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Photo Gallery Page I-J

Alphabetical Listing by Botanical Name

This is a complete listing of the plant photos found on the Kartuz Greenhouses website.
More pictures will be added as they become available.

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Click plant name to go to its product page.   Click zoom button to see a larger image.

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Impatiens arguta
Impatiens arguta

Impatiens auricoma
Impatiens auricoma

Impatiens grandis
Impatiens grandis

Impatiens grandis Rosa
Impatiens grandis 'Rosa'

Impatiens hians
Impatiens hians

Impatiens irvingii
Impatiens irvingii

Impatiens niamniamensis African Queen
Impatiens niamniamensis 'African Queen'

Impatiens niamniamensis African Queen Variegated
Impatiens niamniamensis 'African Queen Variegated'

Impatiens niamniamensis Pink Princess
Impatiens niamniamensis 'Pink Princess'

Impatiens repens
Impatiens repens

Impatiens sodenii
Impatiens sodenii

Impatiens sodenii Full Moon
Impatiens sodenii 'Full Moon'

Iochroma australe
Iochroma australe

Iochroma australe Alba
Iochroma australe 'Alba'

Iochroma cyaneum Indigo
Iochroma cyaneum 'Indigo'

Iochroma cyaneum Royal Blue
Iochroma cyaneum 'Royal Blue'

Iochroma cyaneum Sky King
Iochroma cyaneum 'Sky King'

Iochroma Frosty Plum
Iochroma 'Frosty Plum'

Iochroma fuchsioides
Iochroma fuchsioides

Iochroma grandiflora
Iochroma grandiflora

Iochroma Plum Beauty
Iochroma 'Plum Beauty'

Iochroma Sunset
Iochroma 'Sunset'

Iochroma Wine Red
Iochroma 'Wine Red'

Ipomoea carnea ssp fistulosa
Ipomoea carnea ssp fistulosa

Ipomoea horsfalliae
Ipomoea horsfalliae

Ipomoea indica
Ipomoea indica

Ipomoea microdactyla
Ipomoea microdactyla

Jasminum angulare
Jasminum angulare

Jasminum mesnyi
Jasminum mesnyi

Jasminum multiflorum Variegatum
Jasminum multiflorum 'Variegatum'

Jasminum nitidum
Jasminum nitidum

Jasminum polyanthum
Jasminum polyanthum

Jasminum sambac Grand Duke of Tuscany
Jasminum sambac 'Grand Duke of Tuscany'

Jasminum tortuosum
Jasminum tortuosum

Jatropha integerrima
Jatropha integerrima

Justicia adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda

Justicia aurea
Justicia aurea

Justicia betonica
Justicia betonica

Justicia brandegeana Mutant
Justicia brandegeana 'Mutant'

Justicia brandegeana Variegata
Justicia brandegeana 'Variegata'

Justicia brandegeana Yellow Queen
Justicia brandegeana 'Yellow Queen'

Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea

Justicia carnea Alba
Justicia carnea 'Alba'

Justicia carnea Radiant
Justicia carnea 'Radiant'

Justicia extensa
Justicia extensa

Justicia Fruit Salad
Justicia 'Fruit Salad'

Justicia fulvicoma
Justicia fulvicoma

Justicia leonardii
Justicia leonardii

Justicia sericea Inca Queen
Justicia sericea 'Inca Queen'

Justicia species Golden Flame
Justicia species 'Golden Flame'

Justicia species Pink Parfait
Justicia species 'Pink Parfait'

Justicia spicigera
Justicia spicigera

Justicia spicigera Sidicaro
Justicia spicigera 'Sidicaro'

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