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Clivia miniata

Forest Lily, Fire Lily

Clivia miniata - Orange Fl


Clusters of deep orange trumpet-shaped flowers. Dark green wide strap-like leaves, evergreen. Grow in shade, cool greenhouse or conservatory in winter, outdoors all year in frost free locations. Flowering time is February through May. USDA zones 9 - 11. Native to South Africa.

Large blooming size plants in 4 inch pots. Amaryllidaceae


Scadoxus puniceus

(Syn.: Haemanthus puniceus), Paintbrush Lily, Snake Lily

Scadoxus puniceus


This is one of South Africa's most dramatic bulbous plants. It bears showy pale red brush-like dense flowers heads with bright yellow anthers, followed by bright red berries. The flower stalk may grow up to 20" in height. Plant with the neck even with, or slightly above, the soil surface in composted soil with good drainage in a cool, shady location. Leave it undisturbed for years for the best flowering. Give regular water in summer, drier when winter dormant. USDA zones 9 - 12 Amaryllidaceae

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