nurseries in California for at least 40 years. Its origin is unknown.
Note: As these are young plants, it will probably take a couple of seasons to reach flowering size. Araceae