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Begonia jairii
Begonia jairii

Code: 90284

Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: None

Probably can be grown to be large but is easily maintained and kept to a small size. Considered by some to be a form of Begonia ulmifolia though its growth habits are much different. Medium green leaves are small and narrow with a rounded tip and hairy. In certain light conditions the hairs give the plant a pinkish/purple hue. Stems have an arching habit which give it a weeping appearance. Would probably make a great hanging basket. White flowers in spring but quite attractive even out of bloom. Although it has been in cultivation for a long period is not widely known or grown and this is probably the first time it has been available online. A must have for collectors of hairy leaves and species begonias.

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Keyed Cultural Guide: The following symbols are listed with many product descriptions. If so, they indicate special characteristics or growing requirements. Also, see "Cultural Information".
(B) Hanging
(D) Dwarf
under 12"
(F) Flourescent lights for
indoor light culture
(H) Humid
(M) Miniature
under 6"
(T) Terrarium
(W) Winter

Key to USDA Hardiness Zones